Chapter 285
People kept going up to the arena, and then came down quickly.

There were also people who kept cheering for Lynn, and the one who yelled the loudest was Jessica,

The long-haired Yujie's eyes were almost shining at this time, especially when she saw Lynn's bursting muscle lines after taking off his coat.

I jumped up with excitement!Cheer loudly like a fan girl.

Lynn thought she might be an undercover agent sent by the other party!
Otherwise, why would the bouncing white rabbit and the soft curve always attract my attention?

What a despicable thing!

Actually using this method, I will not be fooled!
Lin En was distracted and let the opponent take two more moves, and the audience immediately cheered.

Many wild hunters who won the bet rushed to the stage like welcoming heroes and lifted their opponents down.

Lynn was smiling, MMP in her heart!
At this time, there were no hunters on stage anymore, all those who could fight were beaten for one round, and the hunters were all wiped out!
Ran Bing glanced around and gritted her teeth secretly when she saw that no one had any plans to go on stage again. She was not willing to let outsiders leave Wild Hunter with a record of victory.
Since no one can beat him in the arena, then I am the only one who can win!
Ran Bing made up his mind and walked out of the crowd.

"Minister Lin, let's compare marksmanship!"

The hunters were overjoyed to hear this!

Yes!Even if you are naturally good at fighting, can you still be born with marksmanship?
Ran Bing is the sniper in the team. He is the youngest but has excellent marksmanship. In addition, he is lively, cheerful and quick-talking on weekdays. He is the pistachio in the team and is very popular with everyone.

Captain Mark also specially introduced her to Jingnan to learn sniper skills systematically, and she became even more powerful after returning. There is no better marksmanship than her among the wild hunters.

But isn't it a bit of a bully to have her take on someone who's never touched a gun?
That would be great! ! !
"Minister Lin, we big men can't even dare to accept a woman's challenge!"

This is the fire,
"It really doesn't work, let's add some color!"

This is not too big of a deal to watch.

"Okay, what a lick!" Lynn nodded.

Is this agreed?The wild hunters clapped their hands and celebrated, this time they will definitely get back the face they lost!

Ran Bing nodded confidently and said: "If you lose, just... just..." Speaking of this, he suddenly didn't know what to ask for,
I didn't know him very well, and I was afraid to say something that was too much for him, so I got stuck for a while.

"If I lose, I will invite all the high-end meals tonight!"

Lin En opened his mouth and said, as soon as the words fell, there were cheers everywhere,

"Minister Lin is magnificent!"

"Thank you Minister Lin!"

"Come on, Ran Bing! Today's high-end meal depends on you!"

Lynn asked with a smile on his face, "But what if I win?"

"You can say whatever you want!" Ran Bing blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Oh!~" Lynn looked at her with a smile,
Ran Bing's face turned red when he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly changed his words: "Of course it has to be reasonable!"

"Then how do you say it's unreasonable?"

The wild hunters around watched the excitement and made a fuss. Ran Bing also realized that the new minister who looked young in front of him was teasing himself.

Said without showing weakness.

"Win first!"

She has full confidence in herself!
Two 10 minutes later...

Ran Bing began to doubt life^ Put down the gun in his hand with a dull expression.

In this short period of time, Lynn completely crushed her from pistols to machine guns, and then to her most confident sniper rifle!
It made her doubt for a while whether she would shoot or not.
"Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat, I'm going to say yes." Lynn looked at her with a smile and said.

"Say it!" Ran Bing gritted his teeth, with a heroic expression on his face,

The hall also fell silent, and everyone waited to hear Lynn's request,

Although it was a joke, if Lynn really made any excessive demands, the wild hunters would not agree!
"I just moved and it's a mess inside, how about you help me tidy up my room?"

As soon as Lynn finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Then I heard Lynn continue to say, "Of course, tonight's senior meal is welcome!"

"Long live Minister Lin!"

Mark was very happy to see that Lynn got along well with the wild hunters so quickly, looked at Ran Bing with a smile on his face and said:

"Ran Bing, do it well!"

"Boy Lin, welcome back!"

In the resounding farewell of Instructor Elon,
Ran Bing walked out with Lin En aggrieved and turned around step by step...

They didn't notice the envy on Petunia's face in the crowd!
On the way back, Lin En almost laughed out loud when he saw Ran Bing's aggrieved look.

"Why do you have this expression, as if I'm a bad guy who is prostitution!"

He originally planned to ask 4277 to clean it up for him, but there was a free laborer who was overwhelmed and sent to his door, so it was useless!
"You don't feel complacent, I just feel sorry for the high-class meal!" Ran Bing said firmly, but she was actually worried that she could not do well. After all, she had a careless temper since she was a child, and she didn't even know how to tidy her own room.

Now she is suddenly asked to clean up someone else's room. If the cleaning is not done well, this wicked Minister Lin will never let go of the opportunity to laugh at himself!

"Now, we can only take one step at a time!"

The two came all the way to Lynn's residence. After opening the door and entering, Lynn collapsed on the sofa.

"Please begin!"

Then, I watched Ran Bing tidy up in a hurry!
In fact, his room is not too messy, most of the furniture here is made of alloy, and in order to prevent bumps in the air, all the furniture is fixed on the ground or walls.

It's just that Lynn didn't think it was comfortable enough, so he took out a lot of bedding and kitchen items from the space.

He didn't tidy up, and it only seemed a little messy after a few days.

Ran Bing was a little apprehensive, this was her first time entering a men's dormitory, and she did not expect the conditions to be so good!
There are two floors above and below, each room is fully functional, and there are things that have never been seen on the bed,
I never thought that the bed could be so soft, and the quilt could be so comfortable. Just by touching it with my hands, I felt like I was trapped in white clouds.

Ran Bing had never seen some of the tools he used for cooking, so he had no way of using them.

"Does Minister Lin still cook by himself?"

I shook my head, it's not the time to think about this, the most important thing now is,
"Shake people!"

Although she doesn't know how to tidy up, she has a friend who has an excellent personality, gentle and well-behaved, and the house is always neatly tidied up.

She must be very good at tidying up the room!
Sneakily found her friend through the communicator.

"Penny, it's urgent, come and help me!"

Petunia was indeed a good friend, and ran to the door within a few minutes without saying a word.

Out of breath, she said to Ran Bing who opened the door: "Ran Bing, from today onwards, you will be my good sister for the rest of my life!"

kindness? ? ?
Ran Bing had a question mark all over his head!
(End of this chapter)

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