Chapter 243 I beg you, kill me!
Lynn laughed,

Under Arya's worried eyes, he hugged her and kissed her,
Then he sent Cersei's letter to Jon intact.

Your wife, you protect yourself, if you can't protect it, it's your trash.


Lynn ordered,

The Kingdom of Storms is at war,
The fleet stationed in the Stormlands on Qingting Island will set sail immediately, and will appear outside Sunspear within ten days.

The third and fourth divisions newly built by the Kingdom of Storms, a total of [-] troops, sent troops to Dorne together!
The army divided into two groups, one led by Princess Arianne of Dorne, and attacked along the Prince's Pass.

The other route is along the Bone Road, attacking the city of Yronwood, and then rushing eastward to cooperate with the fleet to capture all the cities along the Green Blood River!
Within a month, completely occupy Dorne!


Arya stared dumbfounded at the series of orders Lynn gave in front of her,

Every order has countless soldiers rushing to the battlefield,
Commanding an army of [-] to attack the city and destroy the country like an understatement.

"How many troops do you have?" She couldn't help asking.

Now, there are [-] people in Harrenhal alone, and they are all well-equipped and well-trained regular soldiers, not the kind of temporary conscripted farmers.

With such an army, under a few orders, another [-] troops can be mobilized to destroy a kingdom!
Even when her father Ed was around, the Northern Territory could only gather 4 horses, but what about Lynn's army?The total number of troops already on the way to war alone exceeds 15. How many defenders are there on his huge territory?

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly felt that he could really unify the Seven Kingdoms!

Moreover, it is not the enfeoffment-style rule of the past, but a highly centralized rule without a lord.

Under this system, civilians become the cornerstone, and their status will be greatly improved. They will get land, jobs, and opportunities.

And Lynn, will become the apex of this system!

He will balance all, restrain all,
Become a real king who has never appeared in the history of Westeros!
Arya suddenly felt a little at a loss. What is the right way to do it? Is it really good for the common people to restore the northern border to the time of her father?
Which side should I stand on?

Half a month later, the Night King's army had already entered the canyon of the Bright Moon Mountain Range, before the Blood Gate.

Lynn and Snow joined forces across the Sancha River to block their retreat.

Compared with the various weapons and armor of the coalition forces on the opposite side, there are also miscellaneous flags and costumes.

When Lin En's [-] neat army appeared, it was as if a bandit had infiltrated the guard of honor. The contrast was stark.

No one asked the idiotic question of how the promised [-] became [-].

Jaime Snow and the others greeted him, and Lynn also didn't ask him why he didn't save Daenerys.

But seeing James, he seemed to be a little older, probably because the news of Cersei's marriage really hit him.

People who were less than 30 years old now seem to believe that they are 50 years old.

After everyone got together, they agreed on a strategy for attacking.

The canyon, which is hundreds of miles long, has a special terrain, and it is impossible for the army to start a decisive battle. It can only be cleaned from the outside a little bit.

The advantage is that the sweep is clean, and the soldiers fighting in front can also be rotated.

After discussion, several people decided that Lynn's army would attack for two days and rest for one day, and the coalition army would attack for one day and rest for two days.

It seems that Lynn is at a disadvantage, but after the fight, the coalition forces were surprised to find that the number of soldiers killed in the Storm Kingdom was far lower than that of the coalition forces.And the promotion efficiency is faster!

By observing them, they found that

When Lynn's army attacked, the heavy armored infantry were at the forefront, all equipped with well-protected armor and giant shields as tall as a man, and it was difficult to hurt them by attacking with teeth and withered claws like ghouls They, and these infantry will be rotated very regularly.

There are light cavalry on the cliffs on both sides. In addition to shooting arrows, they will also keep an eye on the movements of the ghouls. Once they start to gather and form a wave of corpses, they will attack in advance.

These troops cooperated tacitly, were well-equipped, and had a firm will to fight. Compared with them, the fighting methods of the coalition forces on Xue Nuo's side were really unremarkable.

But there is no way around it. They are the coalition forces, and they have never trained together before, so now they can only grind their guns in front of the battle and learn from it.

Just as the canyon's battle plan was going smoothly, bad news came from the blood gate, and the blood gate fell!

The Night King led the White Walkers to break through the Blood Gate, and the army of ghouls was attacking the Eagle's Nest City.

Lynn and the others began to speed up, making sure to complete the encirclement of the ghouls below the Eagle's Nest City.

The room leak happened to rain overnight, and a bigger bad news came soon after.

Varys is here.

Brought a baby girl and a sword!

"The Queen is dead!"

Three days ago, Dragonstone.

Euron waited on Dragonstone Island with the Golden Group, and fought on the beach with the Unsullied and the Dothraki cavalry guarding Dragonhold.

Inside the Dragon Castle, Daenerys is giving birth.

It is not known whether her body was injured or for other reasons, the queen had a difficult labor and began to bleed profusely.

The maester had to ask Dany for advice after trying everything to no avail, and he only kept one between the child and the queen.

Jorah begged him to protect the queen, but the queen insisted on keeping the child.

A child was born, a daughter, whom Dany, in her feeble state, named Lyanna.

Then begged Jorah to kill her, and not let her fall into enemy hands,
"Don't let me be humiliated again, I beg you, kill me!"

Jorah knelt down and cried bitterly, expressing his love to Dany and never agreeing to do anything.

Varys stepped forward, drew the Valyrian steel sword "Heartbreaker", and pierced Dany's heart with the sword.


"I have come here to fulfill the queen's entrustment!" Varys handed the baby girl to Snow carefully,

"Here is your child with the Queen, Lyanna Targaryen."

After Xue Nuo got it firmly,

Handed the sword in his hand to Lynn.

"I have hated the prophecy in the fire all my life, but I have also tried my best to complete it all my life. Now, I have finally achieved it!"

"The Messenger of Light was born in this way, and I leave it to you!"

Varys seemed to have completed the biggest task of his life, with a relaxed expression that had never been seen on his face.

Snow held the baby girl Lyanna crying,
"Didn't you write back and say you'd take Dany to safety?"

Varys said as a matter of course: "Of course it's because I lied to you! You can't always believe what a eunuch says!"

Then thinking of Lynn, she blinked playfully, and sat in front of Drogon humming Rhys' ditty.

"Now, grant me peace!"

"Dragon Flame!!!"

From Drogon's mouth spewed unprecedented violent flames!
Varys disappeared in the fire in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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