Chapter 322 Sweep
Lin En looked at several people with cold eyes, and his majestic body stood in front of the flower like a mountain, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Stimulated by the severe pain, Bai Yuekui broke free from the "pressure", tightly clutching the Tang knife in his hand,

He said stubbornly: "Of course I cut these flowers!"

"I disagree!"

"Why?" Bai Yuekui couldn't understand Lin En's behavior,
Mana is the enemy of all life,

What's wrong with preventing their evolution?
"Why protect the Flower of Mana?"

The people behind Bai Yuekui finally "woke up", pulled out their weapons involuntarily, and stared at Lin En nervously.

The octopus had a mask on its face, and the fat man pulled out a short-handled warhammer. The long-legged Broken Star retreated more than ten meters away, and drew an arrow from the quiver behind him to point at Lin En.

Lynn squinted at them,
"Put down the broken metal in your hands. I can make you stand or lie down. Please cherish the opportunity to speak!"

At this glance, the flesh on the fat man's face was trembling, and Sui Xing was so frightened that his hands shook, and the arrow in his hand "collapsed" and flew out of the string, heading straight for Lin En's head!
Bai Yuekui's expression changed,
With this arrow shot, the situation that could have been discussed suddenly got out of control!
The arrow shimmered and arrived in front of Lin En in the blink of an eye. Under everyone's horrified eyes, Lin En opened his big mouth and bit it with a "crack"!
The tip of the arrow flashed in his mouth, and there was a bang, and thick smoke immediately enveloped his half body.

Lynn's body stood still in the smoke...

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Sui Xing's face was pale. Although she fought many times, they were all against the Pole Devourer. It was the first time for her to "kill a man".

An explosion at such a close distance, and in the mouth again, Lynn's head would explode even if it was made of iron!
Bai Yuekui was about to speak, but suddenly his face changed, "Be careful!"

The wind blew violently, and the smoke that enveloped Lynn was rapidly collapsing inward,
In the blink of an eye, he was completely sucked!

Lin En was extremely strong, his chest full of muscles rose high like a hill!

Open your mouth and spit!
With a "chi" sound,
A white light flew out backwards!

The arrow body that lost the tip of the arrow pierced directly into Sui Xing's abdomen with a howling sound, and took her into mid-air without losing momentum, with a sting,
Nailed firmly to the wall behind!

Under the severe pain, the bow and arrow in his hand fell to the ground.

Two streams of strong white air shot out from Lynn's nose, and he smiled with his mouth wide open.

Bai Yuekui was also a very decisive person, so he directly slashed at his waist and abdomen with a knife,

The current situation has made it impossible to talk about it anymore, the two sides have already moved their hands, and now it is only possible to talk again after one side falls down.

In her slender body, there is a huge power that ordinary people can't imagine.
Since taking the "angel", her physical fitness has skyrocketed, not only in strength, but also in agility, eyesight, reaction speed, and even recovery speed are many times faster than ordinary people.

Even those extreme devouring beasts rarely pose a threat to her. Since the end of the world, she has experienced countless battles, both with humans and with extreme devouring beasts.

But he has never experienced such a powerless situation.

Lin En ignored her attack, and disappeared from her eyes in a flash.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of the octopus face,

As soon as he stretched out his big hand, he pinched his head and poured it down violently!
Large pieces of the floor were lifted, and the smoke and dust swirled up.

The entire head of the octopus face was buried directly in the rubble.

Bai Yuekui arrived slowly at this time. Her speed was extremely fast compared to ordinary people, but it was still too slow in Lin En's hands. Before he lifted the knife in his hand, Lin En disappeared before her eyes again. .

Then the unlucky one was Fatty,
The fat man slapped his chest fiercely, and a ring in the center of the armor began to gather energy.
The fat man opened his mouth and was about to growl, but before he could make a sound, a big hand firmly covered his face!
He only felt that his eyes were darkened, this big hand seemed to cover the sky and the sun, it not only blocked his vision, but his whole body fell into the abyss at once,
The power in that big hand was so vast and irresistible, the fat man whirled and rolled rapidly in the air, and a thigh swept across like a steel pillar...

Boom! ——

Whoosh! ——

The fat man rolled up a trail of smoke and dust, flew upside down and disappeared into the darkness.

Bai Yuekui gritted his silver teeth, and the speed and reaction that he was so proud of were completely crushed by him.
At the same time, he also clearly understood Lynn's tactical intentions. He just cut off his companions one by one, leaving himself at the end.

So, when she saw Lin En appearing beside Fatty, she didn't chase after him at all, but quickly blocked her only standing companion, Xia Dou.

Lynn is so fast!
Her eyes couldn't keep up with his speed, so she closed her eyes the moment she stood in front of Xia Dou!

Without looking at it, with countless years of combat experience, the Tang knife in his hand cuts across with force!



The damping feeling from Tang Dao made her happy, and she opened her eyes to look again.

Her invincible Tang Dao was pinched in mid-air by two fingers and remained motionless!
Those two fingers jumped slightly, and a huge shock came, and her finger holding the knife loosened uncontrollably like an electric shock,

Tang Dao has already arrived in Lin En's hands,

When the familiar blade touched her neck, Bai Yuekui sighed softly,
"What the hell is going on!"

So far,

It was only three breaths since Broken Star was nailed to the wall with an arrow, and now the blade was on the neck.

In the hard-working underground city, the only people who have formed the ability to fight, including her, four of them have been swept away!

There is only one summer bean left,

Let's count as five people, all of whom have been defeated.

There is no fighting back!

It is defeat, not death!

Although Bai Yuekui's combat power was thrown out by Lin En, he still had his eyesight.
Lynn's attacks on several people seemed fierce, but in fact they left a lot of room.

For example, Broken Star, the arrow piercing the abdomen seems to be very serious, but in fact it does not cause much damage.

Xu Tong's head was smashed into the ground, but even the mechanical mask wasn't broken, Lynn just confused him.

Otherwise, with his strength, if he had murderous intentions, Xu Tong's head should be flattened!
As for the fat man, he was just kicked away like a ball, and now Bai Yuekui could hear the sound of him struggling to stand up in the distance.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Bai Yuekui asked Lin En suspiciously.

"The problem is back to the original point!" Lynn put down the knife in his hand,

With a snort, Tang Dao plunged directly into the ground.

"What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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