Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 171 "Take the letter and get out!"

Chapter 171 "Take the letter and get out!"

Astan, Earl of Harvest Hall, called the gates open, but there was no time to close them,
The city gate was knocked open by the cavalry who followed, and Lin En beheaded him on the top of the city!
The third day was Fairwood City. The earl here was Heywood Fell. He fell into a frozen pond on the way to King's Landing with Stannis and died of illness not long after. , Lin En easily broke through the city with a big victory,

Three cities were conquered within three days, Copper Gate City, Harvest Hall, Fairwood City, together with the original Hay Hall, these plain cities north of Storm's End were all recovered, the fief earl was executed, and the fief was recovered.

This stormy land is the most suitable for planting, and the land with the largest population is back under Lynn's control.

Lynn refused any begs for mercy and allegiance, slaughtered anyone who was hostile,

Recruit officials on the spot, cooperate with officials from Storm's End, and redistribute the land under the suppression of the Unsullied,
As a large number of common people get land, they will be the most supportive of Lynn,
To defend these cities, the only one that can threaten Storm's End from land is Griffin's Roost, which connects the rainforest peninsula.
Ten days later, Lynn wiped out all the opposing forces in this area, leaving some Unsullied to maintain order in the four cities. At the same time, he selected and trained soldiers, and led them back to Storm's End.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency the Duke!" Ronald led the officials of Storm's End to greet Lynn at the gate of the city.

"There's nothing to congratulate, this is just the beginning!" Lynn galloped over without looking back and said, "Ronald, come see me later!"

"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke!"

In the Bucks Hall, Lynn was seated on the throne. Ronald knelt in front of him, his face flushed, and he looked at Lynn excitedly.

"Really? My lord, are you willing to let me take back Griffin's Roost?"

Lynn nodded: "I can give you this chance, but you also know the result I want! Can it be done?"

"Don't worry, my lord!" Ronald straightened his head,
"Although Robert returned Griffin's Nest Castle to the Clinton family, he deprived them of their lord title and most of their territories, and entrusted them to other people. I guarantee that Griffin's Roost Castle and its nearby fiefdoms will be tidied up. Leave it clean to the adults!"

"Then I'll wait here for your triumphant return! Take away all the defenders in the city, and when you come back, you will be the steward of Storm's End!"

Ronald led the army away,

At the same time, the news that Lin En sent troops to sweep several cities spread rapidly among various forces in the Stormlands.

All the mocking voices shut up in an instant!
"It's impossible!" was the first reaction everyone heard,
Although some of these cities underestimated the enemy and some were chaotic, the feat of Lynn's [-] cavalrymen finally defeating [-] cavalrymen still made them shudder!

The biggest response was the cities on the rainforest peninsula,

The Rainforest Peninsula is located in the south of Storm's End. It is a vast forest on Cape Wrath. Although it is humid and rainy, the soil is fertile and occupies a large area.
Nominally entrusted by Stannis to Davos Seaworth, the famous Onion Knight, but everyone knows that he has no power to control this area, and even people are still thousands of miles away on Dragonstone Island Woolen cloth.

There are four cities in this forest, namely Crow's Nest Castle, Rain House City, Mist Forest City and the most powerful Stonehelm City!

Among these cities, the heir to the Earl of Crow's Nest was killed by Lynn in the Battle of King's Landing.

Rain House City is still loyal to Stannis,
Stonehelm sits beside a great river that flows into the Sea of ​​Dorne. This river may have given them a lot of wealth and power. They may even be one of the most influential nobles in the Stormlands below House Baratheon. Many people in Helm were killed or captured during the Battle of King's Landing.

They all had reasons for never surrendering. After learning the details, they began to prepare for battle. In a very short period of time, they assembled nearly ten thousand troops. Under the leadership of the Earl of Stonehelm City, Gulian Shiwen, Stay in the first city in the rainforest, Crow's Nest Castle!

If this place is defended, the army from Storm's End will not be able to enter the rainforest, so the rainforest will be invincible first.

Earl Gulion has rich combat experience and has two sons. The eldest son followed Stannis on the expedition and swore allegiance to the Iron Throne after being captured in King's Landing.
Balon, the second son, was one of the seven Kingsguard, serving King Joffrey and then King Tommen.

[-] troops are guarding Crow's Nest Castle, and news from the front keeps coming.
The aristocratic forces near Griffin's Nest Castle have been wiped out by the illegitimate son of the Clinton family, and Duke Lynn's troops from various places have begun to gather for Griffin's Nest Castle.
A month later, this nearly deserted Griffin's Nest Castle was revived again, with [-] Unsullied, plus [-] soldiers recruited from various places, there were [-] soldiers stationed there.

Nearly [-] troops from both sides confronted each other on this narrow coastline.

At the same time, a reprimand from King's Landing was placed on Lynn's desk!
The person who sent it was Lord Gurion's second son, one of the seven Kingsguard, Balon Swann.

"Duke Lynn, please stop your illegal behavior immediately, this is the order of the prime minister and the king!"

Baron was standing in front of the table, looking at Lynn contemptuously,

Lin En ignored him, stretched out his hand to open the wax seal, and glanced at the contents of the letter.

The Imperial Council had no position to prevent Lin En from recovering the fief, but they still found a direction to attack and reprimanded Lin En for the massacre of the nobles!

How could nobles slaughter at will without trial?especially when they have already surrendered,
Lin En sneered after reading it, threw the letter under his feet, and stepped on it.

Baron Swan raised his brows, and just about to explode, Lynn's cold eyes swept across,

"Who gave you permission to stand?"

In an instant, Baron's chest seemed to be hit hard by a giant hammer, a mouthful of blood poured out, his whole body was numb as if he had been electrified, his knees softened, and he fell to his knees!
"What is this? Who is this?" Baron almost passed out, and the intense fear in his mind almost made him lose consciousness!

Lynn stopped looking at him, and wrote a few lines on the parchment,
"The punishment for betrayal and oath is death, and poachers and thieves will lose one hand. This is a universal punishment! I punish the behavior of betrayal, and the king has no right to interfere!"

After Lynn finished writing, he threw it to Baron on the spot,

"Take the letter and get out!"

Gritting his teeth, the iron guard reluctantly stood up, picked up the letter paper with a lowered face, bent down and exited.He no longer had the courage to face Lynn.

After Baron went out, he didn't dare to stop for a moment and galloped out of the city on his horse.

Not long after he left the city, Lin En personally led [-] heavy cavalry, together with [-] light cavalry recruited from various places, rushed to Eagle's Nest Castle!

(End of this chapter)

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