Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 175 The Prince's Pass and the Bone Road

Chapter 175 The Prince's Pass and the Bone Road

Five days after the Battle of Crow's Nest, Lynn broke through Stonehelm, the most powerful city in the rainforest,

Thirteen days later, news came from Goss that Wulin City was recovered,
Seventeen days later, news came from Barry that Rain House City had been recovered.

So far, all the cities in the rainforest peninsula have been recovered!

Together with the gradually stabilized Wende River Plain, the two largest territories in the entire Stormlands are integrated into one, just like the two wings of Storm's End!

Lynn, the Duke of Storm's End, truly lives up to his name!

He was not in a hurry to return to Storm's End, and was stationed in Griffin's Roost nearby, firstly, to stabilize the situation in the rainforest and ensure the smooth implementation of his policies, and secondly, King's Landing's reaction came faster than he imagined!
The Imperial Council did not raise any objections to Lin En's actions in the Stormlands, but they made a resolution to release the Stormland nobles who were imprisoned in the Battle of King's Landing!

The families of these nobles have existed in the Stormlands for hundreds of thousands of years, and they are deeply rooted.

And now, they all have a great feud with Lin En to destroy their families!
These people come back,
Those who have no brains will go back to the fief directly and try to climb high, hoping that there will be a crowd of responders, but Lin En is sure that they will be reported by the local civilians!

The smarter ones might try to kill Lynn, sword, poison!Whenever possible they will try!
Of course Lynn wanted to catch them and eat the poison in front of them and tell him how it tasted!
The smartest, they'll lurk and use those who are still loyal to their family to quietly make waves everywhere.

This is the most annoying!
And what is certain is that they will also receive financial or human support from King's Landing!
Lynn looked at the letter with a dark gaze. He was not afraid of these conspiracies. As long as the food in the land was in the hands of the civilians after this autumn, all the civilians in the Stormlands would become more and more steadfast in their support for him.

As long as he has the support of these people, he can have a steady stream of soldiers and talents!

He focused his attention on the map of the stormlands,
From the map, the core area of ​​the Stormlands has been completely recovered, and there are only four cities left, two of which are islands. .

There has been no movement on the two islands so far. Isman Island can be ignored in terms of geographical location and size, but it has a strong political meaning. After all, it can be said that Lynn is his uncle's home!Even if they don't admit their own words, it's not good to spread it, but it's only second!

Compared with Isman Island, Tas Island is much more important!

It's just outside of Shipwreck Bay, an important location and a huge size!

Lynn called Ronald and asked him about Tas Island,

"My lord, this island of Tas has a tradition of rebellion since ancient times, and it is almost extinct!" Ronald introduced.

The island of Tas used to be an independent kingdom. After surrendering to the Stormlands, it rebelled three times in just a few decades!The Earl of Tars had three daughters and a son,
Two of the daughters died in swaddling, and the only son died of drowning at the age of eight!

Only one daughter has grown up and truly "grown up".

She is the famous ugly, huge "Brennie the Beauty!"

Once defeated Loras, the knight of flowers, and became Renly's rainbow guard, Renly disappeared after being assassinated!

"Earl Tars may be busy breeding offspring!"

"After all, this is the top priority for him!"

Lynn curled his lips and put it aside. He doesn't even have a few ships, and the navy is even invisible. As long as you are safe and sound, hello, me, hello, everyone, wait for me to develop. You have a pot!
"Tell me about the other two cities that have not yet been recovered!"

Ronald had already prepared, "My lord is talking about Black Harbor City and Night Song City!"

"If you want to talk about these two cities, you have to talk about Dorne. They are the only territory in the Seven Kingdoms that has maintained the titles of prince and princess after allegiance to the Iron Throne!"

Lynn nodded and said, "I'm also wondering why the other six of the Seven Kingdoms can only be called Dukes after surrendering to the Iron Throne, but Dorne can become a Prince!"

"It's because they've never been truly defeated!"

The invasion of Westeros began when the dragon king Aegon landed on Dragonstone Island in King's Landing.In the war of conquest he launched, all the kings of Westeros bowed their heads one by one.Only Dorn managed to stop the Dragon King.

The Dornishman's refusal to confront Aegon head-on prevented his dragons from using their best advantage.Moreover, the Dornish people gave full play to the guerrilla spirit, ran when the dragon came, and harassed when the dragon left, and even killed a giant dragon like luck!
The invincible King Aegon had no choice but to give up his conquest of Dorne, and Dorne remained independent.

Until the second "Dorne War".

At this time, there were no dragons left in the Targaryen family, but Daeron I found another way, using a powerful naval fleet as the main force, and controlled the lifeblood of Dorne, the "Green Blood River"!Dorne was successfully conquered.

But Dorne rebelled almost immediately afterwards.In the resulting conflict, the Iron Throne lost [-] warriors, and Targaryen had no choice but to withdraw from Dorne.

"It wasn't until later that Targaryen took the method of peace, which forced the exhausted Dorne to merge into the Seven Kingdoms!"

"Whether it's the first Dorne war or the second Dorne war, there are only two ways to attack Dorne from land,"

"One is the Prince's Pass, and the other is the Bone Road. These two roads are located on the Crimson Mountains, the largest mountain range in Westeros, and the important towns guarding these two roads are Nightsong City and Black Harbor City!"

Lynn frowned as he looked at the two cities on the map. They were too remote for the stormy land, just like a stick of stone protruding from the stormy land. And most importantly,

Lin En pointed to Nightsong City on the map, "If Dorne breaks through Nightsong City from the Prince's Pass, will he directly enter the River Bend area of ​​Highgarden?"

Ronald nodded, "That's right! That's it!"

Lynn's face twitched! "So I donate money and people, but guard the gate for Gao Ting?"


"So, it seems to be right!"

Historically, when the Dornish people were strong, they had sent troops out of the Prince's Pass and captured Highgarden!And because Dorndo is a relatively barren desert, once there is a bad year or something, they will secretly increase the mountains and go to the Reach to fight the autumn wind. The two countries can be said to be feuds!
But since when did the defense of Nightsong City become a matter of Stormland?
Cunning Highgarden!

Lynn can't care about Nightsong City for the time being, but Black Harbor City can't ignore it!
The Bone Road connects Storm's End and Dorne, and Black Harbor City is the only important town on the Bone Road side of the Stormlands!

Must be held in hand!

(End of this chapter)

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