Chapter 16 Crushing
Lynn fell to the group from a distance, and his senses were enough to see their movements three or four miles away even at night, and there was no possibility of being discovered.

I have been watching them return to the camp. There are more than 20 tents scattered in this camp. It looks messy, but if you want to sneak in, you will find that no matter where you enter, you will face surveillance from several directions at the same time.

The military literacy of these Kwantung Army is indeed very high. There are four sentries on the bright side, but there are seven pairs of dark sentries in the dark.

"Bah! Sure enough, it is insidious, and my heart is dark, and I am not a good person!"

After Lynn saw the group returning to the camp, there was a commotion, and then they actually started to pack up the camp and set off overnight.

Following them from a distance, I often saw a major and often took out a few map-like things to check and compare.

Obviously, they had a clear purpose, and there were even other guides, a man dressed as a Taoist priest, who tied their hands behind their backs and held them in the middle of the team.

They stopped and went until the next night, when they stopped and camped in a ravine.

As soon as the day dawned, he began to probe around, digging, and seemed to be looking for something in the soil.

Until they found something near the foot of a mountain, many people gathered and even used explosives to blow up a hole.

"It seems that this is their purpose!"

Lynn gently stroked the kitten's back, bumping all the way, its spirit was obviously not good,

"Be patient again, they are here to dig treasure, let them work hard first, dig it out for me first, and then I will send them on the road."

Lin En comforted the kitten, but he was also comforting himself. Ever since he decided to kill these Japanese soldiers, his passionate killing intent has always lingered in his heart, and even stimulated his whole body to numb like an electric shock!

I can't wait to rush up and tear them to pieces!
Just sit cross-legged and close your eyes!
Just be patient!
They can't escape!
kill them!
Just tonight!
When the night fell and the moonlight illuminated the mountains and forests pale, Lin En suddenly opened his eyes!
The murderous intent is no longer hidden, and it screams loudly!

A piece of birds was startled and fluttered high.

Jump down from the tree and run towards the camp!

What are the opponent's crowds, what strategies and tactics, what are they to defeat one by one!


Lynn just wants to do one thing now, rush up and kill them!
Intensive gunshots sounded, and a bullet shot straight at Lynn!

Under the moonlight, Lynn looked like a pitch-black cheetah. He avoided all the bullets with just a few jumps, and even the afterimage could be seen even if he was fast!
There was exclamations and reprimands in the camp, followed by more intensive gunshots, mixed with the explosion of grenades, all of which could not stop Lynn for half a step.

The moment Lynn's figure crashed into the camp, any enemy standing in front of him was thrown away like straw. In front of his enormous power, his body was easily shattered, and blood mist began to fill the air!
Firelight, explosions, and the sound of broken bones mixed together, and the originally cold valley suddenly turned into a fiery battlefield!
When the battlefield finally quieted down, Lynn was splattered with the blood of the enemy.

Blood red eyes looked around.


wrong number,

The lieutenant was not there either,
Looking at the passage they blasted open, he heard noisy breathing coming from inside.

With a grin, without a moment's hesitation, Lynn rushed to the passage,

There are enemies there!

More than a dozen grenades suddenly exploded in front of him, and a bullet burst out of the smoke from the grenades!
It was too close, Lynn tried his best to dodge, but his legs were still cold and the pain came.

"Shot!" The well-trained army, under the command of the commander, really broke out with more destructive power than expected.

They rushed out of the hole in a row, lined up in an array, advancing layer by layer, and the dense bullet rain did not stop all the time, and Lynn was pressed behind the tree!
The severe pain in the leg stimulated Lynn's brain to heat up, and the idea of ​​retreating never appeared in his mind!
Today, they all have to die!

Turning on the system, the 10/10 frame of the source energy has been shining,

Lin En concentrated his energy on [Physical], and the value of Origin Energy dropped and returned to zero in an instant.

At the same time, [Physical] jumped from 1.8 to 2.8.

The violent heat flow rushes in the body, the bones are violently rubbed and changed, the muscles, internal organs and even the brain, all seem to be soaked in the boiling lava!
Lin En felt his drastic change, and even heard the blood rushing and roaring in his body, the gushing voice,

The bullet on the thigh can also precisely control the muscles around the bullet hole with secret force, and squeeze it out of the body,

Darkness, it's done!
"Jingle", the bullet landed!The bullet hole immediately stopped the bleeding and closed.Reach out and touch, the wound has been closed!

The two hands together, "Boom", the air was blasted, and the grass in front of him was scraped down!

Lynn stopped dodging and jumped out from behind the tree.Furiously rush to the enemy's position!

With the sound of the body tearing the air, I saw a figure running wildly, the gravel and vegetation on the road were scattered and splashed by him.
The bullets hit Lynn like a torrential rain, but in his eyes, he could clearly see the trajectory of the bullets, and he could even see the ripples left by them breaking through the air!

like water off a duck's back!

When Lynn slammed into the dense formation with a calming rage and a terrifying pace,
The body was smashed to pieces!The formation was crushed to pieces!
The lieutenant at the back of the team stayed in the air with his waving saber, and a demon-like figure suddenly appeared beside him. Under the gaze of a pair of violent and cold eyes, a fist quickly filled his vision.

"Pfft", Major's head was beaten into blood mist with one blow!
Strength, acceleration, equals destructive force!How much damage was done under the terrifying power of Lynn?

Crush, crush, unstoppable!

Like a tank, Lynn rampaged through the crowd, and there were flying figures everywhere, guns shattered, and human bodies twisted!
No matter how well-trained the army is, it is impossible to maintain morale in such a situation, and these Japanese Kwantung Army finally collapsed!

Running away is useless in front of Lynn.All were caught up one by one, and there was only blood red in Lynn's eyes, as if there was only a violent desire to kill,
Every time he catches up with an enemy, he throws a fist without mercy and is unscrupulous. There is no gunshots in this battlefield, only desperate roars and the sound of bone powder!

Until, silently!
After a long time...the blood in Lynn's eyes began to fade!

He looked around and patted his head.

"Too impulsive!"


"It's time to ask questions!"

I checked my body with my head down,
Sighing: "The clothes are too small!"

(End of this chapter)

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