Chapter 371 Imperial Truth
When everyone just arrived at the Redemption Planet, the subspace has become even more weird, and it has become more difficult for the astropaths to contact. All signs indicate that a larger subspace storm is forming.

Corax and Vulcan find Lynn together,
"We agreed to hurry up and go to Terra before the warp storm got bigger."

Although all three of their legions have suffered heavy losses, the current situation does not allow them to recuperate, and they must set off immediately.

No matter where Horus is now, there is no doubt that the ultimate goal of this traitor will be Terra!
Whether it's revenge or defending the Emperor, everything will come to an end there.

Vulcan looked at Lynn and said hesitantly, "Linn, if you are willing to support Terra with us, Corax and I will do our best to ensure your safety!"

The duck king next to him didn't have much expression on his face, but his eyes were firm. It seemed that the two came to him after discussing it.

Lynn understood their thoughts.

Probably because he wanted to go by himself, but also worried that he would refuse because of the emperor's attitude, so he took Corax to "guarantee" himself.


"I won't go to Terra, at least not now!" Lynn resolutely rejected Vulkan.

"It's not because of the emperor's order."

"Why is that?" Vulkan asked anxiously.

Lynn smiled, "Because my legion is still waiting, I'm going to meet them in Ultramar."

Vulkan suddenly realized, "So that's it. I said how Guilliman's Ultramarines swelled up so fast, and it happened just in those few years."

"What happened back then, the Wolf King and Guilliman also took risks, which is one of the reasons why I can't go to Terra now."

Vulcan nodded in understanding.The emperor's order back then was so decisive, no one can be sure what his attitude is now, and it also involves the other two primarchs.Lynn's reluctance to go now is also understandable.

Wait for Lin En to receive his legion before heading to Terra.At that time, I will have the support of myself, Corax the Raven King, Leman Russ the Wolf King, and Guilliman.

Coupled with the need to face Horus's Traitor Legion, the Emperor will surely forgive Lynn.

Of course, in addition to these, there is another person's attitude that is crucial.

The holy, perfect, beautiful figure that seemed to be able to illuminate the entire world appeared in Vulcan's mind.

What happened back then, how sad and furious that person was, can be seen from the sky-reaching sword light coming out of the Terra Palace.

For so many years, he never returned to Terra, and always fought in the most remote and dangerous star areas.

Her deeds and reputation for combat prowess spread throughout the galaxy.

It was even rumored that, before the Warmaster was confirmed, the Emperor sent Custodians to her Legion to show favor, only to return mortally wounded.

How happy she would be if she knew Lynn was back.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Vulcan's dark face.

"That's good, and I can also remind Guilliman of Horus' rebellion. We are already behind a lot of time, and we must hurry up."

Lynn nodded in agreement.

That afternoon, Corax arranged for a cruiser to take Lynn off.

Along with them, there is also a company of Iron Hands warriors who are good at equipment manufacturing. They plan to manufacture a suit of power armor for Lin En. After all, he still does not have a decent set of armor.

Although Lynn thinks it doesn't matter, it's a good thing that this team of iron hands is willing to follow him.These people are all experts in equipment manufacturing and maintenance, and there are many places that need them.

Speaking of Power Armor, Lynn suddenly remembered that the Wolf King had promised to give him the "Ice Wave Armor", but he entered the subspace with Magnus and there was no further movement.According to the time of this world, it should be more than a year, why hasn't it come out yet?Lynn had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Could it be that you can't hide out because of bad debts?"


The cruiser that Corax sent Lynn was specially made, with few weapons but fast speed, but after entering subspace

As expected, the subspace storm became stronger and stronger, and the cruiser was almost destroyed.At the critical juncture, Lynn made a move, and his powerful spiritual power became even more powerful in the subspace.

The roaring torrent of energy was quelled, the monstrous storm was dispelled, and even the evil creatures wandering around screamed and turned into ashes.The battleship arrived at the limit star field at a much faster speed than expected.

This trip also gave Lynn a better understanding of the subspace.

The human spirit has a great influence in the subspace, and the power of the spirit power here is much greater than in the present world.It will even give people a feeling of being extremely powerful, like a fish in water.

But the thrill comes at a price.

The subspace is like a dirty quagmire. People's spiritual power can break through the gap in the real world, guide the energy inside, and form various spiritual spells.

But during this process, the human spirit is also infected by these dirty energies.

If there is no extremely firm soul or extremely powerful spiritual power, this kind of infestation will only get deeper and deeper. As a result, it will often become a dirty coordinate bomb. Once it explodes, it will tear a bigger hole in this world. .

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the emperor has always insisted on promoting the truth of the empire and opposing the belief in gods.

Imperial Truth abbreviates that this world is materialistic and godless, and the Emperor declares: "Unless the last stone of the last church falls on the last priest", humans will never be able to move forward freely and realize their role as the ruler of the galaxy The Manifest Destiny of the Most Outstanding Intelligent Race.

The Imperial Truth also pointed out that human beings, as the race with the purest natural form, should be the masters of the galaxy, while other intelligent races, such as the Eldar, have been proven unable to support a civilization that spans the galaxy.

This is actually an extremely xenophobic thought, which denies the existence of God and at the same time infinitely elevates the status of man.

This will indeed be beneficial to unite human beings and keep them away from the subspace evil gods.But also if one day the demon really appears in the world, then the truth of the empire will collapse overnight.

The pros and cons are really hard to say.


After Lynn's cruiser entered the Limit Starfield, the subspace storm suddenly weakened a little, and the astropaths on board barely received some messages.

Following the orders of the Warmaster, a large number of Ultramarines have assembled in Calth. After joining the Word Bearers Legion, they will go to the Veridian galaxy to destroy a rising orc empire.

"It's a trap!"

Lynn hurriedly ordered the astropaths to issue a warning to the Ultramarines, but the astropaths reported that due to the turbulence in the subspace, he could not determine the time when the message was sent, nor could he guarantee that the message he sent would be received.

"Then go to Calth! Immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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