Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 370 Target, Far East Star Region

Chapter 370 Target, Far East Star Region

"A star map?"

This thing is not difficult to find. Warships in Warhammer also need a star map to sail in the galaxy, especially when they jump out of subspace, they need to check their position and time.

So almost all warships and merchant ships have star charts, but the size and accuracy vary, and they need to be updated frequently.

After all, this galaxy is full of flames of war, and monsters and monsters are everywhere.It is also common for planets to break and divert. If the star map is not updated frequently, it is not impossible to get lost in the real universe.

In addition to the star map, the question of whether the leap engine can be used in this galaxy should also be considered.

After all, it is a creation of other worlds, so it needs to be verified carefully whether it can be used in this world.

Since there is no good way to leave here in a short time, Lynn and others can only wait patiently.

Vulcan cares about Lin En's condition every day. How is his condition today?Is there any discomfort?Can you still hold on?Would you like something to eat?
It made Lin En very depressed. It would be fine if a beautiful girl was so warm and cold every day, but it would be a little shocking for a big black man who is five big and three thick to ask you around like this.

Lynn simply sat cross-legged on the ground every day when he saw Vulkan looking for him, pretending to be trying to maintain his psionic spells, and even made the space vibrate twice to show that the space was unstable.

Vulcan could only stay in the distance carefully, watching Lin En who was "working hard" was deeply moved.

Meanwhile, Lynn and Penny studied the Mantle Advent carefully in their minds. There are still many technologies worth digging on this high-tech flagship from other worlds.

First of all, besides the jump engine, the first one is the energy shield of the Mantle Prominence, the gravitational field deflector shield generator.

It is sensitive to any matter rushing towards it at high speed. Once an attack is detected, the gravitational deflection field will be activated to deflect incoming attacks. It is covered with a golden bell cover.

The first time Lynn saw this shield, he thought of another shield, which was the most common void shield in the empire.

Void shields are energy fields used by the Empire to protect super-heavy vehicles, large starships and important bases.This shield works by displacing incoming attacks into the warp through warp technology.

Although it works like an energy field, the Void Shield has the advantage that it can be raised again after being destroyed by an attack,
If hundreds of thousands of void shield arrays are installed on the Mantle Prominence, when the battle is fought, the outermost layer of void shields will be placed, and when the enemy breaks through the void shields, there will be deflecting position shields inside.

When the enemy breaks through the deflection shield, maybe the void shield outside can be restarted again!
It's a rogue tactic with a golden bell cover and an iron cloth shirt. I really like it!

For his private flagship, Lynn certainly hoped that it would be thicker and safer.

And even if the enemy breaks through both shields within a certain period of time, the Mantle Prominence still has a hull that is hundreds of meters thick.

These hulls are made of real light.

The core of real light technology is programmable, which means that it can use real light to manufacture various tools, damaged hulls, extremely sharp swords, and even guns and bullets. Due to the controllability of real light, the emitted The bullet can automatically track and lock the target.

Real light materials also have an advantage of being extremely fearful, that is, the creation of real light objects does not require matter as a substrate, which is equivalent to directly converting energy into objects on a macroscopic level, because theoretically, light does not need to consume matter of.In other words, the forerunners may consume very little physical material to manufacture a warship, and the production speed is frighteningly fast.

Such an advanced technology is naturally something that individuals have to think about, but Reallight Technology has always been the exclusive technology of the pioneer, and has never been successfully imitated by other forces in reverse engineering, which shows the difficulty.

Although it is so difficult, Lynn is very calm in his heart. Anyway, the ship is in his hands, and sooner or later, he can always figure it out.

In addition to these high-tech visible to the naked eye, the Mantle Advent also has an "inconspicuous" device, a quantum communicator!
When Lynn heard Penny talk about this device, she was pleasantly surprised!
Don't look at this device as inconspicuous, but if you can learn its manufacturing technology through reverse engineering, it will solve a huge problem.

Communication across galaxies!That is FTL communication.

The diameter of the Milky Way is more than [-] light-years, which is really huge!
Spaceships and planets separated by light-years often cannot communicate through electromagnetic wave radio that travels at the speed of light, and the delay is too high.It is unrealistic to bring all the information back to the planet by spacecraft.

To solve this problem, the Emperor created a new group, the Astropaths.

After undergoing cruel trials, the Astropaths will fuse the Emperor's psychic powers, thus gaining the ability to communicate with each other over long distances, even in the warp.

Astropaths have become the standard equipment for every warship, and even every base or planet with human presence, the number began to skyrocket, and families began to form among them.

In this way, in the end, it is inevitable that the tail will get too big, and all kinds of wrangling will continue.

Entrust all such important matters as the interconnection between the human world to one person, or one family.Things like this are disturbing to think about.

Moreover, the messages passed by the astropaths are not very accurate information, but some obscure images and pictures, which are often lost, and it depends on the astropaths' personal understanding and translation...

No matter how you think about it, it's unreliable, right?
Lynn also felt that it was unreliable, but when there was no substitute, he could only make do with it.

If we can really master quantum communication, all this will change!
It will take time for Penny to take control of the Advent,
And time just passed by.

Until one day more than two months later, Lynn, who was sitting cross-legged and "struggling to maintain" the space, suddenly felt abnormal.

Not far from the wreckage of Istvan V outside the space, a small fleet of three spaceships slowly approached.

The fleet logo is a white crow with outstretched wings!
The Raven Guard, Captain Lane Neff led a small fleet to this airspace. They were left on the Redemption Planet as a reserve before, and they rushed to check after not receiving a message from the Primarch for a long time.

After Lynn boarded the battleship with Corax, he opened the space to allow the space fighters inside to transfer to the ship.

All those who survived expressed the highest degree of respect to Lynn. His great kindness in saving tens of thousands of warriors and two Primarchs alone will never be forgotten.

Next, they will go to the Raven Guard's home planet to recuperate first, and then discuss the next move.

Lin En has already made a decision in his heart. He is going to the Far East Starfield to find the soldiers of his legion according to his deep perception!
(End of this chapter)

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