Chapter 17 Partridge Whistle

Lynn looked at the stumps and broken arms around him, and his heart sank.

This time is really too impulsive, charging with bullets?How could such a brain-dead behavior be done by such a rational person?

It must be Doomsday's genes that affected him!Lynn excused himself for his irrational behavior in his heart.

Looking at his current body, after his physique has soared, his resilience is terrifyingly strong, and the bullet wound has now recovered.

And the height has skyrocketed, nearly 1.8 meters tall, the pants are a lot shorter, and the leather jacket can only feel restrained when worn on the body.

Reach out and pull, tear it, and tear off the leather jacket easily like tearing a piece of paper. The naked upper body is full of muscles and muscles!
Only 11 years old, Lin En looked at his body and felt like crying, did he grow up too fast?

Find the body of the major and pull out several maps and notebooks from him.

A [-]/[-]th military map, a Chinese and Japanese military map of the same scale, and a map of a large number of noble tombs in the Liao and Jin Dynasties,
"The tomb raiding?" Lynn sneered in his heart and opened the notebook in his hand.

He knows a little Japanese, and he taught himself for two years for the purpose of studying in his previous life.

Not very strict, at least the effect will not go wrong.

The diary records their reasons and purposes for coming here, as well as their self-drawn maps along the way.

It turned out that when the world economic crisis broke out at the beginning of the year, Japan's economy suffered heavy losses, and its military expenditure was reduced.

Under this circumstance, I was overjoyed to get the tomb map of the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and immediately dispatched the Shimamoto Squadron to excavate in secret to charge military funds!
"Okay, now it's time to go and see what good things these bandits have found for me!" Lynn clapped his hands, turned and walked towards the passage that the Japanese army blasted open.

Watching Lynn walk into the passage, two people on a tree in the distance were shivering.

"Senior...Senior brother..., what should I do? Do you want to go down? I'm afraid!" A soft and tender girl, even a little baby fat, asked the senior brother next to her tremblingly.

Senior brother's face turned pale, and I was afraid too!This monster that appeared out of nowhere, you brother and I meet, it is absolutely no different from a bean sprout!
Yes, Lynn is a monster in their eyes,

The three brothers and sisters have been dependent on each other since childhood. This time, the younger brother was accidentally taken away by the Japanese and led the way. The two were anxious and followed carefully all the way, hoping to find a chance to rescue the younger brother.

After the tomb passage was found, the Japanese soldiers remanded their junior brother to explore the way. They knew that this was their last chance.
Just as I was about to start, I saw a battle scene that I would never dream of!
A well-trained army was pierced by a demon-like figure, guns were useless like toys, and broken corpses covered the battlefield.

Fires, explosions, and naked boys under the moonlight, such scenes must be deeply engraved in their minds, and they will never forget it for the rest of their lives!
And now, the monster that made people shiver from a distance was naked, and was about to find his junior brother!

"Go down, I have to save Junior Brother no matter what." Senior Brother gritted his teeth, jumped off the tree, and ran towards the entrance of the passage!

"Brother, wait for me." The younger sister also held back her trembling and followed.

Lin En walked into the passage, and the interior was already illuminated by the torches of the Japanese army. It sloped all the way down, and it was unknown how long it was. It was more than 400 meters by visual inspection.

There were originally some traps in the passage, and they were all destroyed.

Walking in as leisurely as a walk, there are murals on both sides, but Lynn has no interest.

I'm not here for archaeology, I'm here to take my money!
Before reaching the tomb, he heard footsteps behind him, and when he turned around, he saw two people dressed as Taoists chasing after him.

The man shouted while he was still far away: "Don't do it this brother, we are not with those Japanese people."

Standing in the distance and clasping his fists, he said: "Brother, please, we have no other intentions when we come in, but the younger brother was captured by the Japanese, and there was no chance to save him along the way. Today, the brother killed all the enemies, and he is the great benefactor of our brothers and sisters, please. worship me"

After speaking, he clasped his fists with both hands and bowed deeply!
The man is in his twenties, his body is tall and straight, his sword eyebrows and star eyes can be called handsome, but the wind and frost on his face makes him more determined and cold.

The girl was fifteen or sixteen years old. She was holding her brother's clothes with one hand, hiding behind her brother like a quail. She peeked at Lynn with one eye open, and when she saw Lynn looking at her, she shrank back in fright!

Am I that scary?Bad breath:
"Don't be so polite. I'm not here to save people. The junior brother you are looking for may be inside. As for whether it is alive or dead, I don't know."

The man said sincerely: "If the younger brother is still alive, it will be a life-saving grace. If it is unfortunately killed, it will also help us avenge our revenge. It is a great grace!"

Seeing the sincerity he said, Lynn didn't want to keep his cold face, and turned sideways to clear the passage.

"Go and have a look, maybe he is still alive, I can hear breathing, whether it is your junior brother, it depends on his life!"

Hearing this, the man looked excited, clenched his fists at Lynn, and ran inside.

The younger sister saw that her brother had left her alone to accompany the demon, her face was pale with fright, and she was clinging to the wall on the other side of the passage, trembling as she tried to get around Lin En.

Seeing that her tender white face was full of fear, Lynn was determined to restore her image, so she showed her a smile that she thought was full of kindness!
Who knows this smile, in the eyes of Junior Sister Na is simply a demon covered in black smoke, opening his mouth full of fangs at her, screaming, "Don't eat me!"

He squatted on the ground holding his head!

Lynn laughed angrily at this move, hehe smiled and said: "That's not good, I have to eat three people every day, and I have to be alive. I only ate two today, and there is one more, here is the You and your senior brother, tell me, who should I eat?"

When the junior sister heard the words, even though she was trembling with fear, she still said without hesitation.
"Eat me, my meat is tender, don't hurt my brother!"

Soft and firm tone!Without any hesitation!

Lin En was startled, the teasing in his eyes dissipated like ice and snow.Even the blood that was boiling and tumbling from the battle just now calmed down!
Pure and firm emotions that really shine like gems!


"The treasures in the tomb are all mine!" Lynn was equally determined!

When Lin En and the little junior sister came to the tomb together, the senior brother had already loosened the binding of the junior brother on the ground and helped him up.

When the younger sister saw the senior brother as if she had seen someone who could make decisions for her, with a wow, she went up and hugged the two senior brothers, her big eyes filled with crystal tears!

The two brothers were also very moved when they saw their sisters "showing their true feelings"!
Seeing Lin En come in, he hurriedly thanked him and said, "I don't want to say thanks for my great kindness. My junior and junior brother got out of the disaster this time. It's all thanks to the help of the benefactor. In the future, as long as it is useful to me, no matter what you say, you will never refuse!"

"I'm moving the mountain partridge whistle!"

(End of this chapter)

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