Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 284 I am old and my back hurts!

Chapter 284 I am old and my back hurts!
Penny's face turned redder immediately,

Cowardly, I don't know how to answer!

Since she summoned up the courage to go to the suspension area to thank her last time, she has been paying close attention to Lin En, a new Shangmin, and has been inquiring about him.

Later, I heard that after hearing that he became the Minister of Agriculture, I felt a little hesitant.
Tried to thank you in person several times but failed.
One is because the air farm usually prohibits her and other irrelevant personnel from entering, and only the ministers of various departments and personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture can enter and exit.

The second is that she was too embarrassed to go to a "strange" man's dormitory to find him, so this matter was delayed.

She just kept in mind that she found out as soon as Lin En entered the door today.
Now hearing Lin En say that he remembers himself, his heart beats suddenly, and he doesn't know what to say.

"You are the one who was so frightened and sat on the ground crying that day, right?"

"No! I didn't cry! And I'm not scared!" Petunia retorted without being shy.

"Haha!" Lynn laughed, "I know, I'm just kidding you, you're too nervous!"


Petunia's "stingy" expressed her dissatisfaction. She was a little angry at Lynn's behavior of teasing her, and was pleasantly surprised by his character.

"It doesn't look like a difficult person to get along with!"

"Lyn, you're finally here!"

Mark was very pleasantly surprised when he found Lynn's arrival, and his loud voice attracted everyone's attention.

Lynn nodded and replied, "Of course, I said, I'll come over when I get the job done."

At this time, everyone in the ordnance maintenance room noticed this place,
There was a whisper,

"Is he Minister Lynn?"

"Yes, it's really strong. I thought Captain Mark was the strongest person in the lighthouse!"

"I don't know what he eats to grow so big? I want to ask him."

"Insect cake!" Mo Cheng returned.

"Unfortunately, it's not easy to buy now, and you won't be able to grab it if you go too late!"

"Such a shooter?"

"What a fool, of course it's because there is a better pasta instead, and the production of insect cakes has decreased."

The armory is the home base of the hunters.

Due to their heavy training needs, the lighthouse has remodeled the ordnance maintenance room,
Tactical explanations, combat training, heavy three-dimensional operation training, shooting training, and physical training are all integrated here.

This makes the training ground occupy a very large area.

At the same time, the engineering department's maintenance and adjustment work on the heavy structure is also carried out here.

Mark pulled Lynn to introduce these areas one by one, and introduced the elite members of the wild hunter team to him. After all, they may often perform missions together in the future, so they must get to know each other first.

When he walked to the side of the ring, a burly old man with white beard and hair laughed boldly and said,
"Boy, thanks for your invention, the old man and I can eat my favorite fried noodles again.

Your invention can be said to have saved countless people in the lighthouse, including the hunters here. "

Carrying people in a bridal sedan chair, this old man has grown up. He said this in front of so many people to help Lin En get along better with the wild hunters.

Lynn also understood this truth, and said politely:
"Instructor Elon is too polite. He just does what I should do. The hunters are all elites of the lighthouse, and each one is extremely precious!"

Elon saw that Lynn was indeed on the road, much smarter than Mark, who he regarded as his own son, and said very happily:

"You're so strong, come on, come up, my old man will teach you two-handed fighting skills, and keep you invincible!"

With that said, Instructor Elon turned onto the ring and took off his jacket, revealing his muscular body.

Lynn thought the old man was interesting, and he didn't want to lose face by going on stage. He glanced around and saw the heavy body standing in the corner.

After a few steps to the side of it, everyone compared it and found that Lin En's figure is really majestic to the extreme, and the exaggerated specific gravity is even a bit higher!
Before they were amazed, Lin En stretched out his big hand like a bear's paw, grabbed the heavy three-dimensional neck with one hand, and lifted it straight up like a puppy! ! !

There is a sound when you inhale,
Everyone looked horrified. This heavy body weighed at least 1000 kilograms, and with a full set of equipment, it weighed as much as [-]. When there is no driver, a special crane is required to move.

But what do they see now?
One person, one hand, easily picked it up!

Only Mark Ranbing and other wild hunters who participated in the previous mission showed such expressions,
After all, Lynn's performance last time was actually more exaggerated than now!

But his explanation is that he has great strength, and now it seems that it is really the case!

This strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!
Instructor Elon on the ring looked horrified,

"Cough cough" coughed twice, slammed his lower back with his backhand, leaned forward and said: "When you are old, your bones hurt before you move."

"Come on, come on, Mark, you already have seven points of my strength, you can compete with Minister Lin instead of me!"

After finishing speaking, I "staggered" off the ring, looking like I was old and had a backache.

Although Mark has a straightforward temper, he is not willing to be fooled by this, so he immediately shook his head and refused.

"I can't beat it!"

The character is simple and terrifying, he seems to have no concept of face or honor at all.

He led the hunters not by simply being able to fight.

Lin En came here for the first time, and hoped to get acquainted with these people faster, so he simply proposed to have a friendly match with them,
The event is optional, whether it is shooting or fighting, all comers are welcome!
If it is in the ring, he will show mercy and promise not to hurt anyone, but as long as anyone can hit him once, he will get [-] contribution points!

The scene suddenly heated up,

All the wild hunters are gearing up,

Good man!
Isn't this sending money?
We have practiced since we were young and have practiced for so many years. Can we still lose to someone who has never practiced?

Lynn stood on the ring and looked at everyone with a smile,

An hour later, there was a lot of voices below the ring, and people kept betting on how many rounds they could last.

As for winning?Don't think about it anymore!

Although Lynn didn't use much power, he showed precise use of power and exquisite control over the flaws in his movements, making it almost impossible to fight back.

Moreover, his moves have always been ordinary, and they are all simple basic movements, but in his hands, he uses some great and simple flavors.

Every time after defeating an opponent in an understatement, Lynn would point out a few words, always hitting the point and pointing at the opponent's weak link.

After going back, think carefully and confirm it, and you will definitely make great progress.

This is because Lin En is standing too high. Although he has studied the skills of moves for a long time, but all the tricks come to the sea, the moves are in the final analysis the control of oneself and the grasp of opportunities.

Instructing them is completely easy, as simple as eating and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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