Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 239 The Messenger of Light

Chapter 239 The Messenger of Light

After the war, Winterfell was bleak,
Everyone who was still alive collapsed beside the dead, gasping for air.

Xue Nuo staggered in the city, dead bodies were everywhere, layer upon layer, and in some places the pile was as high as a person.

James gathered the Lannister soldiers everywhere, seeing that only a small half of the remaining soldiers were exhausted. If Brienne hadn't been supporting him, he might have fallen to the ground.

Wildling Tormund also survived, his eyes followed Brienne, full of love, talking about having a baby, invincibility and so on!

The underground tomb passage was re-opened, and the skeletons rushing out of it were no match for the living people at all. After they were easily knocked down, everyone knew what happened inside.

It turned out that when the Night King resurrected the corpses, even the corpses that had been dead for many years in the cemetery and had only dry bones were summoned. Without the power to restrain the chicken, facing the terrifying corpses, he only knew to run away, but was killed a lot instead.

Fortunately, Tyrion's Sansa, Varys and others are fine, and in Lynn's view, the relationship between the two of them seems to be much closer,

Lynn leaned forward and whispered, "What's going on? Is the old relationship rekindled?"

Tyrion gave him a blank look, "Is this the time to talk about this? It's time to deal with it quickly so that we can discuss the next step!"

"Hehe, this method of diverting the topic is not very clever, it doesn't fit the little devil's personality!" Lynn joked, what about Winterfell?He doesn't care about whether the Night King will make a comeback or not!

The surviving soldiers began to clean up the dead bodies in Licheng. There were too many dead bodies. If they were buried outside the city, they would not have the energy to do so. They were afraid that they would be summoned by the Night King again, so they simply set them all on fire!

An indescribable smell wafts through the entire Winterfell city. Everyone who believes in this will no longer have any appetite for barbecue!

Arya was praying under the weirwood when Lynn found her.

He didn't speak, and stood silently with her for a while,
"Lyn, you said Bran, is he still alive?" Arya asked turning around.

"Probably dead!" Lin En scratched his head and said uncertainly, without any intention of comforting others.

Arya sighed, "The Stark family..."

"Let's go, Xue Nuo will inform everyone to discuss the next step!"


Still in the hall, the map on the table is still there, but there are a lot fewer people in the room.

As soon as Lin En entered, everyone stood up and saluted him.

Although most people didn't see his toughness with their own eyes, they just heard about it.

But everyone saw the huge ice dragon.A veritable dragon slaying warrior deserves to be respected!
When he and Arya came in, most of the people had arrived, and those who hadn't arrived didn't have to wait any longer. Tyrion said:
"According to rough statistics, more than [-] soldiers were killed last night, and less than [-] soldiers survived."

This is indeed an extremely rough figure. Last night, more than a few people were lost. Most of the Dothraki cavalry were killed, and only a few escaped. The 2 people in Lannister are now less than [-]. He risked everything, from children to the elderly, gathered all the men who could hold weapons, gathered [-] soldiers, and now there are only a little over [-] left.

There are only 3000 elite Unsullied people left, and the commander Gray Worm died in battle.

more importantly,
Rego is dead!

The giant dragon Lei Ge fell from the sky twice in one night, the second time he fell suddenly without any warning, and was drowned by countless ghouls, his death was horrible!

Daenerys was so heartbroken that she didn't even want to come to the meeting!
Let Tyrion and Jorah take part in her place.

When Lynn came back, he saw Lei Ge's body and helped him burn it to save it from being resurrected.

The keel bones after burning are extremely beautiful, black as agate, smooth and bright, shining under the torch, and their teeth are like scimitars made of black diamonds.It may be due to the high iron content, so the dragon's bones appear black, but the material is extremely light and tough.

And he also heard that the Dothraki who are good at riding and shooting regard the keel bow as a rare treasure.

Really good stuff!

All the bones were quietly received by him in the portable space.

"Now we all need to discuss, what should we do next?" Xue Nuo said with some frustration.

Tormund opened his mouth and said, "What should I do? Of course, continue to go south! Those dead bodies will definitely come back, no matter how many people die, they don't care."

"Retreat is necessary. The walls of Winterfell are too short, so it's fine when fighting people, but it's useless against these ghouls!" Lynn nodded and said,
"And the most important point is that the Night King's weakness is still not found. What happened last night has proved that Dragon Burn cannot kill him!"

Lin En's words silenced everyone here!

Yeah, if you can't kill the Night King, where is the head?
"Where's the Valyrian steel sword?"

"It's useless!" Arya said aloud, touching the necklace on her chest with lingering fear. If it wasn't for this last night, she might, no, she would have died in the hands of the Night King.
"Varerian steel can penetrate the Night King's body, but it has no effect! The Night King is not a living thing at all, and he hasn't even shed a drop of blood!"

Xue Nuo looked at the long claw in his hand, and asked at a loss: "What about the dragon crystal, can the dragon crystal be okay?"

"Dragon crystal itself is a kind of stone, and its material is not suitable for making weapons. The night king's full body armor, the material of dragon crystal cannot be pierced at all!"

"Could it be that there is really nothing to do?"

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely oppressive, no one spoke,
a long time,

Varys said: "Unless the dragonglass weapon pierces the Night King's head, or finds the legendary Lightbringer!"

Everyone was taken aback, isn't that a legend?

But on second thought, yes!The legendary things such as the White Walker and the Ice Dragon have come out, why must a handful of Lightbringer be a story?
Lightbringer is the sword wielded by the legendary hero Azor Ahai.Azor used it to defeat the White Walkers, driving them all north of the Wall.This is the epic "Dawn War!"

"Where can I find it!" Xue Nuo asked excitedly,

"do not know!"

Xue Nuo froze, thinking of something, turned his head and looked at the red robe witch Melisandre standing in the corner, and asked word by word:

"Didn't you say that I am the reincarnation of Azor? What about the Lightbringer?"

The red-robed woman took two steps forward, her beautiful face appeared in the light of the candle,

"The King of Light has his own gifts, and when the time comes, he will definitely appear!"

"Speak human!" Lynn scolded.

"I already have some clues!"

(End of this chapter)

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