Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 289 Super Large Pole Devourer

Chapter 289 Super Large Pole Devourer
That steel barrage, continue to move forward!
Lin En had already crossed the crowd and came to the front without knowing it, and countless spines jumped out, just like the students who were called by the teacher in class, one by one stood up and sat down one by one.

Ran Bing, who was following behind him, relied on the terrifying observation ability of a sniper, and was shocked to find that Lin En had hardly wasted a single bullet!
"What kind of terrifying marksmanship is this?"

"No! This is simply not something that ordinary humans can do!"

Even a sniper can be regarded as a master if he can hit a moving target with every shot.
But Lin En is using a machine gun now, and he is firing at a terrifying speed, calling out the twisted spines one by one,
Instead, use two machine guns at the same time!

How exaggerated the power of observation, prediction, and how much data must be calculated at the same time to do this kind of thing!
Ran Bing looked at Lin En blankly,

The scratching of countless claws, the impact of firing pins, bullets tearing through the air, and the clanging of shell casings, these sounds that could not have been noticed at the same time, but they were exceptionally clear!

It doesn't matter!
All Ran Bing's attention was on Lynn,

The flames all over the sky, the gunshots like rainstorm, in the chaotic warehouse,
Lin En is calmly weaving the most terrifying and precise steel barrage! ! !

"Click!" There was an empty sound, and the barrage stopped suddenly!

The hustle and bustle in the air suddenly fell silent, it seemed that even the spine Gu without wisdom was stunned!

Ran Bing reacted violently!

"The bullet is empty!"

He quickly handed his gun to Lynn,

Those intense and harmonious scenes just now have passed in Ran Bing's perception for a long time, but in fact, from Lin En's shooting to the spine gu who easily rushed into the crowd, to the formation of an army in front of the formation, blocking the spine gu Group, less than 30 seconds in total!

On the other side, the flushed Penny also reacted, and hurriedly handed the unfired machine gun in her hand to Lynn, and then hurriedly replaced the empty gun that was still on the ground with a magazine.

She and Ran Bing, who turned into tool men, were only responsible for changing magazines for Lin En's empty gun.

The wild hunters also woke up from Lynn's god-like horror performance, and hurried forward.

The evacuation of the dust people was completed quickly without interference. When Mark was about to retreat, the ridge gu in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Ran Bing couldn't believe it!

This is something that has never happened.

In the past many years, when encountering the spine Gu group, they were not in a hurry to escape, as long as they could save a few people from dying, it would be considered a success.

There has never been such a situation where the ridge gu group has been emptied!

Ridge Gu corpses were densely piled up on the warehouse floor, and the scarlet pigment emitted was entangled together, becoming denser and thicker, and even began to merge and circle, gradually rising, as if undergoing some strange changes,

Hunters, you look at me and I look at you for a while, feeling a little dazed...

"What are you doing in a daze?" Captain Mark roared angrily: "The former students are in vain. This will attract a large Pole Devourer, and it will arrive soon, hurry up and evacuate!"

The wild hunters suddenly woke up, loaded the car and left as quickly as their buttocks were burned, and everyone's face was still terrified when they got in the car!
Lin En asked Ran Bing who was sitting next to him in puzzlement,
"What's the matter? I've got in the car and still have this expression!"

Both Ran Bing and Petunia had pale faces, and shook their heads with unease, "It's not over yet! If it really attracts super-large polar devouring beasts, how many of our team will survive?"

"So powerful?" Lynn asked in surprise.

Petunia nodded, "It may be more powerful than you imagined. You also know that our wilderness hunters go to the fields to perform missions. They say it's wilderness hunting, but they are actually picking up trash. When encountering any troubles, the first reaction is always to bring supplies and hurry up." evacuate,"

"And the highest priority in the Hunter's Code is to bring back supplies."

Ran Bing continued: "However, there are several situations where materials can be discarded. For example, when there are traces or signs of large-scale devouring beasts nearby, rapid evacuation can be given the highest priority."

"Then, what exactly is a large polar devouring beast?"

Both of them knew that Lin En was promoted from dust people, and it was normal not to know about this.

Ran Bing and Petunia explained to him one by one.

"During the research of the lighthouse, the polar devourers in the Mana ecology were roughly classified, and the smallest one is the spine gu!"

Ridge Gu is the first level of the Pole Devouring Beast, and it is also the foundation. Its combat power is average but extremely special.

It is mutated directly from the spine in the human body.

Males protrude at the back of the head and females protrude at the lower back.

Ordinary weapons can effectively kill,
The second level of polar-eating beasts is panbiotic, including Type I close combat and Type II long-range attack. The body size is generally less than ten meters, and there are many types.

Genetics have already ignored most of the Hunter's firepower, and the only ones that can damage it are high-energy weapons, such as electromagnetic guns or close-range chainsaw weapons.

The third layer is metamorphosis, which is a larger and more deadly beast than the panbiotic type.

There is no knockdown record for the wild hunters, you can give up supplies and evacuate when you encounter them!

Whether it is panbiotic or metamorphosis, they can evolve to a higher level, and after the evolution is completed, they will become a large pole-eating beast of this type!
The body size is often more than 30 meters,
Strength unknown, weakness unknown.

Safe evacuation when encountered is considered to be the completion of the task.

This is not the end,

In the records of the lighthouse, the most advanced king-level pole devouring beast exists, but there is only one name, type, shape, size, and ability, and nothing is known about it!
Speaking of this, Lin En suddenly stopped their introduction and asked: "You said that it is considered large if it exceeds 30 meters, right?"

"Yes!" Ran Bing and Petunia nodded at the same time,

These are the common sense they learned when they were co-teaching and educating.

Lynn nodded and asked calmly, "Then what about the one behind us?"

The two women turned their heads at the same time, and then they felt cold all over!
Behind them, the place that used to be a warehouse has been razed to the ground, and the smoke and dust stirred up by the collapse of the warehouse suddenly floated into the sky, at least three to forty meters high, and above the dust,

A huge head full of bone spurs slowly appeared...

With a pair of eyelids open, he stared at the direction of the convoy.

It was as if the whole soul had jumped into the icy lake, and the refreshing coolness made people speechless at once!
"Super large pole-eating beast!!!"

Mark's voice came from the intercom, and the obvious panic could be heard in the cold tone that has remained unchanged for thousands of years!
"Stamp on the accelerator! Don't look back! Go forward! Go forward! Go forward!"

(End of this chapter)

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