Chapter 141 Break the city!

Lin En was like a steel monster, crushing any obstacles in front of him, one cavalryman after another was knocked into the air, his head disappeared, and his chest was shattered!

He died before falling off the horse!

The charging knights are in an uproar!

Seeing the broken weapon, the twisted body of the companion, the legs were unconsciously clamped, and there was a faint urge to avoid it.

But these knights did not break up. They have been battle-tested, well-equipped, and they are elites with iron hearts.

At this time, he still raised his spear and charged forward!

War horses staggered past!

The air roared and exploded, and the sound of flesh and bones shattered resounded all around. Before the two knights had time to react, half of their bodies were smashed by the war hammer, and their flesh and blood splattered.

Lin En stood in front of Arya with a shield in one hand, and blasted away the enemies in front of him with a warhammer in one hand. The iron hooves of the war horse galloped, non-stop!
hide?dodge?Give in?That's not Lynn's choice!

The collision of steel, the roar of iron hooves, the roar of knights!

Only there is no howling!
"Ah! Monster, die to me!" The knight burst out his gun, and then the ear-piercing sound of the sonic boom was accompanied by the berserk hammer, destroying his world with invincible power.


Looking down, his shoulders, chest cavity, have disappeared, and even his bare spine can be seen!

A large amount of scorching blood was sprayed, and all the blood and minced meat of people and horses were dyed red!
Lynn's eyes suddenly went blank,
rushed out!

The charge of a group of heavily armored knights was completely defeated by him from the front!
There was only the last knight leader left before him,
And the closed city gate behind him!

Amory Lodge felt as if in a dream!Still a bone-chilling nightmare!

The cruel scene in front of him made him a little dazed,
In a trance, it seemed to go back many years ago, the night when he personally killed Prince Rhaegar's four-year-old daughter, Princess Rhaenys, when he broke King's Landing
He dragged the screaming girl from under her father Rhaegar Targaryen's bed and plunged the short knife into her body.

The princess's immature voice was crying, it was too noisy, he thought it was too noisy!One knife, shut up now, another knife!Another knife!

Stabbed her more than 50 times until she died!

Lynn glanced at the cavalry commander in front of him,
It was he, Yoren who killed the Night's Watch that night, and brought them all to Harrenhal.

What a pleasure to meet him before we go!

He stretched out his hand and picked up a long spear, which is a kind of spear used by heavy cavalry to charge. It is four or five meters long and conical.
Horseshoes don't stop, rumble straight to the enemy,

In the blink of an eye, the spear had arrived at Rocky's side,

It's useless to shout, dodge is useless, partner is useless, the air is shaking, the spear has pierced his chest!There was a crisp bone shattering sound, and the blood spurted out from the mouth,

Lynn laughed!

Just pick him up on the gun and hit him straight at the city gate!
Arya, who hugged Lynn tightly, felt that everything had disappeared. The roar of iron hooves hitting the ground, the crisp sound of steel colliding, and the shouts of everyone all disappeared.

In the end, there was only the sound of the violent heartbeat, rumbling like a giant drum, filling her world, until the surroundings suddenly fell silent,

"Boom", as if the muffled thunder resounded through the sky,

The thick crossbar was shattered by the powerful blow contained in the spear!
The heavy city gate smashed and the broken wood splashed everywhere!Break open from the inside out!

Lynn rushed out of the city gate!
With a backhand flick, the spear roared and flew out!

"铛", the sound of metal and stone mingling,
Amory Lodge, who had only half of his body left, was firmly nailed to the city gate!

Lynn looked back, laughed and galloped away!


No one is chasing!
Tyrion opened his mouth wide, and the mercenaries and Gaoshan people around him all stood still,

Was that really Lynn just now?

Usually the taciturn, even somewhat honest blacksmith, is that really that person?
I am afraid that only the most exaggerated knight novels dare to write such an unreasonable and incredible plot!
Tywin, who was standing beside him at some point, sighed,

Said: "He is your mercenary, if you can get him back, I swear that nothing has happened!"

The old and spicy Tywin was shocked by Lynn's destructive power, but he keenly felt that if this siege monster could become the spearhead of the heavy cavalry's charge, then he would crush all enemies!
Compared with that, the little loss just now is not worth mentioning!
Bronn next to Tyrion heard this, his face turned pale, his head shook like a rattle drum,
Indicate whoever likes to go, anyway, I will never go!


On Lin En's side, after leaving the city gate, he galloped wildly for a while and then stopped.

He threw away the shield that stood in front of Arya,

The cool wind blew away the strong smell of blood. Arya smelled the scent of green grass and the rustling of leaves being blown by the wind. When she opened her eyes, this was the edge of a forest.

Arya jumped off her horse and asked anxiously:

"Lynn, are you hurt? Are you hurt?"

There is a faint cry in the voice,

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt!" Lin En reached out and stroked her messy hair,
Arya didn't listen, and carefully checked his body, but Lynn was too tall, and her small height could only reach his waist, so she had to climb on the horse's back to check, and did not let go until she was sure that she was really not injured. Tone paralyzed sitting on the ground.

"I thought I was going to die! Lynn, you saved me!"

"Just say it with your mouth? It's too insincere!" Lin En laughed,
"At least find a few princesses to repay me!"

Arya knew he was joking, and thought of the exciting experience of "escape from danger" this time, she laughed and said,

"Okay, I'll find you a princess in the future!"

"time to go!"

The two rested for a while, and led the horse into the forest. Lynn wanted to find a source of water to take a bath. Both of them were covered in blood and flesh. If they didn't wash it, they would stink in two days!
In the evening, they camped by a small river,

Facing the tent and iron pot that Lynn took out from nowhere, Arya, who was not surprised, didn't ask much.
I asked before, but Lynn always changed the subject, or said he was a magician or something like that to trick her into being a child.

After a few times, the wise Arya stopped asking.

The two gathered firewood to boil water, and Lynn jumped into the creek to take a bath.

While he was bathing, little Alicia ran into the woods, and didn't come out until he was done,
Then staring at him with big eyes, "I want to take a bath!"

"Wash it,"

Lynn doesn't move!

She just keeps watching! "A lady is about to take a bath, as a man, shouldn't you avoid it?"

"Lady? Where did the lady come from? Who said that she was not a lady when they met?"

Arya blushed and kicked him in the shin,
"Hey!" Lynn sighed, got up and said, "Okay, okay!"

"You little brat with no breasts and no ass! I'll go pick up some more wood. After you wash, wipe your body with hot water. Don't get sick. There's a change of clothes in the tent,"

After speaking, he walked into the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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