Chapter 242 Prophecy in Fire
Dani has been pregnant for seven months, feeling the life in her stomach growing day by day, from the beating heart, to the naughty kicking, turning over, every movement brings her sincere joy.

So despite the increasingly inconvenient mobility, she is still in a good mood every day, always with a smile on her face,

Until Varys brought her a visitor, the red witch Melisandre.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be by Jon's side?" Dany felt a little strange, and asked the witch who came to her seriously.

The red-robed woman bowed her head and said, "Darkness has come, Your Majesty, I have come here to seek your help. To defeat the Night King, more sacrifices are needed!"

"I don't like guessing riddles. If you have something to say, speak clearly."

"The blood of the king must be sacrificed by the blood of the king in order to defeat the night king."

Dani's face turned cold, and she suppressed her anger and said, "Witch, maybe you should learn about my past, this is not the first time I've heard these words!"

Jorah beside her also clenched the steel sword "Broken Heart" in her hand.

He had seen all the suffering Dany had gone through, and he knew why she was so angry.

After she married the horse king of the Dothraki tribe, the horse king treated her well, and it didn't take long for Dany to become pregnant.

Later, Ma Wang was injured, and she believed a witch's words, and sacrificed her child to save Ma Wang, but needless to say, the witch killed her child and husband, and this incident was an eternal scar in her heart.

This red-robed woman dared to come to her side and say the same thing again!Jorah drew his sword forward, and only waited for the queen's order to cut down the witch!
Danielia touched her lower abdomen, forced herself to take two deep breaths, and then said:
"Get out of Dragonstone before I change my mind! Never show up in front of me, next time we meet, I'll burn you right away!"

After hearing the order, Jorah pushed the red-robed girl out of the hall and went outside.

"Witch, don't come here again, let alone appear in front of the Queen, otherwise, your Lord of Light won't be able to save you!"

The red-robed woman was not frustrated by the rejection and threats, but looked at him with interest,
"You love your queen! Are you willing to give everything for her?" Although it was a questioning sentence, the tone was very certain.

"But I watched her marrying Drogo the Horse King, watching her find another new love, watching her fall in love with Jon and conceive his child! But she never dared to show her love? Have you ever regretted it in the dead of night? ?”

But Jorah's face turned red suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "Shut up, unless you want to die here now!"

"Don't excite Ser Jorah. I mean no malice, nor love! Just one small request!"

"Speak!" Jorah was unwilling to say a single word to the witch. If it hadn't been for the queen's order to drive her away, he would have drawn his sword and hacked to death the person who had tarnished his loyalty to the queen.

"I want to meet Varys!"

Jorah turned away,

The red-robed woman met Varys on a cliff by the sea.

"I'm curious, ma'am." Varys walked to her side and said doubtfully:
"The queen is not Stannis. You know that your suggestion will never be adopted, but you still came. Do you really believe that the queen who is thousands of miles away can kill the night king who is far away?"

The red-robed woman didn't answer his question, and said calmly: "That's not important, Varys, my main purpose this time is to find you."

"Looking for me?" Varys was even more puzzled, he had almost no communication with Melisandre, how could she come to him?
"Varys, I hope you will keep in mind the prophecy in the flame and fulfill your mission."

After speaking, the red-robed woman waited for the ship to leave in Varys' shock.

Varys stood by the sea for a long time before leaving.


The south of Harrenhal is close to God's Eye Lake, the lake is green, and there is a small island called Thousand Faces Islet in the middle of the lake. It is said that the ancestors and the children of the forest signed the truce agreement here.

Lynn and Arya had spent two days on the island in the lake, and had just returned to Harrenhal when they received two letters.

The letter was from Xue Nuo, telling him that the army of ghouls had arrived at Huishuiwang. According to estimates, they would arrive at Sanchahe within fifteen to twenty days. I hope Lynn is ready.

Lynn tossed it to Arya after reading it, then picked up another.

This one was from Storm's End, saying that Euron's fleet had left Sunspear with some of the Golden Company's sellswords.

After reading the letter, Lynn thought for a moment in silence,
There is no doubt that Cersei's purpose in marrying Euron is to deal with herself and Daenerys.

But they have just suffered a big loss in their own hands. With their current strength, it is too late to hide from themselves, let alone actively attack.
And this time it is still a fleet, so their purpose is very clear, Dany of Dragonstone Island.

Are you going to hide the news?

What would happen if you concealed it yourself.

There is no doubt that Dragonstone will be breached, and Dany will have a miserable end.

Then I lost one of my biggest opponents, and I could save a lot of soldiers from dying, and the Seven Kingdoms could be unified faster. With so many benefits, any mature politician would know what to do!
But why do I feel wrong in my heart, just not so refreshing!

Lynn thought about the reason over and over again.

Until Arya asked worriedly: "Lyn, what's wrong with you? Is there any bad news?"

Lynn smiled and shook his head, "There is no bad news. For me, any bad news can become good news."

Said and handed the letter to Arya,

After a few glances, she exclaimed, "Cersei has sent troops! How dare she break the agreement at this time?"

"That's right, so I don't need to keep that promise anymore!"

Standing up and stretching, he suddenly froze, as if a flash of lightning flashed across his mind!
"I know what's wrong!"

"It doesn't matter if you conceal the news or not. After all, I still consider the issue from the perspective of political interests!"

"But why should I care about this?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's politics, conspiracy or scheming, or negotiating compromises. Those are all methods used by people without absolute strength!"

"It's Game of Thrones!"

"With my strength, why do I still need to consider these insidious tricks!"

"Those vicious plans and cunning plots are what I hate, so why do I want to do them?"

"I can completely jump out of this disgusting chessboard and blow it up! Then recast this world according to my own wishes!"

After thinking about this, it was as if a clear and cold spring water poured down from the head, washed my spirit, wiped off the dust on it, and washed myself clean from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside!

The huge and vast spiritual power is beating endlessly as if it has life!

Lively and round.

The perfect soul shines!
(End of this chapter)

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