Chapter 257 Istfan No. [-]
Lynn also heard whispers,

But the spirit of the demigod is indestructible. In his opinion, these whispers are some spiritual forces with infinite malice. They permeate the entire space, distorting everything they encounter!
He can ignore these distractions, but the crew can't

These malicious spiritual powers are like wriggling maggots. When they find their target, they slowly flock to him, drill into his brain, ravage and abuse his spirit, until they twist their will and body.

Lynn was sure to set up a mental barrier to eliminate these malice, but he didn't do that, but walked quickly to the center of the bridge.

There stood a stand generator as tall as half a man.

This was successfully developed after he returned to the Warhammer World with the help of Prospero's Falcon School, who was proficient in positional magic.

The purpose is today's experiment.

Walking to the front of the stage, Lynn took out something from his portable space, which looked like a crude spearhead.

The whole body is pitch black, and the smooth section can reflect the figure, and the material seems to be a stone.

Dragon Crystal!

Lynn's gift from Westeros.

Ever since he discovered that dragon crystal can isolate mental power, he has always had an idea, why can dragon crystal kill strange ghosts?Does it do anything else.

So Lynn brought it into the subspace.

Take out the dragonglass spearhead and gently place it on the center deck of the stance generator.


A soft sound.

The dragon crystal was restrained in mid-air by the invisible position, a series of subtle electric arcs flickered connected to it, and an invisible wave spread violently!
Those invisible malice and whispered whispers were all swept away by one brain!
The whole space is suddenly clear, as if jumping from the mud into the clear water, the body and mind are refreshed!
The entire bridge was filled with the sound of exhaling freely, and the crew members were sweating profusely as if they had been fished out of the water, panting heavily.

"Lord Lynn!" Captain Steven stepped forward, looking at the stance generator in front of him with joy and excitement, and said, "Have you succeeded? A new Geller stance?"

Lynn's face was also full of smiles, nodded and said: "Successful! But it is not a new Geller position!"

"Test immediately and record all data!"

"Yes! My lord!" Steven said excitedly.

After a while, all the data came out,

"My lord, the data is out!" Steven ran to Lynn with a flushed face and said,
"How's the effect?"

"The energy consumption of the new stance generator is extremely low. If it is only to maintain the ship, the energy consumption is not much greater than that of a light bulb! The coverage of the stance is infinitely expanded by increasing the energy output. If the ship's power is fully supported, the coverage can reach [-] kilometers. It can even easily protect an entire planet!!!”

"And the most important thing is that it is extremely stable and silent. In terms of probability, the possibility of failure is almost negligible!"

"With it, the subspace navigation of the Imperial fleet will reduce at least 90.00% of accident losses!"

The more Steven spoke, the more excited he became, and the last two sentences were almost roared out!
Lin En finally showed a smile on his face, and said secretly in his heart:

"You underestimated it Steven, this is not a simple position generator."

"This is the future of mankind!!!"


Because of the success of the experiment, Lynn even started to suspect that the dragon crystal might be the anti-psychic material used by the Old Sage to build the webway! ! !
Lynn once asked Magnus what mistake he had made, and the little red horse also explained to him how he accidentally sabotaged the Emperor's webway plan.

The webway is the super-light-speed navigation channel built by the ancient saints in the ancient times, connecting countless known and unknown planets in the galaxy.

In the eyes of the current empire, webway traffic is a mysterious and efficient way of transportation. More importantly, it can enable humans to avoid being corrupted or affected by chaos when traveling at super-light speed in subspace. risk.

The ultimate goal of the Emperor's webway plan is to completely free mankind from dependence on the Warp.

At that time, the terrifying existence in the subspace will no longer be able to restrict the development of human beings!


All of this was blown up by a psychic communication from the little red horse!
Magnus felt guilty for this, and willingly waited for the punishment from Terra.

Lynn carefully referenced the webway alluded to in all of Prospero's books.

In his guess, the webway should be like the subway on the earth, high-speed, hidden, safe, and completely free from outside interference.

The webway entrances are like subway stations.

The emperor's network road plan was to build a new platform to connect to the subway's transportation network extending in all directions, but it was bombed and collapsed before it was completed.

Countless warp demons on the ground found it, so they swarmed in.

If dragon crystal is really an anti-psychic material for building webways, the empire can use it to lay its own webways!

But these things still need to be verified, after all, Lin En himself has never seen what it looks like in the cyberway.

Captain Steven also calmed down.

He opened his mouth again and said, "However, there is also bad news!"

Lin En woke up from his contemplation, and opened his mouth to ask, "What's the bad news?"

"The navigator on our ship can't see the Astronomican!"

"Are you kidding me?" Lynn's expression also changed. "I can't see the Astronomican, what about the other navigation beacons?"

Steven's expression couldn't look any better, and he said with some difficulty: "I can't even see it!"

"So, we're lost in the Warp! Right?"


Dangers of navigation in the warp are everywhere,
In addition to facing damage from subspace creatures and evil gods and demons, they also have to face ubiquitous energy storms.

The navigation of human ships in the subspace does not rely on their own power, but on the energy torrent in the subspace, drifting with the current like a boat floating on it, the flow of these energies cannot be observed by ordinary people, only the necessary equipment for each ship The navigator can see that they switch in the river of energy according to the beacon and the star torch, and then jump out after reaching the target to complete a voyage.

Not being able to observe the target now is as terrible as losing the course in the vast sea!
Lynn didn't know how long the Anlong sailed, maybe a day, maybe a month, maybe even a year.

Time blurs in the warp.

Until one day, Steven suddenly ran up to him and said excitedly.

"Saw the beacon! The navigator saw the beacon!"

Lynn was shocked, "Then what are you waiting for? Get out!"

Anron began to vibrate, the subspace engine started,
After a while, the Anlong fell silent, and the steel plate protecting the porthole was slowly pulled away, and a planet appeared in the distance.

"Correct the time, update the star map, and determine the current position!"

"Report, the location is confirmed! This is the limit star field, the Istfan galaxy,"

"The planet in front of me is Istfan V!!!"

ps: Stopped for a day, first say sorry, it was really stuck, I scratched my head and scratched my head when I was stuck, and I was dying!

Fortunately, after two days of congestion, it suddenly became clear now, with inspiration springing up, code words flying,

I decided not to sleep tonight, and coded until I fell into a coma!
(End of this chapter)

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