Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 249 The Final Battle of King's Landing 1

Chapter 249
With the chaos in various places and the continuous southward movement of the winter line, the population of King's Landing is also increasing, and the food reserves are obviously not enough.

The Star Warriors in the church's armed forces even began to break into the homes of the nobles, searched for food, and then asked for donations on the spot.

Do you donate or not?

Even so, food is limited after all, and there are two major granaries in Westeros, the Reach and the Riverland.

River Bend High Court is now in Lin En's hands, not a grain of grain will flow out, and the river land is even more pitiful, it is there every time there is a war.

From the time when the first War of the Five Kings hadn't started until now, after two wars of the Five Kings, and being ravaged by ghouls, now thousands of miles of fertile land, it is difficult to find a living person, where can there be food ?

Therefore, the food quota for the common people in the city has been reduced again and again, and now it is only one-third of what it was a year ago, barely starving to death.

"When a person is about to starve to death, he is like a wild beast. Have you ever seen a wild beast have faith?"

"And, look at this again." Lynn said, pulling out another letter,

"When Cersei disappeared, most of the Dorne royal savings disappeared. It's hard not to wonder if there is a connection between them."

After going around for a while, I returned to King's Landing, the place where it all started.

Lynn let out a sigh,

"Alright, let's settle everything here!"


After the valley stabilized, Lynn left the army behind and planned to return to Storm's End.

Before leaving, he found Arya and wanted to take her back together,
"I won't go!" Arya shook her head and refused.

"I'm a faceless man, I have my own business to do!"

Lin En didn't force her. This girl has "the blood of running wolf".

There is no need to worry about her safety. As she herself said, she is a faceless person, and she is an expert in both killing and poisoning.

Lynn could only return to Storm's End by himself.

Haiqinyan's beautiful figure once again appeared above Storm's End Castle.

The people of the city cheered with all their enthusiasm!
For more than a year, the Storm Kingdom has been invincible in successive wars.

First they conquered the Granary River Bend, and then swallowed Dorne in a month. Now the situation is very good, and the people's respect for Lin En, the king, has almost reached its peak!

Some people even revered him as a god, thinking that the existence of their holy king is a descendant god!

Moreover, this kind of statement is highly recognized among the people who have participated in the enthronement ceremony!

After all, I have personally experienced that unparalleled extraordinary experience, vast!unlimited!Even just once is enough to conquer anyone and make them stick to it!
So when someone proposed this idea, it quickly spread quietly among the crowd!
After Lynn returned to Storm's End, Little Rose Margaery welcomed him warmly.

The next day, I started to deal with business.

Dorne has just been captured, and there are still many follow-up matters to be dealt with. Dorne is different from other places, they never agree with the Seven Kingdoms.

Conquering its cities is easy, but conquering Dorne's hearts and making them agree and obey requires a lot of follow-up work and patience.

Fortunately, with the help of Arianne, the Kingdom of Storms also has enough experienced administrators.

As long as the new system can be implemented, everything will gradually improve after a few years.


After Snow and Tyrion knew Cersei's whereabouts without any hesitation, the two immediately began to gather soldiers and vowed to avenge Daenerys.

The raven and the two of them quickly flew to Storm's End.

"Reject them!"

Lynn said without hesitation!
"Mobilize soldiers, deploy heavy troops along the banks of the Blackwater River, and prepare all the troops for battle."

"Follow your orders, Your Majesty!"

Ronald, who has been promoted to the head of the Kingdom's Council of Government Affairs, took the order to leave.

"Why would he refuse?"

Xue Nuo who got the reply asked in puzzlement.

Tyrion smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Because now, he is an enemy with us and Cersei! No matter how we fight, it will be beneficial to him!"

"Anyway, in the end, no matter who is left, he will take over! The more we hate each other, the less expensive it will be for him to manage in the future!"

Xue Nuo didn't know if he had thought of something, his face was so ugly,
"Why is he doing this? If he is willing to help me, I am even willing to surrender to him!"

"Haven't you understood?" Tyrion raised his voice and said angrily:

"What he wants is not surrender, but surrender, unconditional surrender!"

"He doesn't need nobles or lords! He wants to wipe out all the old nobles and establish a brand new system! And this system has been proven to be feasible in the Kingdom of Storms!"

"Sadly, we're not in his plans for the future!"

Tyrion's tone was that of a forgotten, abandoned stray dog,
Xue Nuo finally understood, and he no longer insisted.

Although he himself doesn't care about titles or territory, what about the northern lords who follow him?
I can't let these people who follow me to fight everywhere, finally willingly accept the fact that I will have nothing!
That is betrayal!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice,

"I will do my duty!"

"Now, let us do our best to avenge the queen!"

Snow Nuo and Tyrion both have a firm determination to find Cersei revenge. Even without Lynn's help, they think that the army in their hands, together with the dragon Drogon, is enough to force King's Landing to bow its head and hand over Cersei.

Snow began to organize the army in Riverrun. The army in the north and the remnants of the Tully family totaled less than 3 people. Although the number was small, they were all elite veterans who had survived many battles.

Tyrion decided to take the remaining Unsullied back to the fleet, looking for a chance to fight Euron's fleet.

The two acted separately, and three days later, Xue Nuo led the army to attack from Riverrun City, along the King's Road, and went straight to King's Landing City.

Just two days after leaving the city, they encountered [-] well-equipped Lannister family troops, and their goal was also King's Landing City.

James rode forward. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time, James' face became even more vicissitudes, but his eyes were firm and unusual!

"I'm going to King's Landing and bring back my daughter Myrcella!"

"She must not follow Cersei anymore! If this continues, she will die because of Cersei's madness!"

The two merged into one place and marched towards King's Landing City with an elite army of [-].

The first wave of enemies encountered on the road were actually valley cavalry!
Little Irene thought that Linn, like a robber, took away his valley, and Snow didn't want to help him at all, so he surrendered to King's Landing, hoping that the Pope and Queen could make decisions for himself.

And the first test given to him by the Seven Gods was to snipe the incoming Jon Snow.

As Drogon flew over the Vale Riders, the dreadful flames of the dragon destroyed the woods beside them.

Little Irene was tied up by the knights and sent to Snow Snow.

Even though he was lying on the ground like a maggot, he was still twisting, madly cursing Lynn, Jon Snow, and even the dead Dany.

(End of this chapter)

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