Chapter 334 Acquaintances
The elevator doors open,

What greets everyone is a huge underground space,

This place goes deep underground. It seems that it may be a natural crystal cave.

The space is not dark,
Countless crystals burst out of the ground, exuding a clear light blue light,

Clusters of flowers and plants are scattered in various places, and the whole cave is as beautiful as a fantasy.
The people in the lighthouse who saw these scenes for the first time, their eyes widened in shock, and they were speechless.

Several women who were traveling together looked at the city outside with bright eyes.

The houses are built against the mountain walls on both sides, and the heights are staggered and just block the bare rocks.

At the bottom of the cave is a clear underground lake. Countless small fluorescent fish in the lake make the whole lake look like a shining gem.

There are trestle bridges, and the passages of various colors are connected to each other.

Many figures shuttled back and forth. They were also busy at work and had the same exhaustion on their faces, but each of them had sparkling eyes and full of energy.

The sound of children playing, the sound of steel colliding, and even the curling smoke from the kitchen make this dreamlike underground city more smelling of fireworks!

Everything here is natural and harmonious, with a charm that is completely different from that of the lighthouse.

But there is no doubt that
people live here,
that's enough!
"I think it's time for us to talk about specific matters of cooperation!"

Lin En looked at the shocked expressions of everyone in the lighthouse, and said to Bai Yuekui with a smile.

"No hurry, let me introduce a few people to you!"

A few familiar figures walked out of the crowd, and they were actually Instructor Elon, Ms. Tara and others who were sent away.

"Instructor Elon!" Ran Bing, Mo Cheng and the others rushed over with excited faces.

"We all thought we'd never see you again!"

Instructor Elon is still strong, with a straight back.After seeing a few people, he laughed loudly and asked energetically.

"Hahaha, I hid just now to wait to see your surprise!"

"Why didn't you see Mark? Where's that kid Mark?"

It has been half a month since Mark committed suicide by jumping off the lighthouse. When Ran Bing and others heard Elon's instructor asking this question, they still felt sore in their hearts and couldn't help their eyes turning red.

Seeing a few people like this, Elon's originally excited face froze,
He has come all the way from the doomsday. He has been fighting all the year round and has experienced too many life and death. He has already guessed the general idea just by looking at the expressions of a few people.

But after guessing, he had placed too much hope on Mark, but he never expected that Mark would have an accident just after he left the lighthouse.
Unable to get angry, he shouted loudly:

"Say! What happened?"

Elon has been an instructor for many years, and almost all these wild hunters were taught by him. Hearing the roar of this acquaintance, he trembled all over with fright.
It can be seen that Elon's prestige among these wild hunters,
Thinking of this, Lynn couldn't understand the old Morgan's approach. Since he planned to pass the throne to Mark, why did he treat Mark like his own child a few days before the pass?
If Elon was still there, the Wild Hunter would stand behind Mark absolutely solidly, and the water wouldn't get in.

Mocheng hurriedly described what happened after the instructor left.

From Morgan's serious illness, to Mark going deep into the ecologically dense area to find medicine, to Charles accompanying him, taking advantage of Mark's powerless sneak attack...

Lynn ignored this, and walked over to Maureen, the engineer, and Tara, the agricultural expert.

"Mr. Molin, Ms. Tara, it seems that the two of you are living a good life, and you are much more energetic!"

The two saluted and said, "Thank you, Huishou Lin, for your concern."

"It's not the leader anymore," Vatican stepped forward and said, "Master Lin En has succeeded as the city lord!"

The two were startled, and then bent down to salute more respectfully.

Lynn reached out to stop them, "No need, you have already left the lighthouse, this is your home now, we are just visiting guests!"

Lynn's words were tantamount to temporarily cutting off their and Elon's hope of returning to the lighthouse, and at the same time expressed goodwill to the dungeon.

"City Lord Bai saved your lives, so stay here with peace of mind. If you have a chance in the future, you can go back to the lighthouse to have a look!"

Sure enough, as soon as Lin En's voice fell, the faces of the residents of the nearby dungeon became much more kind.

After Maureen and Tully came here, they really helped a lot here,
Morin put forward many constructive suggestions for the construction of the dungeon, and the planning has been completed. If his drawings are followed, the energy configuration and structural construction of the dungeon will be greatly improved.

Ms. Tully was even more powerful. As soon as she arrived here, she started to improve the food of the residents in the city, and even tried to grow some flowers and plants in the dungeon, a place where there was no sunlight.

If these flowers and plants are screened, optimized, improved and cultivated, it may not be impossible to grow food suitable for dungeons.

Both of them have gained enough attention here, and they also remember the life-saving grace of the dungeon in their hearts. Although they were disappointed when they heard that Lin En did not intend to accept them back, they also felt a sense of relief.

What's more, Lynn also agreed to let them go back and have a look, which was enough for them.

At this time, Instructor Elon had already listened to what Mo Cheng and the others told.
Knowing that Lynn saved Mark's life several times, and knowing that Mark was parasitized and mutated by spines, and later hearing that Mark's face when he accidentally killed Lord Morgan was horrified and speechless.

Until the end, when I heard Mark jumping off the lighthouse by himself, he finally calmed down when he couldn't find the lighthouse.

He walked to the side alone, the expression on his face was not so much calm as it was dull after extreme disappointment.

Lin En didn't go up to comfort him, but let Mo Cheng and Ran Bing stay, and he, Bai Yuekui and others walked all the way to the city.

The residents in the city did not show any abnormality because of the arrival of themselves and others,

He just took a few glances at everyone passing by, and raised his hand to Bai Yuekui with a smile on his face.

It can also be seen that Bai Yuekui has a very high prestige in this city, and is also very respected by everyone.

All the way through the city, passing by the lake, until I came to a mosaic mountain wall hanging beside a building in mid-air before stopping.

"We don't have any formal meeting rooms here. This is my residence. Let's talk here?"

Bai Yuekui turned to look at Lin En with a questioning intent.

Lynn nodded naturally,

"Since it's City Lord Bai's room, it's not suitable for too many people to enter. You all stay outside, and you can also see the human feelings here!"

Lynn followed Bai Yuekui into her room.

There are a lot of messy visits inside,

Books, TV, game consoles, experimental equipment.

Like a laboratory, like a recreation room, but not like a woman's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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