Chapter 35 Deceiving Ghosts!
Luo Lao is crooked to death,

Died in this deep mountain village, tied to a wooden stake.

Lynn stood beside him, watching him carefully.

A shot in the forehead.

Even when he died, he kept his eyes open.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lynn looked carefully, as if the countless guns around didn't exist.

Adjutant Yang trembled uncontrollably, even with a gun in his hand.

It's no shame because all the people around him are scared and their guns are shaking!

"You killed it?" The light voice made Adjutant Yang agitated, and the gun in his hand trembled even more.

"I can't help it. He forced me. He is cruel and tyrannical. If he moves, he will kill. You ask the brothers around, who is willing to follow him?" Adjutant Yang was so hoarse that it seemed that he would not be able to speak unless he shouted. Same.

"Don't be afraid, I've only known him for a few days, so I don't need to avenge him."

At this time, Master Ma, who had been hiding behind the heavy soldiers, answered.

"This is Brother Lin, right? My dear Ma Zhenbang, I've heard your brother's name for a long time." The voice came, but people still didn't dare to come out in the crowd.

No wonder he was so careful, it was really scary when Lin En appeared, Hua Ling and more than a dozen soldiers behind Chen Yulou lost their heads in an instant, blood sprayed more than two meters high, like a large fountain.

I didn't even see how the person was moving!
A large group of soldiers suddenly flashed a large space as if they had seen a ghost.

"Senior Ma, you're welcome. I didn't want to talk to someone who was going to die, but for the sake of sister Hua Ling, I'll give you a chance to talk, and you should cherish it!"

Even though he was surrounded by countless guns, Lynn said these words slowly and confidently, as if he should have been so.

Ma Zhenbang swallowed, calmed down and said, "I know you. I have known about you since I received the news from Adjutant Yang. The second apprentice of the old man in the Northeast Palace, Fengtian is known as Lin Wuye. It is said that he is only 11 years old this year. I don't think so. It's so similar!"

11 years old?Liar!Everyone was in an uproar. Looking at his height of 1.8 meters, his burly figure could not be stopped even if he was wearing a Taoist robe. Even though his face was still a bit young, it was impossible for him to be 11 years old.
"The rumors are all lies. How could I be only 11 years old!" Lynn said nonsense with his eyes open, whether you believe it or not.

Ma Zhenbang nodded and said, "Brother Lin is right, the rumors are really not credible," Xindao went back and shot the intelligence officer!

"Brother Lin, forgive me, I came to kill him Luo Laohui for self-protection. He Luo Laohui relied on his own tens of thousands of guns, but he beat me to pay attention. Several times if I hadn't run fast, I would have let him go. He's done."

Lynn nodded, "That's right, aren't you warlords just doing this, fighting for power and turf, never seeing the common people, no one is wronged if they die!"

This is very rude, and he almost pointed his nose to curse.

Ma Zhenbang's face was ugly. He had just won such a big victory, with countless gold and silver in his hands, and a huge land waiting for him to take it. It was the time to be satisfied.

Although Lynn's way of appearing shocked him, he came back to his senses at this time, and the common sense of "a gun is the king of grass" has regained the upper hand.

Lin En didn't care whether his face was ugly or not, and then asked, "What about Mr. Chen's head?"

"I can't provoke Mr. Chen even more. Who in Hunan does not know that Chen Yulou in Xieling controls the smoke, soil and gun business in the surrounding provinces. There are many warlords under his command. He Luo Laowei is only the biggest one. I If you see it on weekdays, you should be a bodhisattva offering it.”

"But these two people just got brains. They went out to rob the tomb, and they brought so many people with them. The most important thing is that there are people who tipped me off. This is an opportunity given by God. If I miss it, it will be thundered. ."

The more Ma Zhenbang talked, the happier he was, and he was even a little crazy!

Lynn nodded, yes, such a good opportunity just fell from the sky, no one with a normal mind would let it go.

"Then what are you going to do with Mr. Chen's head now?"

"I want to let him go, but I don't dare! Let him go back today, he will never let me go next time, there is no way! I can only kill him to avoid future troubles!"

"But there is no conflict between us. As far as I know, you have only known each other for a few days. If you promise to leave now, I can let you take away the person who moved the mountain and give you a rich deal, Brother Lin. , the mountains and rivers meet, what do you think?"

When Ma Zhenbang said these words, Chen Yulou, Hong girl and other Xieling people looked desperate.

Yes, why do people come to this muddy water? It's what a normal person should do to take the money and leave.

Lin En laughed, "Mr. Ma, I just said, give you a chance to speak, if you want to cherish it, do you not cherish it so much?"

Ma Zhenbang said gloomily: "Brother Lin, what do you mean? I am here with so many people and so many guns. It's just to give you face to let you take the money and leave. Don't be ignorant of praise!"

"Master Ma, I'll make it clearer, keep the treasures, and those who are with you, leave now, I'll give you a way to live, or you'll die here today!"

Ma Zhenbang took a step back and retreated into the crowd.


Countless bullets hit Lynn.

In his eyes, the trajectory of these bullets is clearly visible, and he has enough time to dodge.

You can also rush to Ma Zhenbang's side at a very fast speed, and then kill him, these people can't even touch his shadow.

But he chose to ignore the bullets, as if he couldn't see the shooting, he walked towards Ma Zhenguo step by step with the bullets, the bullets hit him densely, but fell to the ground.

The kinetic energy of these rifle bullets was not enough to penetrate his skin.

Everyone is like a ghost, the impact of this scene is too great!

He shot shiveringly, watching his bullet hit the target, but was bounced to the ground again.

Years of common sense were broken, and I even began to wonder if the gun in my hand was a real gun?

Or is the person in front of you a real person?
Those who were originally Luo Lao crooked said, "I'll say he can block bullets! Look!"

Ma Zhenbang was already sitting on the ground trembling, watching Lin En's hand grabbing towards him, he wanted to ask for mercy from the monster, but his quivering teeth couldn't match.

Until he died, he could not speak!
Lynn flicked the blood from his hand and looked at the guns around him and said:

"let people go"

The soldiers rolled and climbed the running belt, and they loosened their ties behind them.

The partridge whistle has untied the red girl's rope!So fast!


Chen Yulou walked to Lin En and hugged him, "Brother, I won't say thank you, you saved the lives of everyone in my Xieling lineage today."

"Brother Chen, needless to say, I saved you because Brother Chen opened the warehouse to release food, and there are countless living people. They are people who deserve to be saved!"

PS: It's my birthday, I'm going out for dinner tonight, Chapter 2 may be tomorrow!Stand up!

(End of this chapter)

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