Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 244 Eagle's Nest City

Chapter 244 Eagle's Nest City

Lynn watched Varys disappear into the fire,

Who the hell is Varys?What is the purpose of everything he does?
This matter that many people have been confused about has finally come to an end today.

It can be concluded!
His childhood was miserable, he was born as a slave, and he was trafficked to the point where his body was mutilated.

Through extraordinary talent and hard work, he has become the upper class of a society, weaving an intelligence network covering almost the entire region.

He has experienced the poverty and suffering of the people at the bottom, and also understood the extravagance and corruption of the nobles at the top.

The more I saw, the clearer the voice in the fire in the dream became.

He has no wife, no wealth, and no children.

Without the bondage of desire, there is no weakness.

For the prophecies I heard, I also hated and feared at the beginning, and then became firm and unswerving.

Varys has been waiting, hoping to meet a good king, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment, with less war, hunger and death.

To this end, he has assisted the Mad King, Robert, and Joffrey, one of them is a madman, the other is a drunkard, and the other is a wayward and cruel child.

As for Dani, he also doubted more than once whether she would be like her father one day.

So he will never be loyal to a certain person, and there will always be preparations for his back.

For example, sending Robert's illegitimate son, Gendry, who is now Lynn, to a blacksmith shop to make a living, and sending him to the Night's Watch while Joffrey is killing his bastard son.

These are all his handwriting.

In the end, he also brought back Dani's child, as well as the legendary sword of the brave who can defeat the darkness and save the continent.


Lynn pulled out "Lightbringer"!
As soon as the sword was out of the sheath, a burst of magical light came out.

I can't tell what color it is, it seems to be red or golden, and under the shining light, it is a two-handed sword.

To the touch, the blade is warm, without the slightest coldness of metal.

After shining for a while, the light gradually faded away, and the blade returned to normal. If you observe carefully, you can still see some complicated patterns on the sword body. It doesn't look like it was forged, but it looks like blood!
Lin En put the sword back into the scabbard and carried it on his back. He ignored Xue Nuo, who was immersed in grief and self-blame, and ordered the troops to speed up the progress, with continuous rotation day and night.

He took part in the battle himself, standing in the forefront, Lightbringer unsheathed.

Once you walk into the ghoul, it will start to emit light, and the closer you get, the hotter the blade will become. When you slash with the sword, just touching the ghoul, it will be like cutting on burnt paper. The snarling ghoul It directly turned into a cloud of ashes and fell to the ground.

Lin En secretly thought that this is not as simple as attribute restraint, this is simply a natural enemy!

He cut from day to night, and the light on the sword became more and more brilliant, like a raging fire, shining brightly on the surroundings.

On the second day, he stopped using the Lightbringer, don't do it because of other things, it's too much fun!

Slashing with a sword is the same as cutting on the air, without any sense of damping.

too loose!accurate!
And the speed is too slow.

It's not that he doesn't want Haiqinyan to clear the field, but it has been sleeping in the space since it swallowed the ice dragon's bead.

The longer I slept, the longer I slept. At the beginning, I was awake for a period of time every day. Later, I gradually slept for a whole day. Now I have slept for half a month, and I have no intention of waking up at all.

Lin En guessed that it was digesting the bead, so he didn't call it. It was because he had to work harder. After hacking the ghoul for a day, he suddenly remembered, isn't Drogon still here?

Thinking of this, he immediately ran to Xue Nuo,
Xue Nuo hugged Lyanna, with a dull expression on his face, as if he had no love in his life.

Lynn stepped forward and snatched Lyanna,

Jon Snow's two hands and eyes turned a little bit with Lyanna's movement, until he saw Lynn's face, his face changed, and he rushed forward at once, shouting angrily:

"What are you doing? Give me back my daughter!"

Lynn hugged Lyanna with one arm, and with the other hand, he grabbed his neck with one hand and raised it in the air.

With a height of 1.7 meters, Xue Nuo is no different from a child in front of him.

"What am I doing? Why don't you ask what you are doing?" Lynn said mockingly:

"It's your choice if you want to continue to be sad and sad here. Then you will see that when we arrive at the Eagle's Nest City, your sister Sansa will turn into a ghoul and stand at the door to welcome you!"

"You can also choose to kill the Night King quickly with me, and then go to avenge Daenerys."

"How? If you say that, don't you have a lot of choices?"

Xue Nuo only felt that the big hands on his neck were like iron tongs, cold and hard, suffocating him. He opened his mouth desperately to breathe, but he couldn't get any air in.The lack of oxygen caused his brain to forget about the sadness and quickly plunged into chaos. The last thought in his mind was, "I want to nod, but you should let me go!"

The next day, after Snow woke up, he rode the giant dragon Drogon and appeared on the battlefield, regardless of the Night King's javelin, he just opened his mouth and sprayed!
The speed was indeed much faster.

It took only three days to cross the Blood Gate. After leaving some soldiers to guard, Lin En went straight to Eagle's Nest City.

The Eagle's Nest has been the home castle of the Arryn family since ancient times.It towers over the Giant's Lance, the tallest peak in the Moon Mountains, and the valley sits thousands of feet below.

This is also the first time Lynn has seen it. Looking from a distance, seven white marble spiers on the highest peak soar into the sky!
The white clouds can only reach halfway up to it. It is conceivable that if you stand on the city wall, you can step on all the white clouds under your feet.

The Eyrie is considered impenetrable not only because of its location on top of the most dangerous mountain, but also because of its unique architectural structure.

The Eagle's Nest City must be attacked first. Along the way, four channels must be captured. The first is the Moon Gate Fort at the foot of the Giant's Spear Mountain.

It was the original castle of the Irene family, and it was a strong fortress surrounded by tall walls and a wide moat, guarding the mountain road leading to the Eagle's Nest City.

Breaking through here, there are three fortresses along the way that "one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it" - Dangerous Rock Fort, Snow Mountain Fort, and Changtian Fort.

Each is more dangerous than the last, and the climbers on the mountain road are exposed to the firepower of the Eagle's Nest City and the three forts all the time.

When the invaders have worked so hard to break through this series of natural barriers, thinking that the next step is the Eagle's Nest City, they will find that there is no way ahead!
It was a cliff face that rose to a height of six hundred feet.

If you want to enter the Eagle's Nest City, you can only rely on the usual personnel access and supply crane winch and a stone ladder carved on the cliff.

So when Bronn said that he could give him ten heroes and a few pairs of spikes, it was definitely a traditional skill of mercenaries - bragging X.

(End of this chapter)

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