Chapter 256 A New Beginning!
In the sixth year of Long Winter, 306 Aegon,
The king of Westeros, Lynn, the king of the Storm Kingdom, summoned a miracle in the arm of Dorne, and divided the sea to create land.

The broken stone step islands reunited and rose, and the continent of Westeros and Essos reconnected after being separated for thousands of years!

On that day, 20 Storm Kingdom warriors poured into the corner of the Essos continent, a place of dispute.

The incomparably weak resistance of cities such as Tyrosi, Mill, and Reese were easily crushed by this extremely huge iron fist.

In one day, three of the nine major trading cities were captured, and the Essos continent was in turmoil.

The Kingdom of Storms gained a large enough foothold in just one battle. Moreover, the climate here is hot, and there is a river surging thousands of miles not far away.

Enough to open up thousands of miles of fertile soil to grow food, can alleviate the food shortage and crowded population in Westeros in one fell swoop.

His Majesty Lin En named this place the Land of Spring, hoping that the long winter will end soon and spring will come soon!

Under the leadership of His Majesty Lin En, countless people from Westeros crossed the land bridge and came to the land of spring, digging farmland and settling down!

In the seventh year of Long Winter, 307 Aegon,
The snowfall line did not continue to go south, and the people of Westeros finally no longer suffered from food shortages.

In the eighth year of Long Winter,
The snowfall line finally began to retreat northward. When the news was confirmed,
The Storm Kingdom officially changed its name to the Westeros Empire, and His Majesty Lynn Baratheon is the founding emperor of the Empire!
And married in Storm's End, accepted the oath of allegiance from people all over the empire.

The same year is designated as Year 1 of the Westeros Era.

Year 2 of Long Winter, Year [-] of Westeros.

The snowfall line has withdrawn significantly to the north, and the snow and ice in the south of the Sancha River have begun to melt. A large number of residents have returned in an orderly manner under the management of imperial officials. cultivated land.

Tenth year of Long Winter, 3rd year of Westeros.

The snow line continued to retreat northward, and the land between the rivers and valleys exposed the land that had been buried by ice and snow for seven years.

Long Winter No. 11, Westeros 4 years.

Winterfell, after a long night of seven years, saw the sun again!
So far, the long winter is over!
The continent of Westeros has ushered in a warm spring again!

Lynn opened her eyes in the warm sunshine of the Tath Palace,
Gently put down the arm on the body, and came to the beach by the sea alone,
Delicate sandy beach, clear blue water, Lynn leaned over and grabbed a handful of white sand, watched it flow from his fingers, and then was blown away by the warm sea breeze,
Exhale lightly and turn on the system.

【Name: Lynn】

[Fourth-level life body] (half god)

[Physique: Legendary High Level]

[Spirit: Demigod Intermediate]

[Original Energy: 91/3000]

[Mission: Become a big man like the bastard father! 】(completed!)

No rewards!

Lynn wasn't surprised. When the task was released, he didn't mention rewards. He was already prepared.
Moreover, if he guesses correctly, he has already got the biggest reward in the world!
Now, it's time to experiment!
Lynn closed her eyes, communicating with the stars in the sea of ​​consciousness,

In the sea of ​​consciousness, five stars floated above it.

The first one is the Republic of China, followed by Warhammer, Harry, the Ice and Fire I am in now, and a new star is shining!

With a thought, the stars of the Warhammer World burst into light, quickly covering his entire consciousness!

Mother of a Thousand Sons, Prospero,
The Indomitable-class battlecruiser Anron was sailing to the nearest Mandeville Point, an experimental ship that Lynn had borrowed from the Thousand Sons.

Lynn stood on the bridge, watching Prospero get farther and farther through the porthole,
"My lord! We are approaching Mandeville Point, do you want to activate the subspace engine?"

Rear Admiral Steven, the captain of the Anlong, came to inquire.

"You are the captain, you don't need to ask me about these things!"

Steven immediately ordered after receiving Lynn's instructions,
"Turn off the void shield!"

"Open the Geller stand!"

More than a dozen crew members in the entire bridge began to get busy, the steel plates outside the portholes were slowly closed, and the internal lighting emitted a blazing white light.
"The Geller stand is open!"

"Open subspace engine!"

"The subspace engine starts charging, 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%!"

Following the broadcast sound of the spaceship's brain, a huge beam of light shot out from the front of the Anlong,

A gap was suddenly torn open in the void ahead, surging and chaotic waves of energy surged out, countless red and orange rays of light surged and rolled like dark clouds,
A hole appeared in the center of the light!
The Warp Engine tore apart the real universe, opening the portal to the Warp.

The Anlong slowly sailed into...

After fully entering, the subspace entrance behind him collapsed inwards into a spot of light in just a few seconds, and disappeared with a bang...

"My lord, we have entered the subspace!"

"I got it, close the Geller stand now!"

The captain's face twitched violently, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lynn in disbelief.

"My lord? Closing Geller's position will have catastrophic consequences! The Anlong is very likely to be in distress, please confirm the order!"

There are not many words to describe the horror of the subspace, the ubiquitous energy torrent, the undetectable energy storm, and the most terrifying, the unspeakable existences born in the subspace.

In the era when there was no Geller's position, all the ships that entered the subspace had horrible mutations, and the entire crew of the ship went crazy and mutated.

The ubiquitous whispers in the subspace, the attacks of demons, it can be said that as long as the ships entering the subspace are these malicious pastries, they will be looted by them.

The Geller stand will form a protective film around the spacecraft to help the spacecraft block all these malicious things from the outside.

It can be said that it was not until the invention of the Geller stand that the door to human subspace navigation was opened.

But Geller's stand also has its disadvantages, it consumes a lot of energy, makes a lot of noise, as long as it is turned on, the void shield must be turned off at the same time, and most importantly, it is not stable!

At the heart of Geller's position is a dormant psyker who glitches from time to time.

And after a long time, there will be an infectious disease called "Geller's Iron Plague".

So now Lynn's request to close the Geller position of the Anlong, which is sailing in subspace, is putting the fate of the entire Anlong on the line.

"I'm here too, what are you afraid of? Obey the order!"

"Yes, my lord! Close the Geller stand!"

The captain issued an order to the Anlong and immediately carried out the order. As the roar of Geller's stand stopped, the whole spaceship suddenly fell silent!
The entire bridge suddenly fell into dead silence, empty, as silent as a grave.

The crew looked around anxiously,

There seemed to be some disturbing whispers in their hearts,

These whispers carry a kind of inexplicable madness, like ugly twisted tentacles waving in the blackness of nothingness, twisting and extending into the human brain, those incomprehensible words pierce the eardrums, echoing in the brain, making people irritated , Crazy, the world began to distort in their eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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