Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 205 The Arrogance of Xuecheng

Chapter 205 The Arrogance of Xuecheng

After a passage,

The bookshelves on both sides of the aisle are more than ten feet high, and there are densely packed thick leather books on them. The bookshelves on each floor are fixed and locked with iron chains.

After going out from this narrow section of bookshelves, the eyes suddenly brightened, and the space opened up!

As if jumping into the middle of the sea of ​​books, the whole library is a seven-story tower-like building.

Layers upon layers, densely packed bookshelves are neatly arranged on each floor, with an empty patio in the middle. The sunlight shines through the glass skylight above and passes through a sophisticated refraction device below, gathering the sunlight into beams of light. Projected on each floor, at a glance, it is extremely mysterious and brilliant!

"The core of the school city is the library, which contains scrolls from all over the world, which record everything in detail, from trivial things to the principles of all things. If the world ends, we can use the knowledge in the books to rebuild everything!"

There was undisguised pride in the headmaster's words.

Indeed, in this era when there is no printing, no normal way to study, sometimes only one person in a city can read, and a book can become a family heirloom, the library has such a rich collection of books, it is simply an exaggeration!
"We are the memory of this world. Without us, human beings are almost the same as dogs. They only remember what they ate last meal and look forward to the next meal!"

Lynn was shocked when he heard this.
"What arrogance this is!!!"

Even he, who has traveled through several worlds and shuttled back from the sea of ​​stars, dare not say such a thing!

This is even beyond the definition of arrogance!

Looking at the manager's expression of course, Lin En cursed inwardly, no wonder he opened a school, teaching only the most basic knowledge would be restrained by them.

If you are so arrogant and arrogant, you will definitely suffer retribution, and you deserve to meet me!

After the manager left, Lynn wandered around the library and observed that the collection of books in the library was divided into different categories according to the type and difficulty.

These include crow science, astronomy, history, financial accounting, war, forging, medicine, etc. Among them, history is the most. After all, these books were written by scholars from all over the past ten thousand years. They served the lord, and the most The simplest and most convenient is of course history.

In addition to history, there are wars, medicine, etc., of course, they are all basic knowledge. If you want to read more precious content, you have to go to the restricted area inside.

Apprentice bachelors need to choose multiple subjects to study. After passing the exam of a subject, they will learn the next subject after getting the metal ring of this subject. When they get enough metal rings to make a collar, they will He has officially become a bachelor and is eligible to be sent to various lords to serve them.

Of course, if you don't want to go, you can also choose to continue your studies in the academy. After becoming a master of a certain subject, they will also be awarded the ring, scepter and mask corresponding to this field, as well as the title of doctor.

Grand Maesters are elected from among the Doctors, and they usually serve the King, like Pycelle!
After shopping for a long time, the light in the library dimmed when it was getting late. There are no fire sources for lighting such as candles here, so the crowd began to disperse.

Lynn who walked out of the gate happened to meet Fatty Sam who also came out.
When Sam saw him, the fat on his face trembled, and he lowered his head and wanted to slip away. He was really afraid of this person. He could throw a piece of paper and break a person's bones. No matter how he thought about it, it was so weird!

As soon as the body moved, the arm was suddenly grabbed,
"Sam, what a coincidence, let's go together!" Lynn looked at him with a smile,
Sam showed a smile that was almost crying,
"Okay, okay!"

"That's great. I just came here, and there are still many things I don't understand. Why don't I treat you to dinner and introduce me to Xuecheng."

Hearing Lynn's invitation, although Sam seemed to refuse, he opened his mouth twice but didn't dare to speak.

Lin En only thought he agreed, and happily took him to the best tavern in Old Town, and generously treated him to a meal.
After eating, Lynn asked the kitchen to make two extra meals for Sam to take home.

"How do you know there are people in my family?" Sam asked in surprise,

Lynn rubbed his nose, "I'm naturally sensitive to smell, I can smell women and children on you!"

Sam was very moved by Lynn's care, nodded and said: "Yes, I came here with my wife and children, and I rented a private house outside for a temporary stay."

"So Sam, do you know how to cure greyscale?"

"Dr. Pyros's book on rare disease research records several cases of successful treatment." Sam said without thinking,
Then I was startled, secretly thought it was terrible!

How could he ask me, I'm just here too!

By the way, what Lynn told the gatekeeper was to find a cure for greyscale,

Must be smelling greyscale ointment on me!
How to do?What if he reports me?Will I be kicked out?
Sam was momentarily distraught, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Don't be nervous Sam, I won't report you," Lynn reassured him:

"I know the ointment you use, so I can smell it and know that you are treating a greyscale patient."

"What I want to ask you is, do you know how to get rid of the remnants of greyscale, such as those dark brown spots!"

Sam was relieved, and after making sure that Lynn would not report him, he said:

"Yes, I am treating a greyscale patient. He is very ill. No bachelor is willing to treat him. I treat him according to the method in the book, but the book does not mention the remnant of greyscale."

He was a little embarrassed when he said this, and hurriedly said: "But don't worry, I will help you pay attention to this matter, and I will tell you as soon as I find out!"

"Thank you Sam, you're such a nice guy!"

The two bid farewell, and Lynn returned to the post house where he lived.

In the next few days, as the story of Lynn and his deeds spread,

He is extremely unpopular in the academy city. Everyone knows that this guy named Ren Russ is powerful in force and can break human bones with a piece of paper.

Although no one dared to challenge him face to face, the ubiquitous ignorance and resistance were indeed disturbing.
For example, the bachelors in the academy often had dinner together, but they never invited him. Even when they got together to exchange ideas, Lynn would silence his voice as soon as he arrived.

Even if he even pays to attend lectures, he will be rejected by the doctor for various reasons.

In this environment, someone who is weak in heart may have a shadow, but Lynn doesn't care, just pretending that these people don't exist.

Observe the entire school city every day according to the plan, including its operating system, research subjects and progress, personnel entry and exit rules and time, book storage and rental regulations.

Just not learning!
(End of this chapter)

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