Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 335: Location of the Underground Base

Chapter 335: Location of the Underground Base
Lin En looked around, then looked at Bai Yuekui with contempt, and said mockingly:

"Your room can completely destroy any man's curiosity about a girl's boudoir!"

After Bai Yuekui entered the room, he relaxed a little, took off his coat after giving Lin En a glance, threw it on the sofa, and sat on it carelessly,
"You can do it wherever you want, and you can also look around to satisfy your curiosity about girls' rooms, I don't mind!"

What kind of room has Lynn not seen?How could you suppress her tricks?
After scanning around, Bishe casually walked to the TV, picked up the game controller and started playing.

"Aren't you here to negotiate?" Bai Yuekui asked suspiciously.
Lynn didn't even know how to say:
"Didn't we all talk about it? I will provide the bioreactor to solve the food problem in the underground city, and you will give us the Mana ecological interaction equipment to solve the problem of our integration into Mana. We will take what we can get and have a happy cooperation!"

The two have indeed discussed this issue long ago.

During the period when the lighthouse abolished the three laws, Lin En and Bai Yuekui talked about this matter several times,

In the end, a preliminary agreement was reached, that is, the lighthouse will provide the bioreactor, and the dungeon will provide the Mana interactive equipment.

At the same time, there are some other constraints. For example, the location of the lighthouse underground base cannot be within [-] kilometers of the Baiyuekui underground city.
This not only ensures a safe distance from each other, but also provides support in case of emergencies.

Another example is that the two sides must carry out a certain proportion of weapons exchange,
The firearms of the lighthouse are the same as frosted against polar devouring beasts, but they are indeed powerful and extremely lethal against humans.

In this regard, the dungeon is just the opposite. They use the weapons made from the bones of the beasts to deal with them very effectively.But it is too primitive to deal with humans, and it is completely at a disadvantage.

Lin En fully understood Bai Yuekui's concern about the safety of the residents of the underground city.

After all, people who came out of the doomsday have seen too many sinister people, and it would be abnormal if they were unprepared.

Bai Yuekui only agreed to the exchange of finished products for bone weapons, and did not agree to the exchange of technology based on the same consideration.

It's good for both sides to have a check, and at the same time, it can also become the basis for mutual trust between people in the two cities.

The two opened the door and went out after playing the game console in the room for two hours.

Both said that the two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation, the talks made breakthrough progress, and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

In the future, the two parties will conduct all-round cooperation based on the goal of win-win cooperation, mutual benefit and common development.

In the end, the two sides bid farewell, and Lin En and his party boarded the vehicle back to the lighthouse.

"How is it?" As soon as the car door was closed, Lynn asked Ran Bing and Jessica beside him.

Jessica still had a look of disbelief on her face, "I didn't expect so many people to actually live underground, and they even invented a set of equipment that can be harmlessly integrated into Mana!"

"This is so meaningful, Lynn," Jessica said excitedly, grabbing Lynn's arm, "If we can get that set of equipment, moving underground will really become possible!"

"Of course." Lynn nodded,
“We have that equipment on our exchange list, and they will bring that equipment to test when we complete the site selection and visit the site.”

"If this is the case, then the construction of the underground base can proceed!" Jessica nodded her head, optimistic about the prospect of the underground base.

"They can do it, there is no reason why we can't do it!" Ran Bing and Jing Nan all agreed,
Only Vatican shook his head slightly,

"But they don't believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow, that's not good!" There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

In her opinion, the belief in the Lord of Light and Shadow should be unconditionally pursued by everyone, how could anyone not believe in it?Isn't that heresy?

Lynn reached out and tapped her head,

"That's an arrogant idea!"

"God is omnipotent, He doesn't need our faith! So faith in Him is what we need, not God!"

"This sentence will be engraved on the first page of my rewritten Codex of Light and Shadow!"

Vatican lowered his head, "I understand, my lord!"

"Very well, belief is free, we can believe, but don't force others to believe too!"

The lighthouse group finally returned to the lifting platform after half an hour.

In the next few days, the main task of the lighthouse is to find a suitable location for building an underground base.

The detection radar transmits radar pulses from high altitude to the surface and analyzes the return signal,
Low-frequency radar can probe extremely deep underground and can detect liquid water.

Lynn hoped to find a new address within [-] to [-] kilometers of the Baiyuekui underground city.

He set several conditions for the location of the base,
One is to be in an area with a stable geological structure. Although the earth and the moon are already stable, there will be no natural disasters like large plate displacements, but after all, the city is built underground, and stability is still the top priority.

Second, it is best to choose natural karst caves, which can greatly reduce the amount of construction of the base.

Third, there must be natural water sources.

Although the lighthouse has mature water production technology, only the natural water has the plankton of the mana ecology, and the residents of the lighthouse can use them to channel their emotions and integrate into mana.

During the scan of the lighthouse, the news about the construction of the underground city set off an upsurge among the residents.

Whether it was the original Shangmin or the Chenmin, this news was extremely shocking to them.

The first is safety.

Is it really safe underground?
This problem has been confirmed with the news that I have been to the underground city and met several instructors of Elon,

Everyone finally believes that life can really be lived underground.

Well, since City Lord Lynn wants to build an underground base,
Will there be a lot of work once construction starts?

Are more jobs needed?

What about contribution points?
How will the living conditions be after the dungeon is built?
This series of issues became the focus of heated discussions.

Three days later, just 63 kilometers south of the Baiyuekui Underground City, a hole was detected by radar.

300 meters above the ground, there is a huge void, and an underground river has been detected in it.

After Lin En confirmed the authenticity of the situation, he had to personally lead people to investigate on the spot.

The first question to face is, how to go on?

Not how to get down to the surface, but how to get down into the underground cavity.

The earth's crust here is hard rock. Although ordinary drilling is feasible, it takes too long and the movement is too large, and it cannot be used as the main import and export in the future.

The best way is to find other entrances, which should be hidden and convenient.

Lynn nearly threw the person who made the request off the lighthouse,

Isn't this embarrassing honest people?

(End of this chapter)

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