Chapter 34

Lin En, sweating profusely, helped Hua Ling heal the wound, looked at Hua Ling's rosy cheeks, smiled slightly, and went out to prepare some food.

Find a hen, add a piece of wild ginseng, simmer over low heat, simmer until dark, Hualing should wake up, just enough to drink!
The old hen was just being stewed when suddenly, Lynn heard some kind of loud noise, as if a mountain was broken!
Look up.

Good guy, no need to pretend, it's really broken!
The ancient bottle mountain with its unique shape in the distance is actually disconnected!
The bottle mountain was all broken and fell from the neck above.

The mouth of the bottle was filled with smoke and dust, and it smashed to the ground with a "bang".

Even though Lynn was in the hall, he could still feel the earth shaking.The agitated dust enveloped the entire bottle mountain!
Lynn was about to leave to check, but stopped abruptly.

Animals in the distant woods are scrambling to escape from Pingshan, tigers, wild boars, and even pandas!

Lynn thought for a while and sat down again. So many beasts fled, if he left, Hua Ling was unconscious now, and if the beast ran in, the consequences would be disastrous.

It was not until the sky was getting dark that the people who entered the mountain returned one after another.

When Chen Yulou came back, his face was slumped. In this landslide, many brothers Xieling were killed and injured.

Even the red girl fell off a cliff, and he felt so guilty that he didn't know how to face the relatives of his brothers when he went back.

Luo Laowei brought his remaining troops and came back with treasures. Although it was said that nearly a thousand people were killed or injured, it was nothing compared to the harvest.

In his eyes, as long as you have money and guns, there will be as many soldiers as you want, plus now there are disaster victims everywhere, and the recruitment flag is raised, are you afraid that no one will come?
Although no coffins were found in the tomb, the current harvest alone can equip two German equipment divisions with one point, far exceeding expectations!

The energetic Chen Yulou and the red-faced Luo Laowai came to Lin En to tell him the news of the partridge whistle falling off the cliff.

"When Hua Ling wakes up, I will tell her the news, but I believe that Partridge Whistle will be fine,"

When the two said their goodbyes and left, they left behind a newly harvested magical medicine called "Nine Ghost Wall".

"Brother Lin" Hua Ling came out holding the door frame,

"Don't come out, the wound hasn't healed, and there's no wind, go back!"

Lin En helped Hua Ling back into the room and sat down, "How do you feel?"

"I feel that the whole body's qi and blood are smooth, as if there is a heat current circulating in the body, and the whole body feels relaxed and warm from the inside to the outside,"

"And most of the wound has healed. What did you give me to eat? I thought I was going to die! How could it be so fast?"

Hua Ling's face blushed when she talked about the wound, but she didn't ask who changed her medicine. For obvious things, asking more would make her feel guilty.

Lynn also pretended not to know, and just briefly explained what happened after she fell into a coma, but didn't say anything about the collapse of the bottle mountain.

"Oh, that inner pill is too precious, how can it be so wasteful, if it is combined with other medicinal materials, it is enough to practice several top-quality medicinal pills!" The tone was full of pity.

Lin En gave her a slap in the head, Hua Ling covered her head and groaned, looking at Lin En with wide eyes, as if she didn't understand why he flicked herself.

"No matter how precious the inner alchemy is, it is not as precious as your life!" Lynn said it for granted.

When Hua Ling heard this, she blushed and lowered her head. She felt that the inner alchemy was much more precious than her!I didn't expect Lynn to say that.

"Besides, what do you think this is?" He took out a jade bottle and poured out a red pill the size of a longan from it.

"Oh, it's Neidan!" Hua Ling took the red pill and observed it carefully. When she saw the golden brilliance floating above the red pill, she almost shouted excitedly.
"Is this an inner alchemy? This is about to become a golden alchemy!"

"Brother Lin, I can practice it into a elixir, which will make your martial arts progress and you can live for 200 years!"

Hua Ling didn't think about herself in the slightest, and what she blurted out was to concoct alchemy for Lin En.

Lynn rubbed her head and didn't speak.

He didn't need this, he had never heard of the Doomsday of old age and death!
After helping Hua Ling to drink the chicken soup, let her lie down and rest. Although it is said that the inner alchemy is magical, such a serious injury cannot be healed in a short time.

Just as Hua Ling lay down, Partridge Whistle and Miss Hong came back with each other's hands, full of tired scars, apparently escaping from death, but they didn't see the old foreigner.

Seeing Hua Ling's recovery so well, and thinking of the old foreigner who didn't know whether to live or die, Partridge's eyes turned red,
"Brother Lin, Junior Sister Hua Ling will leave it to you. I want to go into the mountains to find the whereabouts of the old foreigner. I want to see people in life, and corpses in death!"

Lin En stretched out his hand to stop him, "You brothers and sisters have deep feelings for each other. I won't stop you if you want to go, but Pingshan's current situation is complicated. In your state, no one else can find you and then put yourself in."

"That's it, Hua Ling, please ask the red girl to take care of it, and I will go into the mountain with you!"

The red girl was overjoyed. With Lin En accompanying the partridge whistle, she was very relieved and promised to take good care of the Hualing girl.

Partridgeshao did not insist upon seeing this, and the two went out together in the direction of Pingshan.

Lynn's senses are far beyond ordinary people, and he can see very clearly even in the dark night.After the bottle mountain broke, not many tons of bottle mouths fell to the ground, causing astonishing damage.

It was beyond recognition that it was destroyed in a radius of ten miles!All the trees within three miles were swept away by the powerful impact.

In such a situation, if the old foreigner was at the bottom of the mountain at the time, there would be no need to look for it. The best situation is that he was in the Pill Palace in the belly of Pingshan at that time, and it was possible to escape the catastrophe.

But Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou were in a cave on a cliff in the back mountain at the time. They didn't know where the old foreigners were when the landslide occurred.
The two had no choice but to search a little bit in a large area.

However, at this time, the inside of the building has been turned upside down.

Chen Yulou, Yiganxieling, and the engineers, including Lady Hong and Hua Ling, were all trapped with their hands and brought to the middle of the open space.
Luo Laowei was the worst, tied to a wooden stake, and was scolding
"Ma Zhenbang, you bastard, despicable villain, sneak attack on Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is planted today, if you want to kill or cut, give it a good time!"

"What's the hurry, anyway, you're going to die, so don't be in a hurry for a while," said Master Ma, a fat man with a round face and a naive look, but he didn't look like a soldier at all, but a businessman.

"Everything in this world has a price, so is betrayal. Do you want to know who told me your location?"

Luo Laowei has been in the rivers and lakes all his life, can he still not understand this?
"There are only a few people who can do this kind of thing, and the ones who can remove all the guards outside, Xiao Yangzi, Xiao Yangzi, your grandmother's, get out of here!"

The adjutant Yang who was blind in one eye really came out of the darkness behind Luo Laowai.His face was ruthless, proud.

"Don't shout, I will come out if you don't shout, I want to see how you die!"

"Bah!" Luo Lao spit at him crookedly, "Ingratitude, I shouldn't have taken you in at the beginning, you scumbag! Wherever you go, you will be treated as a dog!"

"Pa!" With a slap in the face, Adjutant Yang's face flushed with excitement, "I hate people calling me scumbag! I have been with you for three years, and you have scolded me for three years. I've had enough!"

After speaking, he took out his pistol and put it on Luo Laowei's forehead.

"Haha, can a dog become a human by biting its owner to death? Bah! It's still a dog, and it's still a dog that will soon turn into a pot of dog meat!" Luo Laowei opened his eyes wide and died. He stared at the adjutant Yang in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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