Chapter 240
The next day, the stormtroopers searched the vicinity for dozens of miles before finding the spear that Lynn used to kill the frost dragon beside a shattered boulder.

Lin En was handed over to them for safekeeping, and the cavalry were ecstatic, and they were carefully maintained as if they were sacred objects, and enshrined in the flag group!
Then, with Lynn's orders, began to return.

Everyone in Winterfell began to prepare to evacuate,
It proved to be completely inadequate to defend against the onslaught of ghouls, and the Night King could return at any time.

Retreating further south is the most urgent thing now.

It was decided that the army would retreat to Huishuiwang for temporary repairs.
The remnants of the army began to evacuate in an orderly manner. The wounded were carried into carriages, supplies were collected, and the bodies were burned. The civilians left first, and the soldiers accompanied them for protection. After meeting the civilians in Seven City, the mighty crowd headed south.

After walking along the King's Highway and crossing the Kalin Bay, which is dominated by one man, they walked for another seven days before they came to Greywater Watch.

There are swamps everywhere here, and countless warriors quickly filled the entire castle, overcrowded, many people had to live in the swamp outside.

Of course, such an environment is not a place to talk about repairing, nor is it a place to stay for a long time.

Everyone gathered together again to discuss the next battle plan,

Lin En's eyes swept away, and everyone in the hall gathered, not only Dani, who was obviously pregnant, but also Robin Irene, the underground lord of the valley!

It's just that the small figure stood alone, and the people in the hall ignored him.

The plan that had been made before the Battle of Winterfell, the Valley Cavalry and Storm Heavy Cavalry saw the opportunity to cut into the battlefield, but until the end, only the cavalry led by Lynn came out, and the Valley Cavalry did not show up at all.

They didn't return to Winterfell until dawn the next day. The reason they gave was that they lost their way in the heavy snow!

Of course, this is not convincing. These days, the Knights of the Valley are despised by everyone, and some people even ridicule them face to face because they lost their way because they were greedy for life and afraid of death!

Little Aylin's face turned red with anger, and he vowed to personally participate in the next battle against the White Walkers.

Before today's meeting, Sansa deliberately found Ayrin and brought him here.

"The weather is getting colder and colder, and it will freeze here soon. We must hurry up and decide on the next step!"

Xue Nuo said in a loud voice, the decadence from the previous period was swept away on his face, and he seemed to be full of fighting spirit!
When he glanced around, his eyes were full of tenderness when he passed Danni,
And Dani was doing it aside, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen.

After everyone arrived, Jon Snow came up with a battle plan.

"We must learn the lesson from the last time and find a place that is absolutely difficult to be captured to defend. My suggestion is Eagle's Nest City!"

As soon as Xue Nuo finished speaking, Little Irene, Sansa and everyone else in the hall looked at him.

Next, he introduced his proposal to everyone in detail!

The plan is to use Eagle's Nest City as a bait, and divide all the troops into two teams. One team is stationed at the Blood Gate in the Valley, and the other is defending Riverrun City.

After the ghouls turned to the Blood Gate, the troops stationed in Riverrun could attack from behind and attack from both sides.

Then use the extremely special terrain in the blood gate to eliminate the ghouls on the largest scale.

As he said that, he was afraid that everyone would not understand. He pointed to the Blood Gate on the map and introduced the terrain here.

"The Blood Gate is at the end of a canyon that stretches for hundreds of miles in the Mingyue Mountains. It is the only passage from the land to the valley. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a natural danger."

"And even if the Blood Gate falls, Eagle's Nest City is a castle that has never been conquered for thousands of years. It is absolutely possible to fight against the city!"

Lynn knew this plan in advance. When Snow consulted with him, it was planned by Tyrion. Now it is proposed here, and it is just for everyone to participate in the discussion of the details.

No one had any objections, only the dissatisfaction in the eyes of little Irene was undoubtedly expressed.

Both the Valley and the Eagle's Nest belonged to the Ayrin family. Jon Snow had never asked him a single word about his plan to use the Eagle's Nest as a bait, and when he received the detailed division of troops, the Knights of the Valley were sent to Riverrun. , The task of defending their hometown was not allowed to go, and the meaning of defense and distrust was very obvious.

Dani, who had been silent all this time, saw his dissatisfaction, and said, "Robin from the Ailin family, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Little Irene didn't dare to speak, she quickly lowered her head and said, "No, Queen!"

"It doesn't matter, this plan is your last chance. If you and your knights can fight bravely, my original promise is still valid,"

Then, without waiting for ecstasy to appear on Little Irene's face, she continued: "But if the Knights of the Valley are still afraid or get lost for some reason, I will burn you and the ghouls to ashes!"

"Do you understand what I said?"

Little Irene nodded frantically, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the Valley is our hometown, and we will not get lost!"

"But do we have enough soldiers? Who knows how many ghouls the Night King will bring with him next time!"

"I don't need to worry about this issue," Lynn stood up and said, "I have ordered another [-] cavalry to come to support them. They will be stationed at Harrenhal, and when the ghouls enter the canyon, they will cooperate with everyone to attack."

His words reassured everyone that they could see the whole leopard at a glance. The power of the storm heavy cavalry was fully displayed in this battle, and it was so powerful that it was unbelievable.If there are another [-] soldiers like this, even if they are not as terrifying as the heavy cavalry, they must be extremely elite and convincing.

After discussion, it was decided that
Edmure, Jaime, Jon Snow, Little Irene led the Lannister family troops, northern soldiers and Vale cavalry to defend Riverrun together,
Lynn led his soldiers to garrison Harrenhal, and the two sides worked together to stop the army of ghouls from continuing southward.

And Tyrion, Jorah and others led the Unsullied and Dothraki cavalry to join Daenerys' defenders left in Eagle's Nest City to defend the Blood Gate.

The plan is confirmed and everyone is ready to leave.

Xue Nuo walked up to Dani and said softly: "You don't want to participate in the next war. I hope you can retreat to Dragonstone Island and wait for the result!"

Dani shook her head, "How can that work, I can't hide behind and watch,"

"Listen," interrupted Jon Snow, "nobody knows how long it will take the Night King to get here, or when the war will end, but count the time, our children may be born in that time,"

Danny touched her swollen belly, and could only nod helplessly, "You're right, it would be really bad if you were born just when the Night King came."

"Then, I'll leave Drogon to you! We need it more here, and I'll go back to Dragonstone and come back when the child is born. By the way, give our child a name!"

Xue Nuo knelt in front of Dani on one knee, with his ear pressed against her lower abdomen, with a gentle look on his face.

"Boy or girl?"

"Boy, I think so!" Dany smiled warmly.

"Call him Eddard!" said Snow. "Eddard Targaryen."

Qiao La next to her felt the pain in her heart beyond words...

(End of this chapter)

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