Chapter 248 Where is Cersei?
James' expression was extremely gloomy,
Since he knew that Myrcella was missing, he had changed into this expression, and he earnestly asked everyone to pay attention to the news of Myrcella. If possible, he was willing to pay any price in exchange for her safety.

Tyrion comforted him and said, "Myrcella will be safe! No matter how crazy Cersei goes, she won't hurt her daughter!"

James shook his head and said, "She's really gone crazy. I really can't guess what terrible things she can do!"

After finishing speaking, he said goodbye to Lynn and left with some powerlessness.

Brienne hesitated to speak several times, Tyrion saw it,

"Sir Brienne, I'm worried about James' condition, can you please take care of him?"

This is of course an excuse,

Many people have noticed the slight anomaly between Brienne and James, and Tyrion also meant to push the boat along the way and kill two birds with one stone.

Brienne couldn't think of that much, but sometimes all it took was a simple excuse to make a move.

She nodded and followed James quickly.

Tyrion then leaves with Jon Snow.

In the few days after everyone went back, they received more news about the war between the Kingdom of Storms and Dorne one after another.

When it was known that Lin En launched a [-] army divided into two groups, together with a huge fleet to attack Dorne, the expressions on everyone's faces were indescribable.

Horrified?Still desperate!
Or both!
What's even more frightening is that in only 20 days since the army started its attack, most of the cities in Dorne have already been conquered.

Unimaginable speed!

Dorne used to be known for his proficiency in combat and extraordinary resilience. He fought Aegon the Conqueror without failure for more than ten years, and even killed a dragon and queen, forcing Aegon to stop.

It is unbelievable that it was destroyed in such a short time!
Lynn's army didn't seem to be fighting at all, but was rushing to occupy Dorne at the speed of a full march.

If they came to Lynn with this question, he might explain why he gave the order to occupy Dorne for a month.

In fact, the reason why there are such exaggerated results,

One is because Dorne is really out of troops. Before that, Lynn wiped out one-third of their troops on the Two Rivers Peninsula.

Then the eldest princess led a large army out of Yege City and attacked the city on the ground in the river bend. It seemed that she was victorious, but which battle could not kill people?
Not to mention the subsequent defeat of the Golden Regiment at Gaoting City, it was a disastrous defeat!

The third is that after Dorne was controlled by Cersei, she recruited a new batch of recruits to fight.

It can be said that Dorne, who has a small population, has almost been squeezed out of his war potential.

Under the thunderous blow of Lynn's [-] troops, these untrained, unequipped, and uneducated recruits collapsed in a single battle.

Not to mention that the leader of the army is Arianne, the eldest princess of Dorne.This identity disintegrates the will of the Dornish people to resist, and failure is a matter of course!


Tyrion began to withdraw from the Vale with the rest of his army, and Snow and his northern army retreated to Riverrun.

James simply retreated to Casterly Rock City.

Everyone unanimously avoided Lynn's overwhelming military pressure.

Everyone knows that day will come sooner or later, but before that, put your head down and try your best to fight against the long winter in front of you.

The most important thing to fight against the long winter is food. There are only two ways to obtain food, either to grow it yourself or to buy it from outside.

Now the grain production in the land has been greatly reduced, and most of them have no harvest.If you buy it, you have been fighting for so many years, who still has money?Besides, can you buy it with money?

Only the south of the entire continent has been least affected by winter, and food can still be grown at present.

And Lynn has completely occupied the entire south of Westeros.

Some people have even decided to surrender to Lynn when the extreme cold is at its peak!Doing so can at least save your life.

There are not a few people who have this kind of thinking, and as the winter gets longer, more and more people think like this, eventually forming a wave.

At that time, Lin En's army didn't even need to fight, they only needed to carry food, and people would rush to open the city gate and cut off the heads of all those who prevented them from surrendering.

In addition to the food problem that has almost no solution, there is another thing that has been attracting the attention of many people, that is,
Where is Cersei?
If anyone in this world wants Cersei to die immediately, it is Jon Snow and Tyrion!
Both had favorites die at the hands of Cersei, Tyrion's Shae, Jon's Ed and Daenerys.

The hatred between them and Cersei is as deep as the ocean, and only one side survives in this world!
Fortunately, Cersei didn't keep everyone waiting.

A month later, all the forces received a letter from the church.

The letter stated that Myrcella, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, would receive the Pope's blessing in King's Landing.

Queen Myrcella and Queen Cersei have returned to the Red Castle?

"How is this possible?" Arya exclaimed after reading the letter,

"Cersei escaped from King's Landing after bombing the Great Sept of Baelor and causing a riot, but now she can go back? Are the people of King's Landing so forgetful?"

Lin En reached out and pressed the hair on her head that exploded, and said without surprise, "Why is it impossible?"

"The church was blown up, but no one saw Cersei blowing it up with their own eyes. Besides, the old sparrow was not dead, and neither were the main personnel of the church. Most of the dead were nobles in King's Landing."

"With the current situation where the church is overwhelming in King's Landing, those half-dead nobles can't make a sound. This has been a sign since the last peace talks at Harrenhal."

Arya still couldn't believe it, "Then why would the church be willing to accept Cersei back?"

"The church needs a nominal king to accept the Pope's blessing, so as to show the status of the Pope. Who else is more suitable than Mysella? Letting Messala return to King's Landing is beneficial to both of them! Cersei won The forgiveness of the church may also be one of the conditions."

Of course, the church is willing to accept Messila. Their status today depends on two decrees, which restore the church's right to judge and arm.

And these two decrees were both issued by King Tommen. The church must recognize the legitimacy of Tommen, so it must recognize the legitimacy of Myrcella.

"And, look at this report."

Lynn handed Arya a copy from the thick stack of papers on the desk.

She took it suspiciously and looked at it. It was an ordinary record, which recorded the daily rations of ordinary people in King's Landing City.

That's right, since knowing the news that winter is coming, the church bought all the merchants' grain, hoarded it, and distributed the quota.

This move was considered to be quick and decisive at the beginning, and it was very effective.

They collected food from all over the country and shipped it to King's Landing.Then it will be distributed by the church in a unified way, which can not only concentrate efforts to reduce waste, but also improve the image of the church and consolidate the dominance of the church.

But doing so is not foolproof, the church's biggest flaw is,

Do not create yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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