Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 288 The Backbone Cluster Appears

Chapter 288 The Backbone Cluster Appears

Lynn met with great resistance when he followed the request to go to the ground.

It's not that Mark disagrees,
It's that the brain doesn't suggest it, and the city owner doesn't agree.

It's really because Lynn's importance to the lighthouse is too great to be missed.

In case something happens to him, that is when he returns to XX,
Maybe even more serious, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Dust people who have eaten pasta will definitely have big problems if they want to return to the days of eating insect cakes all year round.

But for the opinions of the city lord and Zhinao, Lin En directly threw them aside.

His attitude is firm!

If you don't let me go with the team, I will go by myself, and if I don't have a glider, I will jump off!Anyway, I'm going to make a decision!

Mundo!Go wherever you want!
In the end, Morgan had no choice but to agree with him to go down with the hunter, and strictly ordered Mark to protect his safety and give up the mission if necessary.

Mark nodded in agreement, but he was also worried. As the captain, he couldn't always be by Lynn's side. After thinking about it, he ordered Ran Bing and Petunia to protect Lynn personally.

Of the two, Petunia is calm and alert, while Ran Bing has quick reactions and good skills.The two complement each other and just follow Lynn.

For the captain's arrangement, Penny was secretly happy for a long time, and felt that the captain was really wise,
But Ran Bing was not very happy, she was eager to fight, to fight with the beast, not to be a nanny,
Two people, one with a depressed face and one with a happy face, followed Lynn.

Lin En has nothing to do with such an arrangement, as long as he agrees to go down by himself, as for the two little girls around him, he can also protect them easily.

The group of people went down from the lifting platform in an all-terrain off-road vehicle just like last time.

The difference from the last time is that this time Lynn sat in the car and drove the car himself. With his reaction speed, there is no risk of accidents in any car.No matter how fast the speed is, it can also be controlled.

The goal of this mission is to collect energy. The lighthouse floats in the air and uses fusion energy, but it does not have a fusion power generation device itself, so it can only be collected from the ground.

Fortunately, this energy source was already mature before the end of the day, and an energy storage device the size of a person was enough to power the lighthouse for several months.

It is used in many places and it is not difficult to find.

The location of the mission is the outskirts of a small city. Although it has become ruins, there is a material allocation warehouse in the resource marker of the lighthouse.

Fusion energy storage is also on the list.

The process of the task was uneventful, everyone arrived at the warehouse smoothly, and also found three energy storage devices, but only half of the power was left.
This is considered normal. It has been 50 years since the end of the day, and no one has maintained it for such a long time, and the accumulator has not been specially kept. It is not bad to have half of the power left.

Think about it carefully, the energy storage on the ground will run out of power sooner or later, what will happen to the lighthouse then?
Lynn shook his head slightly, throwing away this thought,

"Do you have to worry about it yourself? What do so many people in the lighthouse do to eat? Haven't you considered such an obvious thing?"

The Dust Folk also found wood in the warehouse, much to Lynn's delight.

Because the air is dry and the wood exists in the warehouse, even after so many years, we can still pick out some usable ones.

Lynn ordered some to be picked, and he didn't bring any more, as long as there was such a thing, if there was not enough to build the wooden house, he would take some from his portable space.

When everyone finished collecting and was about to retreat, I don't know who alarmed the spine Gu group. This kind of thing is not uncommon. Every time the dust people come down, they will always try to bring some private goods back.

No matter what kind of private goods can be exchanged for good contribution points on the lighthouse, this is almost an unspoken agreement between the hunters and the dust people.

As long as nothing happens, most wild hunters will turn a blind eye and close their eyes, pretending they didn't see it.

But if something like this happens, the hunters will definitely be held accountable.

This is also to warn the dust people who came down not to go too far.

Countless spine Gu rushed towards the crowd from the ground, walls, and roofs.

"Retreat! All dust people retreat! The hunters follow me!"

Captain Mark roared and rushed forward,

There is no need for him to shout, the dust people only regret that they have lost two legs, and they can run faster than the other.

Mark and the wild hunters stood behind and kept shooting, trying to delay the attack speed of the ridge gu group.

Ridge Gu is not big, about one meter in size, looks like a centipede, has many legs, and moves fast and changeable.
In the case of a single one, the fighting power is not very strong. Even if two dustmen are not afraid, they can be killed with a shovel.

But the troublesome part is that when they appear, they are always in groups, overwhelming and attacking at the same time, and they will also release scarlet. Once humans inhale it, they will have hallucinations and start killing each other.

People infected with scarletin will also get an infectious disease called scarlet disease. It has a long incubation period and is highly contagious. Once discovered, it will disappear after isolation.

The subjects were desperately running to the car, and Mark and others shot desperately to stop the spine gu group, but the complex terrain of the warehouse was too beneficial to the spine gu group,
Relying on their small size, they rushed from all kinds of unexpected places quickly, and the messy materials and shelves were all their shelters.

By the time the wildland hunters found out, the ridge gu had often rushed to a very close position.

When casualties begin to appear, the formation of the wild hunters will soon be disintegrated, and more and more spines rush into the formation, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger. At this time, it is normal to start retreating.

But today is different. On the noisy battlefield, gunshots, explosions, and calls for help rang together, but at the same time, they were attracted by a very rhythmic gunshot.

The gunshots were slow to urgent, as if there was some special magical power, which could easily attract people's attention.

Lynn, with two machine guns in his hand, walked towards the crowd unhurriedly while firing.

The air was pushed away, and countless bullets rushed out of the gun chamber one by one with terrifying kinetic energy, biting the target with precision.

The wild hunters can even "see" the bullet flying past their cheeks, as if an electric current is flowing through the body, and the tingling sensation pervades the whole body, and they can still smell the smoke of the bullet being roasted by gunpowder in their noses.

Then, a spine Gu suddenly jumped up, pounced on the flying bullet, and sent its central nervous system to its "mouth"!

Then the next one, and the next one!
It's like watching a weird reunion up close, every bullet has its corresponding "lover"!They rushed to each other desperately and hugged each other, without exception!

When the wild hunters came back to their senses, the spine Gu that rushed into the crowd had been emptied,
Whether it was just rushing over or already crawling on the back of the wild hunter, they all fell to the ground at this moment and curled up into a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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