Chapter 6 "Lin Daiyu"

From winter to winter, Lynn's three-body pose still hasn't started, and the difference in comprehension is evident!
So much so that Miss Gong often lamented the fairness of God, and gave Lin En a pair of excellent roots, so she would give less in her mind!

It's not that Lynn doesn't work hard, but controlling the spine is not controlling the hands and feet. It's not obedient, let alone controlling the closure of the pores in the whole body through the spine. It's really confusing.

Early this morning, the eldest threw a kitten to Lynn.

"Think about it! Carefully touch its spine, compare it with yourself, and realize it as soon as possible."

After saying that, he turned his head dashingly, turned and left!
Lynn hugged the kitten back to the residence with a confused look on his face, and the kitten hid behind the flowerpot with a "meow" sound as soon as it landed.

"I'm going! I haven't seen you so afraid of me after hugging me all the way,"

The flowerpot is not big, so it must not be able to hide its entire body. When the head is hidden inside, the buttocks will be exposed. Maybe he noticed this, squeezed his buttocks in again, and then the head leaked out again. I can see Lynn shrinking his head again, his butt leaking out, it's so stupid!
Lynn tried his best to squeeze a kind smile to the kitten who was ignoring its head and shy, but the kitten made a "meow" as if it had seen a ghost. like a sieve of chaff.

"Am I that ugly?" Depressed, he touched his face, no, the one I looked in the mirror was definitely a handsome guy!Stupid kitten, ignorant of the beauty and ugliness of the world!

"Little thing, don't be afraid, I won't go over" In order to show his sincerity, Lynn simply did it on the chair to show that he didn't mean to go over.

Sure enough, after a while, the kitten quietly raised a paw and glanced at him secretly from the gap of the paw. Seeing that he didn't move, he seemed relieved a lot. He moved his buttocks and released his tail from under him, lightly. Lightly on the body.

Seeing this, Lynn took out a small dried fish and put it in his hand, "Small thing, do you want to eat it?"

The kitten stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lower lip, her eyes fixed on Xiao Yujian, but she didn't move.

Knowing that it hasn't let down its vigilance, it took a few steps forward and placed the small dried fish in his hand between him and the kitten.

When the kitten saw him coming, he immediately arched his body, as if you dared to come, and I dared to run!
Lynn put down the dried fish and went back to the chair to sit again. He picked up the book and pretended to read it. He hid his eyes behind the book and kept looking at the little thing.

The kitten waited for a while, and it seemed that there was no danger, so it quietly moved in the direction of the dried fish, moved little by little, walked closer, picked up the dried fish and ran back with a "swoosh".

"Ooooooooo" I completely forgot about eating, and my eyes swelled up!
Lynn stepped forward quietly, squatted down, and gently stroked its back.

As soon as the kitten froze, he relaxed and continued to "oooooooo" and nibbled at the small dried fish.

"What a snack! You're still a white cat, so I'll call you a little idiot!"

The kitten's tail gently slapped his hand, as if not satisfied!

"Don't like it? It's quite appropriate." Lynn was a little worried, he was not very good at naming names.

The kitten was all white, except for a black piece the size of an eyeball under the neck, as if it was carrying a piece of jade, Lin En clapped his hands and said:

"Yes! Just call me Daiyu, and my surname is Lin!"

"And it's also homophonic 'tailfish', you must like it, I'm really a genius in naming it!"

After eating the dried fish, Lin Daiyu had completely relaxed, and started to patrol the new home, jumping on the table for a while, jumping on the bed for a while, and now happily chasing her tail in circles!

When it got tired of playing, it lay down beside the stove to sleep, and after a while, a soft purring sounded.

Lynn took it lightly in his arms, sat back in the chair, and stroked its back with one hand.The little thing adjusted its sleeping position, and the snoring became louder!
"The tail vertebra, the center of gravity, the three-in-one..."

Time passed quietly, and the room gradually became quiet. The kitten woke up at some point, lay on Lynn's lap, stuck out its tongue and licked its paws, wiping it over and over again on the little face.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came, and the kitten's ears moved, and she turned her head to stare at the corner of the wall.

A big gray-skinned rat rushed out fiercely,

The kitten shrank, its tail suddenly stood up, and the entire spine was pulled into a bow, "Ouch", and jumped to Lynn's face!
Lynn's hand was on the kitten's back, and he could clearly feel a series of movements of the kitten, erecting its tail, moving its spine, and frying its fur.

With a move in his heart, he stood up, gently placed the kitten on the bed, and stood beside the bed in a three-body pose, from the neck down, the spine was like a galloping river, running through each step, "Crack, click. "The voice went all the way down, and the whole body was boiling with enthusiasm.

With a "snack", the center of gravity fell on the tail vertebra. Lynn felt like he had grown a tail. He felt cold all over, his scalp was numb, and the pores all over his body were tightly closed.

As soon as the boiling heat was about to come out, it was forced back, and the bones and muscles of the whole body were hot and warm, as if soaking in a hot spring.

I was very happy. After more than a year of hard work, I finally got started.

Now that Lynn's three-body pose has just been completed, the strength of the whole body is integrated, and the strength of Ming Jing is also a matter of course.

He stood until the rooster dawned, and then stood up in a closed position, and the bones all over his body crackled, and even his height jumped a bit overnight!
Lin Daiyu was awakened by the sound, and stared at this person who could fire a gun with her big round eyes!
Lynn laughed and hugged the kitten, "Haha" and kissed him fiercely, "You are really my lucky star, don't worry, as long as I have a bite of meat to eat in the future, you will have to drink a bowl of soup! "

After speaking, he shoved the kitten into his arms and went out, and his stomach was already hungry!
Earlier this year in the Gong family, the old man was invited to the south to discuss the exchange of martial arts between the North and the South, and then he single-handedly organized the "Five Tigers Going to the South of the Yangtze River".Officially let the northern boxing species bloom in the south.

The old man devoted his whole life to the dissemination of Chinese martial arts and accomplished the concept of strengthening the country and the species. In order to promote this exchange of martial arts between the north and the south, he even went to Jiangnan twice within half a year. Seeing that the "Southern Biography of Northern Boxing" has achieved little results.But at this moment, Huanggutun exploded and changed everything.

In the face of such a magnificent event, the news of Lynn's brightening overnight couldn't even make a splash.

Only Miss Gong congratulated him and expressed her gratification, believing that this was all due to her good guidance, and asked Lin En to kowtow to her to thank her!

"Bah! It's obviously because of my extraordinary talent and a small predicament. For me, it's just like walking on the ground, and there is no breakthrough at all! Some people have big faces, but they want to take credit for themselves!" Lin En raised his head. , be proud!

The eldest lady stretched out her hand in a hurry to twist his ears. In Lin En's eyes, this movement was slow, and it was not difficult to avoid it, but she smiled and did not move, and let the eldest lady pinched her ears before begging for mercy!
At this time, the kitten in his arms disliked Lynn's too much movement and woke him up, showing his head with a "meow".

"Why are you still carrying it? Now that you've gained energy, it's useless. Give it back to me!" The eldest lady stretched out her hand to take the kitten over.

Lin En's expression changed, and he retreated three or four meters away in the blink of an eye, "Don't dream, Daiyu is mine, no one will give it to me!" At the same time, he hugged the kitten tightly with both hands, as if he was afraid that someone would take it away.

Miss Gong froze in place, looked at the kitten "Daiyu?" Then looked at Lin En's face, "Lin Daiyu?"

A deeper understanding of Lynn's shamelessness!
(End of this chapter)

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