Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 258 Naked men fall from the sky!

Chapter 258 Naked men fall from the sky!

The alarm lights on the bridge suddenly began to flash wildly, and bursts of piercing sirens sounded.

"Warning, this ship has been locked!"

"Warning, this ship has been locked by multiple weapons! Please deploy the void shield!"

"Warning! This ship is under attack!"

With a loud bang, the bridge seemed to have been hammered by an iron fist, and a huge shock came from the hull. The crew members in the bridge were like slippers thrown by the waves, and they slammed heavily on the top of the cabin. fall down!

"Fully power the void shield, open the shutter!" Captain Steven ordered hoarsely.

The crew didn't care to wipe the bloody smell from their mouths, and ran to the control console.

"Report, the ship's hull is seriously damaged, the seventh to eleventh compartments are lost, and the energy supply of the void shield is 30.00% two."

Lin En's heart is like a dog, what is squatting here?

He had just jumped out of the subspace, and was beaten half to death before the shutter was opened.

And it wasn't until this time that the baffles of the portholes were finally fully opened,

Lynn looked up,
In the universe that should have been deep and dark, there are countless huge battleships fighting,
densely packed, layer upon layer,
The roar of the ship's explosion cannot be heard in the empty and silent space, but the fire that illuminates the universe can be seen.

The wrath of the cannon, the flash of the spear,

The top-level crystallization of countless human industries, in the vast space, launched a life-threatening fight!

I don't know who even gave me a hit, and I don't know who to hit if I want to start a fire and get revenge!
Lynn looked at it, and could only roughly see the two warring parties. One side was the Iron Hand, Salamander, and Raven Guard three legion fleets parked in the orbit of the planet.

The other side attacking them from the outer layer is the fleet of four legions including Alpha, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and Night Lords.

With a quick glance, I saw six Queen of Glory class battleships!

The flagship of the Fourth Legion "Iron Warriors" - Blood of Iron

Nightfall, flagship of the Eighth Legion "Night Lords"
The battleship of the No.17 Legion "Word Bearers"—History of Ashes
No.18 Legion "Salamander" Flagship - Firecast
No.19 Legion "Raven Guard" Flagship - Emperor's Shadow
No.20 Legion "Alpha Legion" Flagship - Alpha

This imposing colossal creation has been the flagship of every fleet and the vessel of the Primarchs of every Legion.

Their appearance here means that the main force of each fleet has been exhausted, and the powerful and noble Primarchs are also here.

Six Queens of Glory and seven fleets. Except for the flagship of the Tenth Legion's "Iron Hands"——Iron Fist is not here, the main fleets of the seven legions are all concentrated in the sky above this small Istvan V.

This is a force enough to cleanse the galaxy!

Not since the Emperor left the front lines had the Imperium assembled such a mighty force.

And now they are killing each other here!

"Sneak attack? Or betrayal by friendly forces?"

The situation in front of him is obviously that the fleet parked in orbit was attacked by four fleets from behind. No, it must be said to be a betrayal!
No matter what, many warships in orbit were called out to be bursting and burning huge torches before they even adjusted their direction!
Even if he was attacked by surprise, he couldn't be so embarrassed. He could only be caught off guard because he mistakenly thought that the one behind him was a friendly army.

Horus' rebellion is beyond doubt, so who is loyal among these fleets?Who is the rebel?
The current situation does not allow Lynn to continue to distinguish,
The captain of the Anlong, Steven, ran over with a pale face.

"The Anlong was captured by the gravity of the planet, and the power loss cannot escape. We are falling!"

Steven gritted his teeth, pointed to the dragon crystal on the position generator and said:
"My lord, please take the holy object and leave, go to the transport plane! This piece of equipment must not fall into the hands of the rebels!"

"That won't save everyone!" Lynn said.

"Everyone? No, my lord!" Steven shook his head and said:
"The Anlong will self-destruct after you leave, and all data on the spacecraft will be completely destroyed, not even a trace will be left for the traitors!"

"May the Emperor bless you!"

"For the Emperor!!!"

Lynn nodded and put away the dragon crystal, and then followed many people to the life-saving and airborne devices scattered around the ship.

Three minutes later, many lifeboats, airborne pods, and transport planes exploded like flowers, and fell towards the ground like raindrops.

The Thunderhawk transport plane that Lynn was in rushed towards the ground rapidly.

Exposed on a battlefield of this scale, an unprotected transport aircraft cannot withstand a little "bump", and if you don't pay attention, it will be completely wiped out.

Through the porthole, Lynn saw the smaller and smaller Anlong above, shining its own light amidst the flames of war!
no sentimentality,

Everyone has been ready to serve the Emperor from the first day of joining the army, but now the time has come.

It's too late to be sad,

Because the transport plane was also severely damaged,

A dazzling energy beam falling from space grazed Thunderhawk's fuselage, and the fragile fuselage of the transport plane was in front of the God's Blade's heavy light spear, even if it grazed, it was enough to evaporate half of its fuselage.

Part of the violent explosion remained, and countless crew members were torn apart by the shock wave of the explosion in an instant, and scattered along with the wreckage of the transport plane.

Except Lynn,

The power of the explosion was far from enough to harm his body, but the impact produced increased his falling speed several times!
Like a miniature macro cannonball, he was blasted out by the energy generated by the explosion, and the momentary impact increased his initial speed to two kilometers per second, which was almost the same as the speed of a meteor entering the atmosphere.

The high temperature generated by the violent friction between the body and the air burned his clothes in just a few breaths.
Lynn scolded Ruth secretly in his heart, what a bastard with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he has learned to lie,
His power armor was broken by himself in the battle of Prospero. Ruth had promised to give him his ice wave armor, but there was no movement as soon as he left.

Although he doesn't like the defense provided by the power armor, at least he doesn't need a naked man from the sky!
If he becomes famous in the future, how should the history of the empire be recorded?

Heroes of the Empire!Invincible warrior!The savior of all mankind in the galaxy!The slayer of opposite sexes in the entire galaxy!
Love Naked Men From Heaven?

How does this make the people of the empire see themselves?How do you see Empire?
It's not good to spread the word, isn't it!
It's a pity that no matter how much Lynn complained in his heart, his falling speed in the atmosphere was getting faster and faster!

The high temperature burned his clothes, and there was nothing he could do to his skin. Although there was no thick smoke, the "Meteor" still emitted a dazzling light.

Lin En adjusted his body in mid-air, lying on his back with his face facing up, observing accidents falling from space at any time, and giving himself another shot to avoid any occurrences!
(End of this chapter)

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