Chapter 4 Learning Martial Arts
The next day, it was just dawn.

"Bang dang", Fu Xing kicked in the door, grabbed Lin En from the bed, and said coldly: "Get up, since you have chosen to practice martial arts, from now on, you will not be awake!"

When the cold wind blew, Lynn was jolted and instantly sobered up.He quickly put on his clothes and followed Fu Xing to an open space east of the palace's mansion.

At this time, there were already [-] or [-] people scattered around on the field, some standing, some practicing martial arts, shouting and shouting everywhere, very enthusiastic, and even the biting cold in this winter was dispelled a bit.

Seeing that everyone was practicing individually, Lynn didn't know who would teach him, so he had to stretch his muscles and jog a few laps to warm up.

After a while, he was sweating, when a middle-aged Chinese character came to him and asked, "Your name is Lynn, right?"

Lin En hurriedly nodded and saluted: "Yes, I have seen senior brother."

The man was tall and strong, wearing a gray-black jacket on a cold day, wearing it like a collapsed body, and the outline of his muscles was clearly visible.Standing in front of Lynn was two taller than him, and he was full of pressure.With a kind expression on his face, "My name is Ran Wu. The teaching here is explained by the master. From now on, let me teach you martial arts. Are you ready?"

Lin En said, "Yes, Senior Brother Ran Wu, I'm ready."

"Then take a horse step first."

Lin En was not too wordy. Hearing this, he directly bent his knees and squatted down. He raised his hands and made a steady stance. Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?This action is not difficult.

Ran Wu didn't speak, just looked at it with a smile.

After a while, Lynn felt his knees sore, and after a while his legs swayed, but he still insisted.

Until the two legs almost lost their intuition, they may fall to the ground in the next second. Just as I was about to stand up, I suddenly felt an inexplicable coolness from the sore muscles. The muscles that were originally sore suddenly became uncomfortable.

Lynn blinked, as if, could he stand up again?

Ran Wu already felt that something was wrong. It was the first time for ordinary children to stand on horseback. They made many mistakes. If they could stand for two to three minutes, they would be considered good.

When he couldn't hold on and even made an appearance, he would go up and give some pointers.You can easily reap a wave of gratitude and establish prestige by the way.
But how long has this kid been standing today?Half an hour?Did I meet a monster?
Lynn also felt aggrieved. Whenever he was about to die, there was always a coolness that allowed him to recover. Stand up by yourself, right?The teacher didn't speak, and continued to stand, right?It's really boring, and the teacher's face is getting more and more wrong.Looking at his eyes became more and more strange.It made my back feel cold, and I got up quickly.

"Teacher, am I standing right?"

Ran Wu breathed a sigh of relief, finally returning to the routine I was familiar with, and quickly shook his head and said:
"No, standing on a horse's stance, if it doesn't move, it is called a dead horse. Not only is the time short, but more importantly, it is useless. Standing like this for a long time can only stand out as a crippled horse."

Ran Wu said, and also took a horse step. "Look carefully"

Lin En looked at it carefully, and saw that his body was slightly up and down, like a fallen leaf on the lake, fluctuating with the wind.

"Stand on a horse, like riding on a horse." After speaking, Ran Wu stood up and said, "Come and squat."

Lin En obeyed and squatted down again.I want to stand up to the feeling of ups and downs, but I can't do it well. Either I can't do it, or the action is too big and too deliberate.

"You've never ridden a horse before, but you've always seen people riding a horse, right?" Ran Wu said, "A person gallops on a horse, and his body rises and falls with the horse. Horse stance is the foundation of boxing that martial arts seniors learned from horseback riding, so When standing, you have to stand up and down together, and if you don’t have a horse, you have to come up with a horse.”

"Between these slight ups and downs, Guan Guan is constantly changing the center of gravity of the whole body, so as not to keep the center of gravity in one place and cause physical damage."

After a meal, probably because he was afraid that he would stand up to a problem, he cautiously said to him:
"Mabu is a process of water grinding, and it is not accomplished in a day. You are still young, the important thing is to do what you can. Don't make mistakes if you haven't mastered it."

