Chapter 311 Call Dad!
Not long after the inspector left, Lin En and Ran Bing also came out of the library.

Ran Bing blushed and stomped on Lin En's feet before twisting her waist and leaving.

Lin En touched his nose helplessly,

A little helpless, and I didn't let her follow me,
All the way back to the residence, at this time the news that the city master passed the throne to Mark had spread,

Everyone on the road saluted him. They thought Lynn had been treated unfairly.

There are also many believers who are excited and express their willingness to petition for Lynn and Morgan Santo,
Lynn comforted them all the way, and Jessica was already waiting for him when he returned to the residence!
This woman is always smart enough to do the right thing at the right time.

After comforting Lynn, he lay still with a lazy face,

"Lyn, I think from the bottom of my heart that you are more suitable to be the lord of the city than Mark!"

"Tell me the reason!" Lin En couldn't deny it,
Jessica turned over, put her graceful body into Lynn's arms, and said slowly.

"I've known him for many years. This person looks cold on the surface, but he is actually an extremely emotional person!"

"When encountering a big event, he will always come to a conclusion through his sensibility first, and then deduce the reason for this conclusion, so he is a single-minded and passionate young man,"

"He may be a good commander, but he will never be a good city lord! Because he can't answer the most important question for surviving in this doomsday, resource allocation!"

"Hahaha!" Lynn laughed, she is such a smart woman, she even has a good way of seeing people.

"Why do you think San Francisco didn't think about these issues?" After finishing speaking, he reached out and patted her smooth back, and said relaxedly:

"Go to bed early, the matter of who is the lord of the city is not as complicated as you think."

Seeing that Lynn really didn't care about this matter, Jessica wisely stopped talking, arched a comfortable posture, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Lin En closed his eyes and rested, seemingly falling asleep, but the spirit in his head had drifted thousands of miles away, connecting to the white-haired woman he had anchored before.

This is a huge underground space...

hundreds of meters deep underground,
From the looks of it, it should be a natural crystal cave. Countless blue crystals burst out of the ground, exuding a clear gleam.
Clusters of clusters of crystals are scattered everywhere, and they can clearly reflect the entire cave,

The houses are built against the mountain wall, and the heights are scattered.

Countless figures shuttle back and forth, they work in groups, orderly and busy,

They looked as hard-working as the lighthouse dustmen, but these people didn't have the slightest decadence and muddling along on the faces of the lighthouse people.

The eyes of each of them are shining brightly, full of energy, the sound of children playing, the sound of steel colliding, and even the curling smoke from the kitchen, reflecting this huge underground city is full of the taste of the world!

Bai Yuekui strolled among them and walked towards his residence.

Everyone she meets along the way is saying hello to her, and she responds with a smile,

She knows everyone here, and she can call everyone by name,
Many people were rescued by her from outside, and many people were born here under her watch.

This is the home where she has spent decades watching it grow little by little, the last shelter of human beings.

When the disaster just broke out,
This world is like hell.

People lose everything in an instant,
Fighting each other for survival, by any means.Hungry parents eat their own children, starting with the youngest,
Relatives and friends would kill each other for a spot in a sanctuary.

Lovers become slaves to others.

Everyone will be betrayed, and everyone is worried about being eaten by their companions in their sleep.

In order to survive, human beings once lost their humanity.

Although it walks on the ground like a human, it lives like a beast.

Bai Yuekui also gave up her favorite brain science research,
He took away the only "angel" medicine from the Nirvana company founded by his father Bai Jingyu.

And successfully merged!

The "angel" has greatly strengthened her body, prolonging her life, and giving her the capital to walk in the last days.

In the last days, she was walking around, and more and more people followed her. Gradually, she was unable to guarantee the safety of all of them on the ground.
So they found this cave and survived tenaciously based on it.

In order to survive, countless survivors have worked hard and bravely tried for decades, and finally summed up a set of their own way of survival.

That is, that is to accept the existence of Mana and integrate into the Mana ecology!
Their research on Mana has never stopped, and they have long come to the conclusion that Mana is not conscious.

All Mana were born with only one instinctive goal: to seize all source quality!
It's like trees like sunlight, it's their instinct.

And the human beings in the ground, in order to survive, have to become a small "vine" attached to the big tree.

They first discovered that the bones of the beasts can effectively damage them, so they used the bones to make weapons to protect the underground city.

But the polar devouring beasts are extremely sensitive to human emotions. If they live here for a long time, sooner or later they will be surrounded by countless polar devouring beasts.

Then, the plankton born in the mana ecology in the cave pool were discovered.

Use the weak mana creatures in the cave water pool to connect spiritually,
Divert excess emotions, let them gradually learn to control themselves,
Among them, those who are successful in learning will master a technique called "Guiyuan", which can completely hide their emotions.

The more people who have mastered this technique, the more people can follow Bai Yuekui on the ground.

Gradually, even many newborn children have begun to truly integrate into Mana,

The biggest evidence is that they can absorb a small amount of scarlet pigment without being affected by it.

Integrate into mana with consciousness and attach to mana.

Everything in the underground city is getting better and better.

Bai Yuekui thought so too, even 10 minutes ago she thought so.

Bai Yuekui, who returned to her residence, always felt uneasy today, as if something was about to happen again, and even "Guiyuan" couldn't calm her down.

Can't even concentrate on her favorite game,
Throw away the handle, pick up the "Kabbalistic Science and the Meaning of Life" and read it,
She has read this somewhat religious book many times, but she has no choice in the doomsday.


She felt a grand spiritual connection to her mind,

The spirit was so vast that the first thought that popped into her mind as a scientist was,

god! ! !
"Who are you?" Bai Yuekui asked tremblingly.

A voice came from the vast holy spirit,
"Call Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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