Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 176 Changes in the Storm Land

Chapter 176 Changes in the Storm Land
If you want to regain Black Harbor City, you can only start from Storm's End and march along the famous bone road from Midsummer Hall to Black Harbor City.

Changes happen slowly, we must start now!
Lynn returned directly to Storm's End for a little repair and immediately set off for Summer Hall.

The Summer Hall is to commemorate the peaceful return of Dorne. King Daeron II built a castle on the stormy side of the frontier.

The nature of the palace itself is far greater than that of the castle, so it is said that the building is extremely gorgeous and comfortable, but unfortunately it was destroyed by Aegon V,
The famous king held a ceremony here at Summerhall because he believed that drinking wildfire would revive the dragon, but a fire broke out and Summerhall was destroyed!At the same time, seven dragon eggs were burned.

That same night, Rhaegar Targaryen was born!
Lynn now has nearly [-] cavalry, including [-] heavy cavalry, who set off from Storm's End and headed straight for Summer Hall along the King's Road.

When their cavalry arrived at Midsummer Hall, the steward of Black Harbor City held a letter of surrender and knelt at the door to welcome them!
Lin En took the letter of surrender with some doubts, and after questioning the manager carefully, he found that there was no heir in Black Harbor City!
Earl Beric Dondarrion, who left his fiancée to go out to fight before he was married, has never been heard from since then, and his life and death are unknown!
It can be said that the Dondarien family is dead in name only. Lin En rushed forward with the power to destroy nearly ten cities in a row, scaring the head of Black Harbor City to surrender directly. After all, even the city lord is gone, resistance is meaningless!

Lin En frowned and thought for a long time, always feeling that he had heard this name somewhere before.
A thought flashed across my mind,
"Damn it, Erya!"

I remembered!Wasn't it the leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners he met with Arya when he first woke up?

"I don't know how Er Ya is?"

What I wanted to look for last time, happened to be found by Little Rose, and then there was a continuous war, so it was delayed.
Arya, that little girl, her parents are dead, even her elder brother is dead. I heard that Winterfell was still burned down, and now she has no relatives, so she is not at ease to let her outside!

Wait for a while, and pick her up after the storm is temporarily stabilized. There are too many people here who want to die. Although they can't do anything to themselves, there is no guarantee that they will not pay attention to their relatives.

It seems that an intelligence organization will be added to the future plan!
Under the guidance of the chief of Black Harbor City, Lin En and thousands of cavalry rumbled into Black Harbor City, replacing the purple lightning flag on the city gate with the iron fist flag of Storm's End.Officially bring Black Harbor City under its jurisdiction.

For the sake of the general manager Xiancheng's meritorious service, I agreed to temporarily take over the management, mainly because I really have no officials to use!
It depends on the spread of the Black Harbor City, which saves Lin En a lot of time and gives him more time to sort out the newly recovered cities in the Stormlands.

The first is to send almost all the Unsullied in their hands to various cities, one is to stabilize the situation, the other is to recruit and train,

Lynn provided funds to use the Unsullied to train the infantry, and believed that even if they did not reach the level of the Unsullied after a period of training, they could still be considered well-trained.

At the same time, start training cavalry, whether it is horses, armor, weapons or damage during training, this unit is inherently expensive, especially heavy cavalry!It is even a gold-swallowing behemoth. Fortunately, I borrowed a thousand sets of armor from Gaoting at the beginning, which saved a lot of expenses, and I can barely support it.

The most important thing again is to expand the school. In order to make up for the shortage of officials as soon as possible, Lin En spared no effort to allocate part of the already tight funds for the construction of the school.

After doing this, the time will soon enter the summer,
The barley, oats, and other grains on the open land around Storm's End are growing well, especially the newly reclaimed land, which is fertile and full of crops. It will be harvested in two months.
According to the bachelor, this year should be a bumper harvest year. It seems that although the long summer is over, the impact of the long winter has not yet officially begun.

And it's not just around Storm's End. With the implementation of the land policy in the entire territory of the Stormlands, a large amount of land has been allocated to the common people. There is a huge difference in enthusiasm and seriousness between planting their own land and planting their employer's land. Under intensive cultivation, it should not be a big problem for the output to increase by [-]% compared with previous years.

Now there is a new problem for Lynn, the population is too small!
There is even a lot of land vacant in the rainforest. The open land created by the fire is very suitable for farming, but there are very few people who actually grow food, because there are not enough people to farm!

Originally, the population of the Stormlands was the smallest among the Seven Kingdoms except Dorne, and it was much smaller than that of the cold northern region.
During the Northern War, more than [-] troops could be mobilized, but only [-] in the Stormlands.
The reason for the lack of people in Dorn is that most of the area is desert, and the only lifeblood of the big cities, the Green Blood River, can't support the large population.

But there are few people in the storm, and in Lynn's opinion, they just didn't find the right direction.

Although the stormy land is said to be windy, it has both plains and forests. As long as it can be developed, it will not be a problem to triple the population. For this reason, Lynn began to spread news around the Seven Kingdoms.

"As long as you come to the stormy land, you have to plant the land and have food to eat!"

"The Duke of Lynn will lease the land to you at a very low rent. If the land is cultivated by himself, he can even pass it on to his descendants!"

This is not a rumor, but a policy that is actually implemented!
Although the policy is attractive, the wars in various places have just calmed down, and sporadic battles are still going on. It is not easy for people to migrate long distances, so the effect will not be seen in a short time.

Because of the lack of population, Lynn even had to postpone his plan to build roads. The remedy was to buy slaves.
But the ships from Slaver's Bay told him that the entire Slave's Bay was at war.A Targaryen riding a dragon is waging war to free slaves.

In addition to these, there is another good news that there are now 600 students in the school,

Divided into four classes according to the progress of study. Some time ago, when the rainforest was just recovered, even some of the current students were transferred away. This situation will never happen again.

The last thing these students learn is how to become an official and implement Lynn's will!

In short, everything in the Stormland is turning according to Lynn's will, and it is getting better and better!

"It's time to pick up Arya! Let me see where this little girl has gone!"

Lynn carefully perceived the location of the necklace he gave to Arya, and after a while, he frowned,
"found it!"

"Why so far? To the other side of the Narrow Sea? It should be Braavos?"

(End of this chapter)

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