Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 321 What do you want to do?

Chapter 321 What do you want to do?
Bai Yuekui smiled and said, "That's not a problem. After all, we can also search for energy, and it's safer than hunters."

Lynn nodded, that's a good point,
Their invisibility in the "Guiyuan" realm is indeed much more convenient to search for supplies.

You can move it freely as you like, just like picking things up on the street.

"In this case, wait until I return to the lighthouse, and I will notify you after the manufacturing is complete."

"So, why did you come here at this time?" Lynn asked,
"We saw that the lighthouse sent a lot of people here, so we came to save people!"

"Saving people?" Lin En shook his head in disbelief.
Based on Bai Yuekui's experience and their performance just now, he doesn't think these people have a good impression of the lighthouse, let alone save people.

"I know you don't believe me!" Bai Yuekui said calmly,

"We saved people only so that the lighthouse wouldn't provide Mana with too much source quality."

"The mana of this continent is about to evolve!"

Lynn nodded, which makes sense,
Because Mana is about to evolve, I am worried that too many people will die here in the lighthouse, and it will provide a lot of source quality to accelerate the evolution process, so I came here to stop it.
The logic is fairly straightforward.

"Then, let me see how your methods are different from those of the hunters!"

A few people said, walked to the inside,

Along the way, Lin En found that Bai Yuekui was very familiar with this place, and he knew it well, so he couldn't help asking in doubt:

"Have you ever been here?"

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Bai Yuekui's face, "Before the catastrophe, I worked here for several years!"

"Then you are revisiting the old place! Be a tour guide!" Lin En said cheerfully.

"There's nothing to see, and besides," Bai Yuekui looked at Lin En and said, "The Pole Devourer here will be revived soon, we can hide it, what will you do then?"

Lynn shook his head indifferently,
"It's okay, they didn't resurrect so quickly."

The moment he found Penny's soul, he cut off the practice and information transmission of the mana ecology here to the outside world, so the extreme beast here would not be resurrected before he unlocked the blockade.

Bai Yuekui saw that he was very confident in what he said, and then thought of his terrifying spiritual power, and guessed that he might have a method that he didn't know to restrain the regeneration of the pole-devouring beast, so he stopped talking and led a few people forward , while introducing the general situation here.

"Nirvana Biological Research Company, dedicated to the research of cell regeneration and human organ transplantation before the catastrophe."

"Relying on a sample obtained by accident, they have almost monopolized all the organ transplant business in the world, so they have received a lot of capital support, allowing them to make breakthroughs in other fields as well."

But Bai Yuekui did not tell a few people that the founder of this place was her father, Bai Jingyu.

After working here for a few years, she fell out with her father and ran to her teacher's laboratory. She never came here again until the end came and the world collapsed.

It's the first time she's back in decades.

Relying on memory and the masked man named Xu Tong's constant testing with an instrument, everyone came to a closed door in a short while.

The fat man stepped forward to open the door. As the door opened, there was a mist shrouded in scarlet pigment inside. He could only see that the space seemed quite large, but he couldn't see anything specific.

Then, Xu Tong gave a performance that surprised Lynn,
First of all, he knelt in front of the door, and the mask snapped open like an octopus' tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, he took a deep breath of air, sucking all the scarlet pigment in the door into his stomach.

Then he bent over, pouted his buttocks, and let out a magnificent big fart!

Bai Yuekui and the others were obviously prepared. They should plug their ears, pinch their noses, their movements were surprisingly coordinated.

Lin En could only hold his breath, and walked into the gate with a few people.

Inside the gate are rows of towering shelves, on which countless storage boxes are neatly placed.

"This is the largest drug warehouse in the entire Binhai District. Wuluan is the best in the world in terms of the quantity, type, and storage conditions of drugs."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lynn and said, "If you need it, bring as much as you can!"

Bai Yuekui himself had no intention of taking medicine. Since the residents of the underground city began to adapt to the scarlet pigment and integrated into Mana, they would hardly get sick, so naturally they didn't need medicine.

Lynn nodded in disbelief, but didn't move.
Of course he would take these medicines, and he would take them all in a package, but not at this time.

Several people walked all the way to the end of this huge warehouse, and when they turned a corner, a grotesque scene beyond ordinary people's understanding suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the space filled with dense air and shining scarlet light, there are several huge "thorn ball" flowers of mana floating.

Those mana flowers hovered in the air, undulating, and the dark, wriggling soil beneath them,
At a glance, these soils are covered with countless pairs of scarlet eyes,

In the blink of an eye, like countless pairs of eyes full of malice and crazy desire, staring at you blinking and blinking!
It makes people tremble and chill all over.

Xia Dou moved quietly, hid behind Bai Yuekui, and then let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders slumped and she relaxed.

And Bai Yuekui took a step forward, slashing the knife in front of him, as if performing some kind of ritual, he recited a specious Buddhist saying,
"All sentient beings exist originally, are perfect and pure, and share Nirvana."

As he said that, he slowly pulled out the blade, and with cold eyes, he looked at the flowers of mana floating in midair!

Lynn's face changed,
With a flash of stature, the huge body moved and whipped up a strong wind, blowing several people's hair to their faces,

Amidst the whistling sound, it suddenly appeared in front of the flower of Mana,

Turn around slowly and look at a few people.

There was no gentleness on his face before, and his cold eyes looked at the few people without a trace of warmth.

"What do you want to do?"

Under Lynn's gaze, Bai Yuekui and the others fell into the ice cellar,
The pressure that they had never felt before hit their faces, making them breathless.

It was as if a cold blade had been placed on the neck, as long as the next sentence did not match, his head would fall to the ground.

Xia Dou was so frightened that his eyes were rounded and his whole body was stiff. He looked at Lin En in disbelief. He really didn't understand why this big brother who had been smiling and funny all of a sudden suddenly became unfamiliar!
Although the few of them have fought against the Pole Devouring Beast many times, most of them relied on "returning to Yuan",
Even in a head-to-head confrontation, they would still face the same panbiotic polar devouring beast according to the established tactics.

Only Bai Yuekui has truly experienced countless fierce battles, and his will is far beyond that of the others.
At this time, he bit the corner of his mouth fiercely, only regained his senses under the stimulation of the severe pain and bloody smell,
Looking at Lin En's expressionless face, he finally recalled the first "meeting" time,

My uncontrollable trembling!

(End of this chapter)

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