Chapter 276 Reaching the Ground
Looking at the exaggerated body of the Dust Man in front of him, Mark was extremely satisfied.

Even if such a big man can't fight, he can move things as much as several people.

"No. 8888? Depart in two hours!"

In fact, even these Shangmin are generally not tall.
Under the shortage of supplies, it is difficult for the Shangmin to provide enough food.

The male members of the Hunting Team are all about 1.7 meters tall, and Mocheng is already considered tall, but only about 1.7 meters three.
The height of women is even shorter. Ran Bing, who just became an official team member this year, is the tallest, not reaching 1.7 meters.

Erica, who is the shortest, is even less than 1.5 meters.

Therefore, Mark's height of 1.9 meters has always stood out from the crowd, which has already made the team members envious.
What's more, now there is a monster-like Dustman!

Pairs of eyes followed Lynn closely, with different expressions in their eyes,

Erica looked at him, then at herself, with a very longing light in her eyes,

He quickly ran to Ran Bing's side and asked softly, "Sister Ran Bing, do you think eating insect cakes will help you grow taller?"

Ran Bing almost laughed out loud when she heard the words, and pointed her forehead with a pale finger and said:

"What are you thinking? Not all Dustmen are as tall as him!"

Erica is right when she thinks about it. She sees countless dust people every day, and it is the first time she has seen such a tall one.

Hopes were dashed, and suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Mo Cheng next to him didn't care about Ran Bing's words, and still looked at Lin En with piercing eyes,

He has always been very envious of Captain Mark's strong figure, if the worm cake is really useful...

made up my mind,

"When I get back, I'll add the worm cake to the recipe. It's cheap anyway, as long as I eat it quietly without being noticed..."


Lin En ignored all kinds of gazes around him, and stood aside obediently like the other Dustmen, watching the Shangmin prepare their weapons and load various heavy objects into their vehicles.

It's not that they are lazy and don't help, it's because the lighthouse expressly prohibits any dustman from touching Shangmin's weapons and equipment, and the weight is the most important thing that is strictly guarded.

Lynn was honest on the surface, but he was actually thinking about the abnormality that Mark felt when Mark held his hand just now.

He scanned Mark with his spiritual power countless times beyond ordinary people,
Mark is anything but a normal human being!

Lynn even felt a smell of space warriors in Warhammer in him,
Of course it can't reach that level, but he is sure that Mark should have used a technology similar to gene seeds, but it is too inferior and immature.

I don't know if it's related to him. Although he can be sure that he didn't use his own genes, he definitely used other genetic technologies, but he still doesn't know what it is.

Thinking of this, Lynn stopped his wild thoughts,
It has nothing to do with him, so there's no need to worry about it!

Then put Mark's abnormality behind him!Began to observe these wild hunters.

The wild hunter team can be said to be the strongest armed force on the lighthouse!

Since the lighthouse needs to maintain a floating state all the time, and there is no industrial system on it, it must continue to go to the ground to collect energy and various types of materials.

Therefore, every mission of the hunters can be said to be extremely dangerous and extremely important.

Lighthouse will equip them with a small number of heavy three-dimensional mechs and weapons.

Even the scientific research department and the engineering department have special personnel to serve them, and will rectify weapons, vehicles, heavy bodies and other equipment according to their requirements.

The importance is beyond doubt.

Mark is the commander of the hunters, and he manages all the three teams of the hunters. Each team has more than 30 official members.
Ordinary team members only have the most basic armor and standard weapons, while elite players will have special weapons, and the best of them will even have the qualification to stand upright after rigorous testing and training.

The heavy body of the lighthouse is an extremely rare and non-renewable resource, and each one is extremely precious, so one of the four rules of the Wilderness Hunter is dedicated to it.

Lynn saw the four rules on the wall of the material maintenance room.

1. Highest priority: bring back supplies.

2. Try to avoid direct confrontation with the Pole Devourer, give priority to retreat, and minimize loss and casualties.

3. Wilderness hunters are not allowed to go deep into ecological exploration, except when recycling core materials is blocked.

4. The damaged duplicate body must be recovered, except when it conflicts with rule 1.

Lynn's first thought after seeing the code was,
"What kind of hunter is this? Just call it a scavenger!"

The facts are similar to what he imagined. Before departure, Mark introduced the mission to them.

What they are going to this time is a material storage warehouse marked by a lighthouse, which contains a lot of urgent materials, such as solar photovoltaic panels, special steel, and even computer accessories.
Avoid fighting, and if any valuable materials are allocated during the process, they will be recycled together!
Two hours later, the lighthouse descended to the predetermined height, and the hunting team set off.

This time, the first and second teams were on the mission, led by Commander Mark.

Lynn and other dust people got on the all-terrain armored vehicle unique to the Wild Hunter and came to the descent platform ES01.

With the noise of a gear noose, they slowly fell towards the ground.

With a bang, the platform landed on the ground smoothly, and the surrounding baffles slammed apart,

A group of more than 20 armored vehicles rushed out amidst a roar!
The leader is a team of elite wild hunters, Mocheng.

He has excellent explosive power and sharp reaction speed. He is one of the few non-heavy three-dimensional fighters who can deal with the beast in close quarters. He is also a recognized "car god" with excellent driving skills.
In addition, he loves to play cool, has a cheerful personality, and is very popular among hunters.

Followed by the captain of the second team Jeff, he is a veteran with extremely rich combat experience. The weapons are shotguns and anchor guns, and their functions are fire output and containment.

Among them, the anchor gun is a special device, which can shoot out a special iron lock, trap the beast in place, and help the team members retreat or advance.

Next to him is the group favorite of the second team, little loli Erica!
She is a veritable genius heavy-dimension driver, the youngest, but she drives the thickest and most massive White Shark-14 improved model.

It has the thickest armor of all heavy bodies, and a special telescopic heavy-duty explosion-proof shield. It is also equipped with a two-seater Gatling and a huge magazine. It is a mobile fortress that can be attacked and defended, responsible for fire suppression. polar beast.

Then there are the vehicles of Lin En and the dust people, a large open-air flat bottom warehouse with almost no defense. There is no doubt that it is used to pull supplies.
As for the safety of the dust people on it, it was not considered at all.

At the end is the Hunter Commander Mark and his exclusive heavy body,

Lynn saw the chainsaw sword on its body, which made him nod in satisfaction,

"That's right! Sure enough, chainsaws are a man's romance!"

"Unfortunately no bolters, but missile launchers would do the trick!"

(End of this chapter)

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