Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 206 Doomsday, this is the doomsday!

Chapter 206 Doomsday, this is the doomsday!

Until one day half a month later, a major event happened in the school city,
Early this morning, Lynn entered the school city on time as usual,
It's just that as soon as I came in today, I found that the whole school city seemed to be boiling. Everyone's face seemed to be ruined, and they were extremely desperate!
After a little inquiring, you will know that the core of the Academy City, since the establishment of the Academy City, countless outstanding scholars, sages of past dynasties, and countless books accumulated over thousands of years,

All gone!
Whether it is a trainee bachelor or a doctorate in the school city, they all look devastated!

"Kill a thousand swords!"

"Doomsday, this is the doomsday!"

"Ah! Damn thieves, they even stole the books I put beside my bed!"

"They even stole the bookshelves and lamps from the library!"

Lin En curled his lips and thought to himself,
"It's about scholars!"

Then he shouted in despair:

"It's over! I've just arrived! I haven't become a maester yet!"

Such a catastrophic event happened in the school city. The lord of the old town, the Hightower family blocked all the entrances and exits of the old town at a very fast speed, and not even a single ship was allowed to leave the port.

The old town garrison searched around like crazy, and everyone was ordered to stay at home and not allowed to go out in broad daylight!house-to-house searches,

Even the post house where Lynn lived was searched nine times in one day.

The defense team even chased outside the city, chasing along the road for two hundred miles.

The Hightower family even dispatched warships to chase all the merchant ships that left port yesterday.

It is light to say that there are rumors and cranes are in danger.

In the past few days, anyone who has a little suspicion will be arrested first and tortured.
In other words, Lynn was personally introduced by the duke, and his whereabouts have been very fixed, and all can be traced, otherwise he would also be the main suspect.

In the past few days, he went to the school to watch a play every day, no, he went to sigh!
Sitting with everyone in the empty library, crying without tears!

After a few days, he felt that if he had the skill of acting, he would definitely be able to advance several levels!
These maesters are indeed desperate,
How many books can even a smart and knowledgeable person memorize?As for the lost books, there are more than tens of millions!
The total number of bachelors in the academy city is no more than one hundred, and that's including seven or eight doctors!Even if they exhaust themselves to death, how much content can they write?
How to study without books?
Maybe they can still tame ravens and train bachelors, but if they want to train all kinds of talents with countless talents and outstanding knowledge like before, it will be much, much harder!
In a word,

The foundation of the school city is empty!

In desperation, the Academy issued a request, hoping that all the bachelors from all over the place would collect all the books that could be collected and send them back to the Academy to reorganize and fill the large library.

But I also want to know, how many books can the folks have?Even if there are, they are all short stories, biographies and the like.

There are very few books with real academic value and research value!

Doing so is really helpless.

In a big city like Old Town, the blockade cannot last forever. After ten days of frantic searches without any results, we had to touch the blockade on the surface.

The school city was reopened, and some of the bachelors and trainees left while others stayed.

Lin En is the one who is leaving. The reason he came to Xuecheng was to find a cure for greyscale, and he encountered this kind of thing within a few days of his arrival. There is really no reason to stay.

And there is no one to keep an unpopular person like him.

Before he went he found Fat Sam,
"Sam, what are you going to do?"

Sam is also desperate. He has only been here for two or three months. Apart from serving shit, urine and meals every day, he just moves books with the professor and has very little time to study.

During the time since I came to the school city, apart from saving a greyscale patient, I have learned almost nothing.

It's all right now, the school city that he had been thinking about day and night has become like this, he was at a loss for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a long time, Sam replied to Lynn:
"I'll stay for a while longer. Doctors are good to me. Even if the books are gone, I can still study with them. At least two courses must be learned."

Lin En did not persuade him after understanding his wishes, and left after saying goodbye.

When I walked out of the city gate, I turned my head three times at a step and looked at the Xuecheng library in the distance, as if I was extremely reluctant!
"Fill it slowly! I will definitely come back!"


After Lin En left the city, he came to the pier, found a merchant ship and booked the first-class cabin, took the sea all the way to the bustling Sunspear City, and then disappeared without a trace!
He did this to make his whereabouts traceable and remove suspicions. He did not believe that Xuecheng would have no doubts about him. The reason why he disembarked in Sunspear City was definitely not to set blame, absolutely not!
Lynn, who quietly returned to Storm's End, announced that a new school will be established in the city next to Storm's End, and the new school will be called Storm's End University.

The initial plan was to enroll [-] students, and the school originally located in the church was renamed Storm's End Primary School, with a four-year schooling system.

All students who graduate from elementary school will have two choices after taking an oath of allegiance to the Duke of Lynn. One is to go to various municipalities to work in various cities, and the other is to continue their studies in universities.

At the same time, a lot of money was paid to recruit teachers, who will teach in the university after passing the personal assessment of the Duke.

Moreover, the Duke of Lynn also issued a reward, in order to fill the university's newly built library, Storm's End will ask for a lot of money!
Anyone can come to the university with any book, as long as it is considered valuable after appraisal, they can get a gold coin reward far exceeding the face value.

The construction of the university is progressing at a fast pace. In Storm's End, Lynn is having dinner with Little Rose.
"The Xuecheng library was stolen, does it have something to do with you?"

Lynn denied it, "I didn't, don't talk nonsense, it's none of my business!"

Little Rose rolled his eyes at him: "Cheat ghosts! You bad guy, a thief in Green Valley City, you'll eat five hundred catties of fodder!"

As she spoke, she giggled to herself,

"Why are you so happy that the library in Xuecheng was stolen?" Lynn asked puzzled,

Little Rose explained with a smile: "Although Gaoting is the lord of the Reach in name, do you think that all the lords of the Reach listen to us?"

It turned out that when Aegon the Conqueror led his army deep into the Reach, the entire royal family of the Reach King was killed.House Tyrell, High Court Steward at the time and acting castellan, surrendered to Aegon.In return, Aegon gave the Tyrells control of Highgarden Castle and the Reach.But other families with more noble blood and stronger strength simply obeyed superficially.

Among them are the Hightowers who rule Oldtown and the powerful Horn Hill Tarlys.

Therefore, the Rose family is very happy to see the unlucky thing about the school city!

(End of this chapter)

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