Chapter 5 Apprenticeship
With such a crazy workout, over the years, Lynn's physical strength has grown extremely exaggerated.

[First-class life form (mortal)]

[Physical: 0.5]

【Spirit: 0.5】

[Original Energy: 3/10]

Yuanneng appeared when the talent was awakened. It increased a little every year, but I haven't found any use for the time being. According to the traditional routine, it should be a mentally retarded system with upgrades and points!
In the past few years, when Lynn practiced martial arts, he specially picked some places where he could bask in the sun. Unfortunately, he did not become as strong as the Kryptonians. Do you have to go to the DC universe?
Lynn gritted her teeth angrily! "The most convenient way to become stronger is gone!"

There is also good news,
That is, the meaning of the panel value has been compared by Lynn.

What is the effect of 0.5 constitution attribute?Five hundred catties of stone locks, he can lift one hand at the same time!

Even Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, who is known to be the best in the world, was famous in the world when he lifted a huge cauldron at the age of 24!
Lynn was only eight years old at this time, and such an exaggerated performance scared himself.

Think about what Superman was doing when he was eight years old, pushing a car out of a river?

From then on, he never showed his full power in front of people again.

Even so, when the eight-year-old Lin En "tried his best" to lift the three-hundred-pound stone lock in front of everyone, he was still shocked!
Ordinary adult men, who have not undergone special training, cannot lift this weight.

Mr. Gong even touched his bones again in person, and couldn't help but marvel at "natural power, really natural power!"

On the eighth day of the tenth month, Fengtian.

In the presence of all the guests, Lin En kowtowed and offered tea, and officially entered the palace gate.

The old man has countless apprentices, and the only one who has really cultivated and become famous is the eldest apprentice Ma San alone, and maybe there is also a daughter, Miss Gong Ruomei Gong, but her daughter will always go out, and if she is married, she is not a Gong family member, so Ma San has always been regarded as the unequivocal successor of the old man.

What are you thinking of inviting fellow disciples and accepting apprentices with great fanfare these days?Another successor or beat Masan?
Gossip is human nature, not to mention a major event involving the successor of the behemoth Gong family!

Since a few days ago, Fengtian has seen a lot of new faces, the three religions, the wealthy business officials, and even the bearded people from all over the world have sent people to congratulate him.

Zhang Dashuai even asked his eldest son to send a congratulatory gift.

Lynn also met the famous "little six".

He is indeed handsome and handsome, but he thinks he is still worse than himself!

Originally, Lynn didn't care about this kind of thing, but when the visitor sent a thick gift, the smile on his small face never stopped.

During the apprenticeship ceremony, Lin En met Mr. Gong's eldest apprentice, Ma San, a young man in his 20s with a horse face, with a serious and unruly face.

He does have a reckless capital, inherited the kung fu of the old man Gong, and has won the essence of monkey boxing.Ming Jin's kung fu has reached the pinnacle, and he punched and banged loudly!
But Lynn always felt that this person had a wicked look in his eyes, and he was not the same as a good and pure and upright person like him!

She even told Miss Gong that this person was punching and crackling like a cook was cooking, and the eldest lady pinched his ear in a fit of anger!

"Dare to say anything? Annoy him, break your bones, and no one speaks for you!"

Although Miss Gong said she was ruthless when she beat him, she would never allow others to bully Lin En.

In the past few years, I have not had to worry about food and clothing in the Gong family, and I can also have meat to supplement every day. It is also the care of the eldest lady, and she often points out the mistakes in his martial arts practice, which saves him many detours.

On the afternoon of the second day after the apprenticeship, Miss Gong found him and said, "Your body is very well maintained. I will teach you some real things from today."

Lynn was overjoyed. In the past few years, except for the horse stance, he has been tired of practicing.

"Thank you ma'am"

The eldest lady nodded and said, "I'll teach you a new method first."

After he finished, he drew a line on the ground.Let Lynn squat slightly on the left and right, and stand in front and back.A pair of hands, one on his waist, the other flat forward, like a big gun.

"The horse stance is to exercise the core of the waist and abdomen, as well as the strength of the feet and legs. The stance you are standing on now is called the 'Three Body Pose', which is the core stance of Xingyi Quan.

"And the difference between people who have really entered the martial arts and the Jianghu style is the 'qi'."

"Angry?" Lynn was taken aback.

"Yes! This 'qi' is not air. It is the heat generated by the human body during vigorous exercise."

"As soon as people exercise, they will get hot, and this heat will be dissipated through the pores with sweat, and it will be wasted in vain"

"And controlling the pores and preventing this qi from escaping is the most fundamental and profound thing in Chinese martial arts."

"This is what Taoists call refining and transforming qi. It can nourish the body and strengthen the body."

"Then how can I control my pores?" Lynn asked hastily.

"This is about the stance we are going to learn today, the three-body pose."

The eldest lady explained the three-body practice method, effect, and difficulties in the process.

The core of the three poses is to control the opening and closing of all pores by exercising the spine.To achieve the effect of nourishing Qi and increasing physical strength.

This is also the difference between outer boxing and inner boxing.

Waijiaquan focuses on exercising muscles, bones, and skin, and does not nourish qi. When you move your hands, it bursts violently. The disadvantage is that it does not last long.

On the other hand, Neijiaquan, which nourishes Qi and strengthens the body, has strong physical strength and is more durable. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to practice, and once injured and deflated, physical strength will quickly drain.

Xingyi and Bagua are typical internal boxing.

"Mastering the three-body posture, Ming Jin is a matter of course!"

"Senior sister, what exactly is Ming Jing? Is Dark Jing more powerful than Ming Jing?"

The eldest lady smiled and said, "I know you want to ask, people are like this, and they like to care about the level of realm."

"But unfortunately, Ming Jin and An Jin are not talking about realms, but two different ways of sending and practicing."

"You are born with supernatural power, and you have a few hundred pounds of strength in the junior grades, but you just don't have the energy, and you can throw a punch, and most of your power is wasted. For example, the coolie on the dock is not physically strong. In terms of strength alone, I am afraid that it is stronger than many people who have practiced martial arts for many years, but they can't hit people, and they can't play with vigor."

"The difference is that Ming Jin is to learn to unify the strength of the whole body and muscles, and to use the ultimate strength. In the final analysis, it is still hurting people with pure strength, so everyone is different in Ming Jin. The greater the strength, the stronger the Ming Jin."

"Darkness pays more attention to the exercise of 'Qi'. Through the opening and closing of pores, the 'Qi' is released in the form of energy, and the effect is concealed, so it is called dark energy."

"Your advantage is that you have great strength, and you are only eight years old. Your strength will become stronger and stronger in the future. Once you master Ming Jing in the future, no matter whether your opponent is Ming Jing or Dark Jing, most people will not be your opponents!"

Lin En was greatly excited when he heard the words, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, when I get to Ming Jin, I will hit you on your knees and beg for mercy!"


For the next three days, Lynn limped to school on one leg.

(End of this chapter)

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