Lynn didn't think that he would stand up to the fault, but he had more energy after standing up!But did not object.

"Thank you brother for your pointers"

"You're welcome." Ran Wu waved his hand and said, "You take a rest, and I'll teach you to fight again."

Lynn nodded and asked, "Senior brother, what kind of boxing do you want to teach me?"



Five-year-old Lin En began to practice martial arts in the Gong family.Every day before dawn, I get up and go to the teaching field to stand on horse steps to practice boxing, Xingyi Wuxing Boxing, Chopping, Collapsing, Drilling, Cannon, Heng are all very skilled, and Twelve Shape Boxing has also learned an air, the main function is to maintain health exercise.

After practicing boxing, I have to go to school with the eldest Miss Gong Ruomei in the morning.

As for going to school, Lynn refused to go to school at first. He lived a new life, how could the precious time be wasted in school.

And in his heart, he looked down on the school at this time, thinking that it was a pure waste of life.

However, when she knew that he didn't want to go to school, Miss Gong came to the door, beat him up, and took him directly to school.

Lynn gritted his teeth, thinking it was a great shame, and yelled at the eldest lady that sooner or later she would be beaten to her knees and begged for mercy!
Miss Gong just glanced at him lightly and said, "When you can beat me, you will naturally ignore you, but before that, don't dare to say that you can't go to school and discount your legs!"

Lynn gave in!
In fact, it is also clear that it is such a blessing to be able to go to a school in this era!

Many people can't even eat, and if they can go to school by themselves, they must be taken care of by the eldest lady, and they also need the care of the old man Gong.

Lin En also knew who Mr. Gong was.

Gong Yutian, the head of the Gong family of a family of martial arts outside the customs, practiced the Baguazhang handed down by the Gong family to the peak, and even brought forth the new through the old, creating the extremely vicious secret 24 moves.

He also cultivated a fierce shape and meaning, especially proficient in the monkey shape boxing.

This is by no means a contempt!It's a tribute to his kung fu.

After that, he single-handedly facilitated the integration of the eight trigrams, the shape and the meaning, into one, with a combination of kung fu, firmness and softness, stepping into Huajin, and serving as the second president of the Chinese Samurai Association, famous all over the world!
In other words, the current "Wulin Alliance Leader" still has an official endorsement! Black and white, there are people who can be counted in the north and south of the river.

Moreover, the old man of the Lin En Observation Palace is by no means just a "Wulin Alliance Leader"!Especially in this northeast, many people come to learn martial arts. The Gong family has been teaching apprentices for so many years, and the forces have long been intertwined and penetrated into all aspects of the northeast.

Even Zhang Dabao, like the local emperor, invited him to serve as the chief instructor of the Fengjun army and the captain of his personal bodyguard in order to stabilize the local forces in the Northeast.

With such a golden thigh, Lynn is even more determined to hug tightly!

From then on, I would get up before dawn every day to practice martial arts, until I was exhausted, and I just had to eat and go to school—a few hours of study in the school should be regarded as a break.

After returning from school in the afternoon, Lynn continued to practice until she was exhausted.

To change to an ordinary person who dares to practice like this, let alone self-cultivation, it is certain that the body will be abandoned!

But not only did he not collapse, but his body gradually got used to the intensity of this exercise, and he didn't feel tired even from morning to night. This is obviously not normal!

After thinking about it, Lynn thought about his second talent: Passive Talent 2: Immortality, every cell of yours is resisting death, any damage or death will make you undergo targeted evolution!

In this way, the damage caused by the exercise beyond the limit has been repaired by the evolution of the body?
Lin En was very excited, since he could not die, he would practice to death!
From then on, apart from sleeping, he devoted all his time to practice, and even when he was eating and going to school, he was always in the air.

Whenever the state of soreness and exhaustion appears, it will always be relieved by a hint of coolness.

It's like eating a chilled watermelon on a hot day!

(End of this chapter)

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