Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 174 Recovering the Rainforest Peninsula

Chapter 174 Recovering the Rainforest Peninsula
Occasionally, a cool breeze blows in along the city gate,

Like a deadly poison, people in the city desperately pursued it, jumped into the city gate like a meat grinder,
Miserable howls continued to come from outside the city. Compared to slowly suffocating to death in the city, countless people still chose to rush out to give it a go!
Earl Gulian's heart was pounding, watching countless soldiers go out of the city to die, his ferocious face flushed red!He roared sharply:
"Stop! Stop everyone who wants to live!"

But individual shouts are as weak as mosquitoes in the face of this chaotic situation!
As if a fire was burning in his chest, he put on his armor and mounted his horse angrily, standing at the forefront of the cavalry!

"Blow the horn!"

The deep and loud sound of the horn overwhelmed the noise at the city gate, and instantly attracted the attention of these soldiers. One of them looked back at the cavalry regiment ready to go, and at Earl Gulian standing at the front!

"I want to get out of the way for my life! The cavalry charge! The infantry is behind, leave the city immediately!"

"Today I charge ahead, I'm just going to die!!!"

Earl Gulian's words moved the soldiers, resisting their instinct to rush out, and squeezed a way for the cavalry to charge!
This was a helpless choice for Gulian. If he dared to announce the closure of the city gate, the soldiers in the city would dare to kill him before rushing out.

Do you choose to die in the city, or go out of the city?It's not a choice at all!

Even if he knew that the outside of the city gate was like a monster in the mist, waiting for the prey to enter with his bloody mouth open, he still had to give up his life!
Gulian's roar also spread outside the city, Lin En's eyes were fixed, he got off his horse, took off his warhammer, and walked towards the city gate.

The guards dismounted to follow, but he waved his hand to stop them,

"Sending them to death with my own hands is the greatest gift I can give them!"

Lin En stepped on the blood-soaked mud and walked to the center of the city gate alone. His tall and majestic body stood in front of the gate, like a huge boulder blocking half of the city gate!
At this time, the second horn sounded in the city!

The sound of rumbling horseshoes, after being amplified by the city gate, hit the face like thunder,

Lin En narrowed his eyes slightly, and tightened his hammer, come on!

boom! ——

Two war horses rushed out, thick smoke swirled behind them, and the eyes suddenly cleared, and the road in front of the door was already covered with corpses of rainforest warriors, layer upon layer, densely spread out a hundred meters away!In front of these corpses stood a man!

"Rush over!"

Count Gulian on the horse didn't stop for half a step, instead he accelerated forward and slammed into the person in the middle of the road!

Seeing that the person blocking the way was about to be knocked into the air, two "bang bang" explosions were heard, and the heads of the two horses exploded almost at the same time.
Gulian rolled twice, gritted his teeth and got up, just as he raised his head, a war hammer roared to fill his field of vision!

Once the cavalry started to charge, they would not stop because someone fell to the ground. Just as the two in front fell to the ground, the cavalry behind them had already followed!

Like the waves rushing on the big river, one wave after another crashed into the person in front of the door!

I thought that under the charge of the iron cavalry, anyone would be smashed to pieces like a thin board, and then crushed into a pulp by countless iron hooves!
Unexpectedly, the person in front of the door is not a person, but an iron wall!A boulder!
All the cavalry rushing towards him were broken like real waves, but that man was still as steady as a rock, not retreating half a step!

There are more and more corpses under his feet, and he stands higher and higher,

The cavalry could no longer charge at him. They jumped off their horses, climbed up the hill with hands and feet, and stabbed their spears at the "giant rock" on the top of the hill!
and then shattered,

Barry and thousands of soldiers almost knelt on the ground. They looked at the top of the mountain with reverence, as if they were looking at a god!They are absolutely convinced that their lord, Duke Lynn, is the most powerful warrior in the world, and no one can defeat him on the battlefield!
The thick smoke in the city has gradually dissipated at some point!
Lin En stood on the hill, his movements were as quick and powerful as ever, and his eyes still had no waves.
The cavalry in the rainforest besieged the city, looking at the top of the mountain with terrified eyes, the weapons trembling in their hands, no one tried to climb again,
Lin En glanced around and saw that no one came up, and lightly lowered the warhammer in his hand, "Soldiers who put down their weapons will not die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the weapon suddenly became hot, clattering——

The sound of steel falling to the ground sounded almost simultaneously,
"Thank you, Lord Duke, for your life!"


The Unsullied began to take over Crow's Nest,

Groups of rainforest soldiers put down their weapons and were put under centralized control. The nobles among them were identified, including two dukes, several marquises, and barons.

Lynn ignored their begging for mercy, and announced their death sentence on the spot, all executed,
"Master Duke! After this battle, the Rainforest Peninsula will no longer be able to gather large-scale rebellion in a short period of time!"

Ronald hardly dared to look directly at Lynn, pinched his slightly trembling leg, took a deep breath, walked forward and said,

"How to deal with these surrendered soldiers?"

"Leave immediately, I will take a thousand Unsullied to Stonehelm City, and I will escort all the soldiers who come there! I want them to be the first to attack the city!"

"Barry!" Lynn yelled.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke!" Barry trotted over, plopped and knelt beside Lynn,
Lynn frowned and kicked him, "Stand up, what a stinking mistake!"

Barry stood up cautiously, keeping his hands on the spot, not daring to be disrespectful at all!

"You take a group of soldiers to recover Yuwu City!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Barry was overjoyed. Everyone knew that after the first battle, Yulin was like a naked girl, unable to resist anymore.

"In addition, inform Goss to take a thousand Unsullied and regain the Wulin City!"

Barry led the way,

"Ronald, transfer officials from Storm's End to come here as soon as possible, the rainforest reform must be carried out simultaneously!"

This time Ronald was in trouble!

"My lord! There are not so many officials!"

Storm's End has just started on the road. Although the training of officials is going on, it can't keep up with the speed of Lynn's recovery of the city. Go, tune in now!From where?
Lynn frowned, "Then take those who are older and have studied well from the school, and they can learn by doing."

After thinking for a while, he continued, "I'm drawing a few experienced officers from Storm's End, but the work must start immediately!"

Ronald nodded helplessly,
After a brief repair, the army of Storm's End began to divide into three groups, sweeping the rainforest peninsula. Wherever the army passed, large tracts of forests were burned, and thick smoke was everywhere. Most of the forest will be burned down!

Ronald sometimes thought that if it was just to punish the nobles of the rain forest, it seemed unnecessary to do so, because anyway, after the city was broken, all the noble patriarchs would be executed and their fiefs would be taken back. Or Lynn's own!
(End of this chapter)

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