Chapter 33 Inner Alchemy
Who would have thought that the centipede spirits in this Pingshan ancient tomb were actually a pair!

And seeing this bigger one with eight wings on it, everyone's face turned pale when they saw it.

A six-winged centipede leaves everyone helpless and helpless. I'm afraid this eight-winged centipede has been practicing for thousands of years?

Now a golden edge has grown on the back. If you wait a few more years, will it grow into a fairy with nine wings?

But at this time, Lin En didn't care whether the monster was about to become an immortal, and the figure was already under the black gold centipede.

He put his hands together and said, "Fairy centipede, lightly, lightly, don't get excited!"

"I killed your wife, what's the matter with you! You're about to become a fairy, and you don't have many murders!"

Whether or not this monster can understand it, at least Lynn is covered in centipede blood and can attract its attention first.

Hua Ling was pierced by its palatal feet, her eyes were tightly closed, and she did not know whether she was alive or dead. With its strength, a pair of palatal feet only needed a single point, and the consequences were unimaginable.

At this time, don't say something nice, even if he lets him dance the square dance in public, Lynn won't have the slightest hesitation!

And Lynn has already seen that the partridge whistle is on the glazed tile at the top of the hall, and is quietly reaching out!
The black-gold centipede really noticed the enemy of Lynn, and raised its head excitedly and was about to roar.

As soon as he raised his head, he just sent Hua Ling to the partridge whistle!
The partridge whistle stretched out his hand to grab the flower spirit, rolled over, and slid down the glazed tile without looking back.

Lin En's goal was achieved, and he didn't care about the centipede. He turned around and went to the partridge to see the situation of Hualing.
How could the centipede agree? With a flutter of its eight wings, it flew straight towards Lynn from mid-air!
There were fishy winds everywhere, and there was a wave of malice. Lin En heard the evil wind behind him. Under his anxiety, he became more and more irritable.
"Bang!" On the head of the black gold centipede in the middle, the centipede flew out in a whirl, smashing through the side wall of the hall, and slammed into the cliffs of the mountain again!
Lin En didn't even look at it, he raised his feet and went to Hua Ling's side. The partridge whistle beside him looked a little sluggish, and the old foreigner was already crying!

With a thud in Lin En's heart, he went to check Hua Ling's injury.

I saw a few holes in her body being poked by the centipede palate, and the blood was flowing in a pool.

Lynn gritted his steel teeth, and the tyrannical aura all over his body was about to overwhelm his sanity!
Everyone next to him felt as if their bodies had fallen into an ice hole. Looking at Lynn, they always felt that a hideous and terrifying demon was rising up behind him.
Even the black gold centipede was so frightened that it crawled on the ground and dared not move!

Chen Yulou was shocked, although he didn't know what was about to happen, but his survival instinct made him hurriedly say, "Brother Lin, don't worry, there is still help!" The panicked voice was a little off.

"Is there any help?" As Lin En said, the suffocating aura in the field relaxed a little, Chen Yulou took a breath and continued:
"Although Sister Hua Ling is seriously injured and will surely die in other places, there is still a chance of life here,"

"Talk about it!" Lynn said impatiently.

Chen Yulou said quickly: "Inner alchemy, the centipede's inner alchemy is the essence of its thousands of years of cultivation, enough to live the dead and give birth to bones, it will definitely be able to save the Hualing girl!"

When Lin En heard the words, his figure moved, bringing a gust of wind, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached the centipede.

This black-gold centipede has been practicing for thousands of years, and has long been psychic. Knowing that today you are alive and kicking, and you will be angry all your life, the two big jaws bit the kaka, and they bite at Lin En.

In order to save time, Lynn let it bite down without moving, and the big paw bit on his shoulder, and he couldn't even bite the skin!
Hold the big jaws on both sides of the black gold centipede with both hands, and tear its head apart with both hands!


Not torn!

This centipede is too big and its mouth is too big, Lynn misestimated his wingspan!

The centipede's mouth was right in front of Lynn's eyes, and the venom sprayed Lynn all over.

This is enough poison to turn ordinary people into pus, and it only made Lynn dizzy, and then his whole body became hot, and there was no other reaction!
Since the wingspan was not enough, Lynn simply stepped on the head of the centipede on the ground, held the big palate with both hands, and tore it up with a thud, and pulled it off with a thud.

The centipede howled miserably, struggled frantically, and fluttered wildly with its whiskers and tails, but the feet on its head pressed down like a mountain, and no matter how hard it struggled, it would not move!

The surrounding hard stones were swept into pieces, and large ditches were scraped on the ground.

The dust obscured the partridge whistle, and Chen Yulou and the others could only see a humanoid creature, constantly tearing something from the centipede. The centipede's violent struggle gradually weakened until it remained motionless.

After a while, Lynn ran over with a red pill in one hand.He actually found two red pills from the centipede's belly. It may be that Hua Ling had already found one and was just attacked and taken away by the black gold centipede.

He ran to Chen Yulou with two red pills and asked, "How do you use it? Do you eat it directly?" As soon as he stretched out his hand, two red pills appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Yulou has a rough understanding of pharmacology, and quickly pointed to the small one and said: "Small, small enough, I am afraid that the big one will not be supplemented, which is not a good thing!"

Lynn squeezed Hualing's mouth and fed Neidan.

Not long after Neidan entered the abdomen, the wound on Hua Ling's body stopped bleeding, her breathing and pulse became stable, her face turned red, and she finally got her life spear out of the hand of the King of Hell!
Luo Laowei couldn't wait any longer. As soon as he saw that it was all right, he thought that the treasure full of tombs was naked and waiting for him. He was so excited that he didn't want to wait any longer. He pulled Chen Yulou and continued to set off.

Chen Yulou and the others set off to find the coffin of the tomb owner.

After seeing Hua Ling's stable condition, Partridge Shao decided to follow him. Since Hua Ling's life is safe and he's all here, why should he check to see if there is any Zong Chenzhu.

Lin En ignored them and decided to send Hualing back to cultivate, and then returned to the mountain store first.

All the way down the mountain, Lin En carried Hua Ling on his back and walked very fast, but the Hua Ling on his back could not feel the slightest vibration, it was as stable as flying in mid-air!
Since Lin En's dark energy in the Yellow River has become great, his knowledge of his own body has been able to accurately control every skeletal muscle, every tendon, and even every pore, only five inches below his lower abdomen. That's also because of his young age.

When walking, the ground shock was controlled by his skeletal muscles, which were dissolved and turned away layer by layer, which would not affect the Hua Ling on his back at all.

After a while, he returned to the Zan Pavilion and helped Hua Ling to lie down.

Seeing that her clothes were covered with blood and dust, she thought that although the wound has stopped bleeding, she should take off the dirty clothes and disinfect her wound to reduce the chance of infection and recover faster!

Do you want to do it?Lynn was a little hesitant in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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