Chapter 172 Siege Tomorrow
Lin En was dressed in black iron armor and covered with a bright red cloak. He galloped wildly, and the cavalry behind him roared like thunder. They rushed past from Storm's End to Griffin's Roost in one day.

Ronald greeted him at the gate of the castle. A large group of cavalry arrived. A white horse in front of him rushed to an emergency stop. The horse Lily stood up. Lin En got off the horse and reached out to remove the warhammer hanging from the horse. .

Ronald hurried forward and reported directly:
"My lord, the Crow's Nest Castle on the opposite side has gathered the flags of most of the nobles in the Rainforest Peninsula. In terms of scale, the number of people is not less than 1. The number of troops is still increasing these days!"

Lynn raised his hand to stop his words, "The meeting room is talking."

After finishing speaking, he stepped into Griffin's Nest Castle first, and the new head of the light cavalry, Gosgar, followed closely behind him.

The hall of Griffin's Nest Castle has been converted into a battle meeting room, and a simple sand table was made on the wide long table in the middle.

Lynn frowned and looked at the topographic map,
To go to the rainforest peninsula, Griffin's Nest Castle needs to pass through a long and narrow coastline. At the end of the coastline is a half-high mountain peak, and Crow's Nest Castle is guarded here.

If you want to enter the rain forest, you have to pass under his mountain. If you don't take this place and enter the peninsula rashly, then Crow's Nest Castle can cut off its retreat at any time, and no matter how many people enter, they will be locked inside.

If you want to fight, you can only attack from the foot of the mountain. To put it bluntly, it is to use human life to fill it.

"How many enemies are there in Crow's Nest Castle?" Lynn asked.
"Ten days ago there were no less than 1 people, and now there are at least 1 people!" Ronald said awkwardly standing in front of the sand table:

"But the exact number is unknown. Our scouts can hardly return after entering the rainforest, so..."

Lin En didn't seem to hear it, and continued with a blank face: "Siege the city tomorrow! I will lead the team myself!"

Ronald was taken aback! "This won't work! My lord, there must be other ways!"

"What way? Come and listen!"

"The best way is to send troops to besiege. Crow's Nest Castle is not big, but there are too many troops stationed, so there must not be many reserves in the city. As long as they are trapped, they will definitely go out of the city to seek them in a few days. Decisive battle, when the time comes, we will fight and retreat, retreat to the gentle beach, and then charge with cavalry, we will definitely reap miraculous results!" Ronald anxiously said the plan he had been thinking about for many days,
Lynn nodded. If this strategy is normal, maybe you can try it. The only variable is that Earl Gulian must have contact with his second son Baron, so he has more information about King's Landing than himself. What if they can't hide?Or it took many days to come out?Does he have that much time to wait?
What he lacks most now is time.

After Baron returned with the letter, there was no doubt that King's Landing would react the soonest. No matter what Tywin's reaction was, it would affect the current situation in the Stormlands within a month at the latest.

"One month! I want to pacify the rainforest peninsula within a month, so I don't have so much time to waste here!"

Ronald closed his mouth, his face tightened,

a month?This rainforest peninsula has a radius of thousands of miles. There are four big cities, and the forest is deep and densely populated. The large troops move slowly, and they may not be able to finish it in a month!How to calm down?

But now that Lynn has made his decision, he just shut up and obey!

Lynn saw the question on his face, and also saw his attitude of shutting up and executing, nodded secretly,
As a subordinate, you must have such awareness, propose solutions when the lord has doubts, and shut up and implement when the lord makes a decision!
He turned his face to look at the head of the light cavalry, Gosgar, who brought him this time.

This man he picked out of a thousand hussars he had conscripted!People are not very smart, but they are obedient.


"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke!" Gosgar stepped forward,
"Tomorrow you charge with the light cavalry, don't participate in the siege after breaking through the barricades, go directly into the rainforest, and then..."

"Set fire to the road!"


Ronald was shocked!set fire?Set fire in a densely forested place like the rainforest?
And just after winter, the sky is dry and everything is dry. How to control the fire when the fire goes down?
I'm afraid it's not just the road that's been burned!
Goss didn't think too much, and asked after receiving the order: "My lord! Where is the road to burn?"

"Burn the roads to the other three cities! Burn them together!"

Ronald's face twitched, and he bowed his head in silence!

This is no longer a way out, but a punishment!Punishment on the cities of the rainforest!
After Lynn gave Goss instructions, he turned to look at Barry Norton, the mercenary he had hired to defend the city,
After this period of tempering, he also became a lot more silent. This time he attacked the rainforest, and he was the leader of the newly recruited five thousand infantry.

"Barry, you lead the team to attack first tomorrow! If you don't collapse for two hours, it will be your credit!"

Barry was stunned for a moment, barely suppressed the joy on his face, and said: "Thank you for your cultivation, sir!"

Secretly made up my mind!Knowing that this is his last chance, if he seizes it, he will be successful, but if he fails to seize it, he will die in the city tomorrow!
"Get ready to go, let's go at dawn!"

"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke!" Everyone led the order and left.


In the hall of Crow's Nest Castle, the Earl of Stonehelm City, Earl Gurrian Swenn, was in the first place, while the Earl of Crow's Nest Castle, who was the landlord, could only sit in the second place.In the hall gathered the four earl families from the four rainforest cities, and many vassals in their respective fiefdoms,
Just in the hall, more than 30 "family patriarchs" were seated, talking loudly, whispering, and noisy, like a busy city.

"A letter from my Baron!" Gulian opened his mouth, and the hall gradually became quiet.

Baron is the second son of Earl Gulian, one of the seven Kings Guards currently in office, and Gulian can be the first. Apart from the strongest strength of Stonehelm City, his second son is also one of the reasons.

"What did Lord Balon say!" the Earl of Crow's Nest asked anxiously. His heir was killed by Lynn in the Battle of King's Landing. If anyone who wants to kill Lynn the most, it must be him!

Gulion's voice was steady and hoarse, "Baron said in his letter that he was rushing back to King's Landing with Lynn's arrogant response. I believe the Prime Minister will punish Lynn soon. He won't be proud for a few days!"

"Okay! With the support of the prime minister and the king, there is nothing to be afraid of a Lynn with only a few thousand slave soldiers!" The Earl of Rainforest City said excitedly,
"Yes! As long as we stay here and prevent him from advancing an inch, he will retreat in a short time. Maybe he will be degraded by the imperial council and reduced to an earl!"

"We have a good location, our fighters are far superior to each other, and we have the support of King's Landing! I really can't think of a reason why we will lose!"

"I don't care about this!" The Earl of Crow's Nest Castle looked ugly, "I only care about when we can attack and avenge my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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