Chapter 36 Steel Storm
Ma Zhenbang is a warlord of the Yunnan Army. This time, he led his troops into western Hunan, which was considered a lonely army.

There is no backup, no supplies, and when the teacher dies, the tree falls and scatters, without the backbone, and there is no resistance to collection.

This kind of thing is not difficult for Chen Yulou. Once the gun is handed over, as soon as the scene is said, these Yunnan troops can only obey, not to mention there is a "monster" standing beside them.

Lynn ignored this and helped Hua Ling back to the house to rest with Partridge Whistle.

"Senior brother, what about the old foreigner? Why didn't you see him?" Hua Ling asked suspiciously.

The partridge whistled for a while, but still replied: "It's missing, I'm still looking for it."

Hua Ling became anxious when she heard it, grabbed the partridge whistle's arm and asked, "Why did you disappear? When did you disappear?"

"Yesterday at noon, when Pingshan collapsed." Partridgeshao didn't want to hide this matter. The three brothers and sisters had a deep relationship. He would not give up searching, but he would not hide it from Hualing.

"Don't worry, the old foreigner may not be in trouble, I will continue to look for it."

Lynn and Partridge Whistle persuaded her for a while before they gave up her idea of ​​going together.

Hua Ling was seriously injured and never healed, but I encountered such a thing again last night. Now that I heard that the old foreigner was missing, she became even more depressed after being excited.
Lynn and Partridge Whistle let her rest and then set off to look for the old foreigner.

Chen Yulou wanted to bring people along, one is to help find someone, and the other is that someone reported that when the top of the mountain fell, they saw the trace of the coffin of Yuan's tomb.

Although it has gone through many twists and turns and suffered heavy losses, 81 is sad and difficult, this last one, no matter what, we have to check it out!
The group of people brought all the equipment and entered the mountain again in a mighty manner. The number of people was actually more than last time!
The closer you get to Pingshan Mountain, the more you can feel the power of yesterday's landslide. Not only was the surface damaged badly, but all the animals and birds in the mountain disappeared.

It's daytime, everyone is scattered, and the search efficiency is very high. Before noon, all clues have been found.

A group of monkeys howled mournfully around a piece of gravel. Fortunately, it was daytime. If it was night, this sound would definitely be regarded as a ghost howl!
After everyone drove away the monkeys, they found an extraordinarily luxurious purple-gold coffin among the rubble!

The whole body of the coffin was covered with a layer of pearl tents.

Under the sunlight, it is really full of gold and jade, dazzling!
Even the leader of tomb robbers like Chen Yulou, a well-informed person couldn't help but swear!

The surrounding Xieling and the soldiers' eyes were about to emit light.

Even the partridge whistle was so excited that they came around. The reason why they came to Pingshan was for this coffin. After all, Luo Chenzhu might be in the coffin!

This is the real big event. After thousands of years of searching by the Zaklama clan, and the tragic deaths of countless clansmen, nothing is more important than Zong Chenzhu!

"Always keep your head up and open the coffin?"

Chen Yulou calmed down and was about to speak, but suddenly his expression froze, "What is that?"

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and it turned out that there was an arm covered with white hair under the purple gold coffin!

Only half of the arm was exposed, the joints were thick, and the nails were inch long. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a white ****!

Zombies undergo corpse transformation and give birth to white hairs, which have always been referred to as "fierce", so there have always been the sayings of black fierce, white fierce and shaggy.

The coffin has been sealed for many years. Those ancient corpses with pearls in their mouths and blocking the nine orifices are locked in the water in their bodies. When the museum is opened, the water is quickly lost or the influence of bioelectricity will cause severe mildew, and quickly grow white. Corpse hair, fraudulent corpse is mostly the case.

But for the professional tomb robbers, Partridge Whistle and Xieling people, this situation has been seen a lot, which is not surprising, but it is still very strange that the zombies are suppressed under the coffin!

"It's not a zombie, it's an old ape!" Lynn said, he could see clearly, and he could even hear the old ape making a very slight breathing sound, indicating that it was not dead yet.

When everyone saw him speak, no one had any doubts, and they all opened their mouths to discuss how this white ape could be hit by the coffin that fell from the sky.

The partridge whistle said: "There are certain numbers of life in this world. If you live for a long time, you will suffer catastrophe. Only by avoiding these days of annihilation will it be possible to escape the suffering of reincarnation. It was hit, but it happened to be hit, and it really was the order, otherwise how could it have been such a disaster!"

Lin En glanced at him, if you believe in your fate when you move mountains, you will all stay at home and wait to die. Why don't you come out and wander around, just fooling around!
Stepping forward, he lifted the coffin, which weighed heavily, with one hand, and dragged the old ape out with the other!
As soon as the old monkey came out, the monkeys who had just been driven away in the forest came crying with their families and mouths. Some even held the newly born little monkeys and stopped not far from the crowd, thinking about it again. Don't dare, screeching and screaming, making people's head hurt.

The old ape on the ground woke up after hearing it, and actually started to struggle!Glancing at Lynn, he climbed up and down towards the monkey group.

The group of monkeys were even more excited when they saw it. A group of monkeys jumped up and down as if they had opened a pot.After meeting with the old white ape, he surrounded it and left.

Seeing that there were no more obstacles, everyone turned their attention to the purple gold coffin!
Chen Yulou gave an order, "Open!"

A dozen people with shovels and crowbars stepped forward and opened the coffin with a few strokes.

The moment the coffin was opened, a black air rose up, and the few people who opened the hall quickly avoided it. They were all experts. Naturally, they were fully prepared.

I saw an ancient corpse sitting up in the coffin. This ancient corpse was tall and tall, with a face as black as charcoal. There was no helmet on his head, but his hair was disheveled.

He was wearing a set of golden armor, which had turned black for too long. He was covered with a splendid purple robe, a gold and jade belt around his waist, and he was dressed like a general and a prince.

This ancient corpse jumped out of the coffin. Although this place is in the shadow of the mountains, it is daytime after all!
I saw black smoke rising from the ancient corpse, roaring loudly, and ramming around, as if trying to find a place to hide from the sun.

The sound of pustules bursting was constantly heard all over the body, and the stench of temperature spread around!

This zombie is really brave. Seeing that he couldn't find a cave to escape, he rushed straight towards the crowd, and opened his mouth to stab at them to suck blood.

Chen Yulou waved "hands on"

More than a dozen corpse-wrapped nets were covered from all around, layer upon layer, tying it so tightly that it couldn't move.

The four Hatchkiss heavy machine guns that were just seized today, also known as chicken necks, opened fire!
The rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute, together with the 7.92 mm caliber German bullets, formed four tongues of fire, all of which did not fall and hit the ancient corpse.

Not to mention that it is still a body, even a body made of steel and iron will be torn to shreds by this metal storm!

When the four machine guns were on fire, the ancient corpse was only healthy above the chest, and the other parts were no longer found!

The partridge whistle was the first to rush up anxiously, pushing his finger on his throat, and the ancient corpse spit out a bead.

The partridge whistle was overjoyed to see that the bead was not damaged, and carefully observed the bead in his hand, his excited hands trembled!

Lin En, Chen Yulou and others also sincerely hope that Partridge Whistle will get what they want.

The so-called greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The more the partridge whistle looks, the more annoyed his heart is. Although the beads in his hand are slightly warm, the beads are round and jade-like, and there is a faint trace of blood in them, but they are not the legendary phoenix gall, Zheng Chenzhu!
The partridge whistle only felt that his chest was full of suffocation, and Zong Chenzhu couldn't find it.
There will be more in a while

(End of this chapter)

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