Chapter 241
Everyone is looking at parting in the gray water,

Divided into four groups, Dany returned to Dragonstone with Varys and a small number of Unsullied bodyguards by boat.

Tyrion takes the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki horsemen to the Bloodgate.Sansa, Brienne and others walked with him.

Jorah refused to go with him, insisting on guarding the queen, and then boarded the boat to Dragonstone.

Snow Jaime and others took most of the army to Riverrun,
And Lynn and Arya led the First Banner to Harrenhal!
When the two were crossing the Sancha River, they also saw the little fat man Hot Pie who was baking bread in the inn.

He has become a big fat man now, invited two people to eat the bread he baked, Lynn did not tell him his identity, only said that he is now a blacksmith, the three chatted for a while and parted ways.

"Lynn, do you think Hot Pie's life is considered happiness?" Arya suddenly asked Lynn next to her,
Lynn thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know,"

"But for me, if possible, it would be nice to open an inn. I can meet people from all over the world, hear about the things going on from east to west, from north to south, and forget about it afterwards. I don't care about anything. This kind of life, think about it. Not bad!"

Arya looked at him seriously, "Are you serious? Are you willing to give up everything now and become an ordinary person?"

"I don't want to!" Lynn said confidently.

"I'm just saying that life like that is not bad, but it's definitely not as good as it is now!"

Arya rolled his eyes at him, and the two of them drew closer to Harrenhal.


After Lin En came here, Arya took him to wander around, looking at the hut they lived in, the iron shack, and the city gate that broke down when they escaped all the way to protect her. Back to the lively little girl back then.

The little girl said with emotion, "It's really a pity that this place was burned by a giant dragon!"

Lin En nodded and admitted, "It's really a pity. After I unify the Seven Kingdoms, I will rebuild it and make it a great city again!"

"Is it necessary? How much will it cost?"

"Of course it is necessary! And I'm still considering whether to set the palace here!"

"You're not joking!" Arya exclaimed,
Lynn laughed, and then proudly explained to Arya the results of his idle, boring and cranky thinking.

That is, open up the Sancha River!
The east of the Sancha River is connected to the Narrow Sea, and the westernmost point is only a few tens of miles away from the sea. It divides into three big rivers, forming thousands of miles of fertile land between the rivers.

If a canal is dug in the west, it can be connected to Ironman Bay in the west of the mainland, and the Sancha River connecting the two seas will become the busiest river. This river can be said to be a flowing golden river. river.

The place where the three rivers meet is where they cross the river. It is not far from Harrenhal, and it is completely within its radiation range.

Where can a city be built, one is to facilitate the management of river transportation, and the other is to supply the materials needed by Harrenhal.

Harrenhal was originally located in the center of the continent of Westeros. At that time, the water transportation will depend on the Sancha River. On the land, several avenues will intersect. The surrounding area will be surrounded by fertile land. Behind it is the largest freshwater lake, God's Eye Lake. .

The transportation is extremely convenient, the location is perfect, there is food and drink, and there is a future.

Harrenhal's geographical advantage is the best in the mainland!
Arya was stunned, not knowing how to react.

What Lynn said was beyond her comprehension.But in the spirit of carrying on, she still asked stubbornly.

"What you're talking about is all about advantages, isn't there any disadvantage?"

"Yes!" Lin En nodded, "The disadvantage is that it is too peaceful, there are no natural dangers to defend, and you can only rely on the walls of the castle when facing attacks."

"But it doesn't matter. The city wall of Harrenhal is at least twenty or thirty feet high. Not only is it high, but it's also thick. Such a city wall cannot be conquered by a human army. It is a natural danger!"

It's crazy!Arya couldn't accept it for a while, and racked her brains to think of ways to refute, after much deliberation, she finally thought of something, and said excitedly,
"But it's unlucky!"


Harrenhal changed hands several times, and every noble family that got a castle met an unfortunate fate,
The castle is said to be cursed and haunted because of Harren's reign of terror.Legend has it that Harren mixed human blood with mortar to build the city.

The curse prevents anyone from keeping the castle forever.All the families that received Harrenhal died.

Lynn smiled, why would he care about any curses!
"It's a big deal to push it to reconstruction, anyway, the stone materials are ready-made!"


Half a month after the two came here,

Forty thousand soldiers from the Stormlands came to Harrenhal.

That's right, [-], not the [-] he promised.

It's time for this war to end, and Lynn is determined to keep the Night King at the Eagle's Nest.

At the same time, everyone is here, and by the way, change the surname of the whole valley!

When the army arrived, it also brought Lynn the latest news from Dorne in the south.

Cersei, who was regent in Dorne, married Euron, king of the Iron Islands.

Lynn lamented that James's head was getting greener, and vaguely guessed Cersei's plan in his heart.

Some secret orders were issued, and Lynn's army began to make secret adjustments. Materials were being assembled. The Storm Kingdom's fleet, which had been idle for half a year, also began to ship materials and recall personnel.

The entire territory of the Storm Kingdom began to quietly prepare for a doomed war.

As long as the atmosphere is good, they will all swarm out. More than 20 well-equipped and well-trained soldiers will dedicate the whole continent to their king!


More than half a month ago, Don.

Cersei received the results of the Battle of Winterfell and was overjoyed when she learned that Daenerys' army was defeated, suffered heavy losses and lost a dragon.

Especially after receiving the news that Dany was going to Dragonstone Island, she agreed to Euron's marriage proposal.

Cersei doesn't love Euron, she doesn't love anyone, she only loves power!
The body is her currency and bargaining chip, which she can pay to anyone if necessary.

Married to Euron, after the two had grown up.

Cersei sat at the window in her pajamas, and Euron was dressing.

"You have also seen the news brought by the raven. I hope you will take your fleet to attack Dragonstone Island, where there is no defense now."

"Bring back that silver-haired slut Daenerys. Bring it back alive!"

"Sure! But what am I going to get?" Euron wasn't some unseen teen who thought he could get it all by sleeping with him!
"Our child will become king! King of the Seven Kingdoms!" Cersei promised.

"Haha, good!" Euron laughed wildly and said, "I'll go and bring that Mother of Dragons back to you. By the way, I can also taste what the queen of House Targaryen really is like!"

"Of course, do whatever you want, as long as you live!"

"As long as she lives, her dragon is mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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