Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 277 The Pole Devourer Appears

Chapter 277 The Pole Devourer Appears

Lin Enzuo looked around on the bumpy car,
The surrounding area is full of dust stirred up by the motorcade, and the sky is full of yellow sand in the distance, and there is no green in sight!
In addition to the roar of the car, there is only the endless whimpering of the wind,
Lynn looked into the distance, and the nearest city ruins were tens of kilometers away.

Except for the bare rocks all around, there are only barren hills extending to the end of the line of sight.

A desolate and silent doomsday scene.

After a while, the convoy arrived at the material warehouse marked by the lighthouse.
Mark jumped out of the car first.

"Quick! Get out of the car!"

"All wild hunters act according to the established plan,"

"The first team explores the way, the second team spreads out to maintain vigilance, and all the dustmen carry boxes to keep up."

Lin En carried an empty box on his back, quietly followed the wild hunting team, and walked into the target area of ​​this mission.

This is an abandoned factory building, which covers a huge area. I don't know what it was originally produced.

"It seems that the wild hunters deliberately avoided the city when choosing the location!"

"Otherwise, isn't an abandoned city a better place for material collection?"

"Maybe the situation in the city is more dangerous for wild hunters, so they can only choose these sparsely populated places to explore."

Lin En followed the hunter obediently while thinking, and gradually went deep into the factory area.

Along the way, they carefully entered every factory building, and sent people to investigate every corner first, and did not start collecting materials until they were sure it was safe.

Once it is determined that the supplies are useful, it is the turn of Lin En and the dust people to step forward.

The dust people are responsible for packing the materials designated by the wild hunters into boxes, and then moving them back to the car,

The identity badges on their chests will record their task performance, and after returning to the lighthouse, the central brain will evaluate them and give contribution points according to their performance.

Generally speaking, there are at least thirty points, which is equivalent to working on the lighthouse for a month.
If the material harvested is very good enough, it will even double,
Of course, behaviors such as poor performance, laziness, and discarding materials when danger comes, will be severely punished.

It's not just the contribution points that cause serious consequences, it may even be the death penalty.

Fortunately, the Dust Folks are already used to these jobs, and they came here to take risks, hoping to get more contribution points, and work quickly and quickly.

The material collection went extremely smoothly.
In less than an hour, they had swept through several warehouses,
The wild hunters not only found the photovoltaic panels they needed, but even found a food warehouse in which some flour and soybeans were found.

The extremely dry environment is extremely beneficial for food preservation, and it can still be eaten after all these years.

Some of the sealed cans were inedible, but the biscuits were not spoiled.

On the lighthouse, food is always a scarce item, and it is a necessity in the highest collection sequence like energy.

These discoveries made everyone excited, and the hunting team members were already looking forward to the big meal after returning.

Although the dust people can't eat it, the brain will definitely give more contribution points when evaluating.

Everyone's mood changed from being cautious when they first arrived to being a little excited.
"The ability to collect so many materials smoothly this time is definitely the blessing of the Lord of Light and Shadow!"

Many dust people have already started to chant hymns, thanking God for the gift!
The more the end of the world, the more fertile ground for faith!
This is a common rule in that world,
When people find answers and hope in this world, it is undoubtedly the simplest, most omnipotent, and most worthy of "trust" to rely on God.

Lynn was very familiar with this set, and didn't show any disdain or disapproval.

They believed them, and Lin En took the time to move these materials back to the truck. He did not work together with others to lift the boxes, but grabbed them and left alone. Anyway, more work pays more, and the materials he carried alone were worth There are seven or eight people.

Usually, two or even four people are required to carry the material, and he can easily carry it away by himself, which seems to be effortless.

The power is so great that many hunters are secretly surprised!
Even Mark had no choice but to make a comparison in his heart, and then found out that he was really not as powerful as this dustman!
The eyes of Mocheng next to him almost popped out!
"What kind of power is this! I must eat insect cakes when I go back!"

"No, I'll go and ask right away, maybe they are carrying it with them now!"

Just about to walk in, there were a few crisp gunshots in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of dense gunfire.

"The second team found danger?" This thought flashed across everyone's minds in a flash, and the heart beat violently.
The dust people are about to run away in a panic!Leaving their Lord of Light and Shadow behind.

At this moment, the voices over there became louder, the sound of houses collapsing, gunshots, explosions, and unknown animal roars came all at once.

Mark hurriedly shouted: "All the dust people, carry the supplies and evacuate towards the convoy,"

"Mocheng, Ran Bing leads a team to escort supplies."

After shouting, he took out his pistol and ran towards the direction of the sound,
Not long after Ran Bing joined the Wilderness Hunter, it was the time when his fighting spirit was high. At this time, he would not run away first, and he chased after him with a twist of his waist.
While running, he shouted: "Captain, I will go too!"

To be honest, Lynn admired Mark's courage to rush into danger, but he couldn't understand his behavior.

What's the use of running over with that small pistol?

Do you think that polar devouring beasts are cute and scared when they see guns?

I still feel that there are not enough people there to feed the beasts!
Shaking his head, as his identity, he really shouldn't worry about this, even if he wanted to help, he would probably be slammed by these Shangmin.
It is serious to follow the crowd honestly, load the car and run.

The most important thing now is the contribution points, and you can only rent the laboratory if you get enough contribution points.

As long as all the materials can be transported back, the contribution point of this trip can be doubled at least, and it is enough to come down again.

Seeing that the convoy was already within sight, Lynn suddenly stopped.

Not only did he not move forward, but he turned around and grabbed the back of a dustman next to him, and took a few steps on his hind legs like a chicken.

The Dust Man didn't realize what happened, thought he was snatched away by some monster, and was yelling for help with his eyes closed, when the warehouse next to him suddenly collapsed, and several Dust Man and Shangmin who had no time to escape were crushed. Below.


A huge roar sounded right next to everyone's ears, and the sound waves spread out in circles, shaking the entire team with headaches.
From the ruins of the collapsed walls came out a huge monster two or three stories high,


Lynn was puzzled, but it wasn't right,

This Pole Devourer that just came out obviously has six legs, and its skin is as hard as bone armor, and the hideous bone spurs on its back are shining with a strange red light.

(End of this chapter)

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