Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 310 A Brief History of the Lighthouse

Chapter 310 A Brief History of the Lighthouse

Ran Bing asked suspiciously, "Are you looking for any information?"

Lynn didn't answer her, but asked instead:
"Do you really believe that Lord Morgan doesn't believe what you and Mark say?"

Ran Bing was so stunned that he followed Lynn's words and guessed another possibility!
"You mean, the city lord knows about the human beings on the ground? Then why does he pretend not to believe it, and doesn't want us to investigate?"

Lin En reached out and nodded her head, and said helplessly: "Use your brain, don't be like Mark, his brain is solid!"

"The City Lord's clumsy objection is completely unreasonable. When he still insists on doing so, there is only one reason that people can think of!"

"That is, he has known the situation of the humans on the ground for a long time, and is very afraid of them!"

Ran Bing was so startled by Lin En's words that he almost jumped up, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but he couldn't think of a point to refute.

I was speechless all the way, and followed Lynn to the door of the core archives room.

"This place has always been in charge of the data officer Gordon. He has kept records for decades, claiming to record everything that has happened to the lighthouse for decades."

"So?" Ran Bing asked blankly,
Lynn sighed, "So the authority required to enter here is extremely high! Even your captain Mark doesn't have this authority!"

"So?" Ran Bing asked blankly,
With a "bang", Lynn flicked her brains,

"It hurts! What are you doing?" Ran Bing covered his head and looked at him angrily.
"Wake up! I'm asking are you sure you want to follow me in? It's against the rules for you to come in here!"

Ran Bing finally came to his senses, shook his head, and rescued himself from the fantasy of "the city owner is an evil boss".

He looked at Lynn, then at the door of the archive room,

In the end, curiosity prevailed, and he blinked at Lynn and asked:

"If I go in, will you report me?"

"What nonsense!" Lin En held the nameplate, stretched out his hand and opened the door of the archive room, and pushed the door to enter.

"come on in!"

Ran Bing nodded happily and jumped in,
The archives room was pitch black, with only rows of bookshelves and electronic files on them emitting faint light.
After the two entered, the door behind them closed automatically.
The environmental requirements of the archive room are extremely strict. In order to ensure that the archives can be preserved for a long time and safely, the room has a keen perception and control ability for light, temperature, humidity, and air flow.

There are a lot of materials here, and they are stored on different bookshelves according to the arrangement.

The two searched separately, and after a while, Ran Bing found a general history, roughly recording the major events that happened to the lighthouse over the years.
Lynn and she sorted out the time clues after watching carefully.

In the first year of the lighthouse, the first city lord quelled the war between prison guards and prisoners.

Air Prison Tartarus has been renamed The Lighthouse!It means "the last home of mankind"

The Lighthouse Renovation Plan was promulgated and began to house survivors on the ground.

Three years after the lighthouse, the warden died of illness, and the first newborn was born in the lighthouse.

The lighthouse began to expand, and the suspended living area began to be built.

Five years after the lighthouse, the lighthouse was invaded by ground armed forces and lost nearly half of its population.

The lighthouse has formulated detailed containment regulations, and no longer contain them in batches.

In the 11th year of the lighthouse, the last ground stronghold was lost. The lighthouse revised its strategy and listed "lighthouse safety" as the highest priority.

In the same year, Wild Hunter was established.

In the 12th year of Beacon, the Hunters team suffered a devastating blow. The picture shows a white-haired woman wearing the armor of the first-generation Hunters, pointing her sword at a mysterious armor.

Seeing this, Lin En suddenly asked Ran Bing beside him, "Look at this white-haired woman, do you miss the person you saw on the shoulder of the Pole Devourer?"

Ran Bing took a closer look at the words, and said suspiciously: "It seems to have some similarities, but, but this photo is from the lighthouse 12 years ago, almost 40 years ago! Then the white-haired woman that Mark and I saw They should still be very young! It can't be the same person, right?"

Lynn continued to look down noncommittally.

In the 13th year of the lighthouse, the plan of those who face the abyss was proposed, and the data was lost!

In the 24th year of the lighthouse, the previous city lord traveled far away, and Morgan, the leader of the hunters, succeeded him.

In the 30 years of the lighthouse, the three major laws were promulgated.

In the 35th year of the lighthouse, Hong Kou, the commander of the hunters at that time, openly violated the three laws and was sentenced to death!

Ran Bing suddenly pointed to the photo of Hong Kou and said excitedly, "I've seen this man before! It's in Captain Mark's wallet!"

"It turns out that she is the Red Bandit!"

"Mark with you?" Lynn was taken aback,
According to the calculation of time, Mark should be 11 years old when Hong Kou was executed. He is a kid. What relationship will there be between him and Hong Kou?
"I heard, that's a picture of Mark's old world sister!"

"Sister?" Lin En secretly thought it's a pity, if she was killed by the Pole Devourer, maybe her soul could be found.

Shaking his head, he continued to scroll down casually,
But further down, there are some known and worthless bits and pieces of information.

Lynn turned off the screen and began to think about the connection in his mind.

First of all, what is certain is that the woman who pointed at the armor in the 12th year of the lighthouse is most likely the person I saw today standing on the shoulder of the Pole Devourer.

As for Ran Bing's question of age, after using his own gene seed, age is the most important issue that should be ignored.

That is to say, if this speculation is true, then this woman has lived from the time of the Great Cataclysm to the present at least. She has also been to the lighthouse and met Morgan and other older generation lighthouse people.

Later, for some unknown reason, the two groups parted ways.

Morgan was extremely jealous and disgusted with the white-haired girl, and even denied what he saw the first time Mark told what he saw, and tried his best to prevent Mark from going to her.

So what role did Mark play in it?Why did Morgan try to prevent him from going to the ground,

Even today's abdication may not be without consideration in this regard!

Ran Bing is 19 years old, and Mark is eight years older than her. This year, Mark is 27 years old, which means that Mark was born in the lighthouse 24 years ago.

He was six years old when the Three Laws were promulgated.

Although it is said that it has been remembered, but the 12-year-old white-haired girl in the lighthouse will definitely not know.

Therefore, those who know what happened back then should be at least 50 years old, and those who know the details should be at least ten years older, that is, people in their 60s.

Such people are rare in the entire lighthouse, and they can be counted on ten fingers.

There are a few people like this in Shangmin, but it has been many years, and Morgan has already sealed what should have been sealed. I am afraid it will be difficult to get clues.
But it is very difficult for dust people to live to this age,
Thinking of this, Lin En suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. There was no need for him to look for clues on the lighthouse.

The white-haired girl, that is, the person standing on the shoulder of the Pole Devourer today is very likely to have witnessed these things back then, so I can ask her in person.

Lin En was thinking about how to learn about the situation from the white-haired girl, when there was a sudden sound of opening the door behind him.

Ran Bing tensed up all over,
"Oops! Someone is here, what should I do?"

Turning around, she found Lin En looking at her with a half-smile,
Ran Bing stomped angrily and hid in the bookshelf.

(End of this chapter)

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