Chapter 3 Doomsday?
The three walked towards the Gong house together, and on the way Gong Ruomei explained to his father what had just happened.

The little girl was a little speechless when Lin En whispered to Gong Ruomei to ask for her teacher's father.
"You don't even know who my father is and you want to be a teacher?"

Lynn waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect my admiration for Master!"

He really wanted to apprentice, and when he saw the process of killing the bear with his own eyes, Lynn seemed to have discovered a superman. With a fluttering palm, he could actually kill an adult brown bear!And the speed of the rush is exaggerated to astonishing!
Never heard of such a person!Since I was fortunate enough to meet it, I naturally couldn't miss it in vain.

Besides, I am now penniless, young and frail, if I can have a place to eat, I can still learn skills, of course it is best to kill two birds with one stone.

"My father's name is Gong Baosen, the president of the Chinese Samurai Association." The little girl spoke of her father, her eyes brightening and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

I have never heard of the name, but the title is very high. Lynn is determined to find a meal ticket, no, it is his determination to become a teacher!
The three walked to the gate of the palace's mansion and bumped into a cold-faced middle-aged man.

The man in black, with a black beard, held a knife and hid it in a sheath, with a monkey crouched on his shoulder, his whole body was full of chills, his eyes were half-squinted, and when he met these eyes, it always made people feel that he was there. Look at where you can get a knife on your neck.

The man glanced at him, then turned to Gong Baosen and said, "Master, you are back."

"Yeah" Gong Baosen nodded and said, "Take this baby to dinner first."

"Father, let me take him there." Gong Mei finished, took Lin En's hand and entered the door.

The man looked back at the lady in surprise, "Miss has always been cold, this..."

Gong Baosen smiled and said, "Don't worry about her"

"This child is interesting, calm in matters, calm in mind, um, thick-skinned, and talented."

"Do you want to keep him, sir?"

"Don't worry, Lucky Star, I hit a bear in the woods in the east of the city. You can find someone to bring it back to deal with it."

"Yes, sir"

The man named Fuxing nodded, went back to the yard and shouted a few people before heading east.


Lin En was taken by Gong Ruomei and walked all the way to a side hall in the courtyard, where meals were already set on the table.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't eaten a decent meal. The food was not luxurious. A few side dishes, sliced ​​cakes, and a bowl of steaming porridge were a satisfying meal.

Gong Ruomei only ate a little, then leaned her head and watched him eat. When Lin En was eating, her waist was straight and she ate quickly, but her movements were orderly and not messy at all.

"I have someone prepare a room for you. You can stay here first. Whether you can become my father's apprentice depends on your fortune."

"I know, thank you, Senior Sister," Lynn nodded and replied.

Gong Ruomei gave him a look, and didn't bother to correct his name.

As soon as she put down her chopsticks, the maid pushed open the door and said, "Miss, the bath water is ready."

When Gong Ruomei heard the words, she turned her head and said to Lin En, "Then go wash with her, change into new clothes, and keep a good image!"

Lin En nodded in agreement and followed the maid to a room where hot water was already prepared. As soon as she entered the door, the maid said, "Little brother, come and let my sister wash for you." After that, she started to take off Lin En's clothes.

"No, no, I can wash it myself!" Lin En was embarrassed, clutching his neckline tightly, how could he let a little girl bathe him!
The little girl is amused when she sees this picture of him, don't insult me.

After laughing for a while, he said, "Okay, okay, my sister won't force you. A four or five-year-old baby has learned to be shy. You can wash it yourself if you want. I'll get you a new set of clothes."

After saying that, he went out with a smile.

Only then did Lynn let out a sigh of relief. He reached out to test the temperature of the water, took off his dirty clothes, soaked them in the hot water, and ruthlessly washed the dirt off his body.

After washing up, he put on a small padded coat that fit well. As soon as Lynn went out, he saw the eldest lady waiting outside, swept him up and down, and pinched his little face with his hand, "It looks good, let's go, my father waits. See you, don't be nervous."

Lin En struggled to break free from her claws and said sternly: "Senior sister, don't worry, I'll go see Master now!"

The eldest lady gave him a look, "I'm also worrying about it, how can you be nervous with such a face!"

Lin En followed the maid all the way to the front hall. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Gong Baosen sitting on a chair in the middle, holding a cup of tea in his hand, sipped lightly, glanced at him and said with a smile:
"This mud monkey, looking upright, come to my side."

Lynn gave a salute when he heard the words, then walked closer and stood still.

The old man got up and carefully pinched his bones and muscles from head to toe, from top to bottom.After a long while, he exhaled, looking at him with unpredictable eyes.

Lynn's heart tightened, "What do you mean? Do I have any hidden disease?"

Gong Baosen was silent for a while and said, "It's a piece of martial arts material."

Lin En breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard the old man say:
"You can learn martial arts from me. I have many disciples, and you can follow them tomorrow. But if you want to learn from a teacher and get the true teaching, it depends on you. Do you understand what I said?"

"Understood, you have to be successful in your studies before you can be your teacher."

"That's good, but it's not that simple." Gong Baosen looked at him with a frown and said:

"Practicing martial arts is hard work and requires a lot of money. I won't keep you in vain. We limit it to eight years. If you can't achieve anything after eight years, you can work in my palace for a long time. You agree. ?"

Lin En's heart sank, and his face was straight.

"Master, don't worry, since I decided to practice martial arts, I will definitely go all out and never give up halfway."

Gong Baosen nodded, turned to Fuxing and said:

"Fu Xing, send him back to his room, and let him practice with him tomorrow."

Fu Xing nodded, and then looked at Lynn carefully.

"Little doll is a blessing, come with me." After saying that, he got up and went out.

"It turns out that this cold-faced evil star is called Lucky Star." Lin En secretly said:
"That name doesn't really match him."

Lynn followed Fuxing all the way to a room.

"This is your house, come in." After saying that, he turned and left.

"I'm sorry Uncle Fuxing."

After Lucky Star was far away, Lin En took a look at his future room. The furnishings in the room were simple, with one bed, one table and one chair.In the stove in the middle of the house, the coal fire was burning brightly.

The room was warm and comfortable, Lynn was lying on the bed, and the hunger and confusion that had passed through for more than ten days dissipated like mist. In this troubled time of the Republic of China, human life is not as good as a dog. If you want to live a peaceful life, you must learn your skills. On his body, thinking of Gong Baosen's superhuman performance, he strengthened his thoughts even more.

"Learning martial arts"

Speaking of which, is this wishful task completed?Thinking of this, Lynn clicked on the [Tasks] bar.

[Task: Eat enough, wear warm clothes! 】completed.

Reward: Doomsday Primal Gene!

Get Talent:

Passive talent 1: Energy absorption, slowly absorb energy and enhance physical fitness. (including eating!)

Passive Talent 2: Immortality, every cell of yours is resisting death, any death and injury will make you undergo targeted evolution! (Do you believe it?)
"Your uncle's! I don't believe it!"

Lin En, who was looking happy at first, suddenly saw the last three words and was directly angry!

Doomsday Lynn certainly knows that the big villain in the DC Comics movie, the ultimate biological weapon in the universe, has killed the existence of Superman.

The biggest feature is immortality and evolution.

But that was the Doomsday after growing into a complete body, and the original Doomsday was also an ordinary person who was locked in a laboratory and was tortured and killed countless times.

What I have obtained is only primitive genes, and if I want to become a complete body, I have to die countless times!
But anyone with a sane mind, no one is willing to use his life to test.Not to mention a person like Lynn who cherishes his life to the extreme.

So, Lynn needs to experiment and analyze both talents

(End of this chapter)

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