Chapter 40 Collapse
The cold night wind seemed to be scorching hot.

Lynn's blood boiled, and even the air around him became distorted and weird.

With the roar of the wind breaking through the air, a pair of cold eyes suddenly appeared in front of a bandit. The bandit didn't have time to react, and a fist quickly filled his world.


In the face of absolute power, the bandit's head in mid-air was smashed by a blow, and the blood mist filled the air!
Lynn laughed wildly. Having already rushed into the enemy line, he reached out and grabbed the horse's leg. Using it as a weapon, he swung it up and swept around for a week.
Suddenly, the sound of shattering bones, the screams of humans, and the grief of war horses rang out, and a large space was swept away in an instant.

Lynn threw down the remaining horse's legs and rushed towards the enemy furiously. Like a road roller, a person was knocked into the air, the war horse was smashed into pieces, and the broken limbs danced in the air.
"Kill him! Kill him!"

"He's the only one!"

"Whoever killed him, I'll make him the second leader!" The bandit leader looked at the scene in front of him that he dared not even dream of, and felt a huge danger, as if the blade of a knife was on his neck, and the chill climbed down his spine from his waist Come up, let him shudder!

He shouted desperately and promised, hoping that a miracle would happen and eliminate the fear in front of him.

But it's too late,
It was too late to speak, too late to escape, too late to block, only to hear the air vibrating, and one hand slapped his face with a shrill sound!
The sky was spinning rapidly, and even afterimages appeared. At the end of the field of vision, there was a headless corpse spurting blood!

"If it hadn't come out, I wouldn't have met this monster!" The last thought dissipated,

The bandits broke down!

They are not strictly trained soldiers, and the bloody and weirdness of this battle is far beyond their understanding!

They never thought that there would be a monster that could kill their companions one by one with bullets!
Fear and trembling erupted as the leader's head fell to the ground, and they ran away screaming like the women they had insulted before.

Then caught up and crushed.


When there was no more living enemy in front of him, Lin En stood there, gasping for breath, not because he was tired, but to release the killing intent in his chest that had not yet dissipated!
Even after killing the enemy in front of him, the anger in his chest is still telling him that it's not enough!

Lynn got on his horse and galloped in the direction the bandits came from!


Several people at the foot of Yaowang Mountain had extinguished the fire and waited anxiously.

Speaking of anxiety, only Miss Lin and her husband are more nervous, Hua Ling is still very relaxed!
She has seen Lynn fight many times, she has some absolute trust in him, and she never believes that those bandits can hurt him.

So Lynn asked her to sleep first, and she obediently got in the car and went to bed!

But Mr. Liang and his wife can't sleep!

"What's the situation now?" Mr. Liang is a little short-sighted, so this kind of night is very unfriendly to him, and he can only vaguely hear a messy gunshot in the distance, and then the sound of war horses running around.

"I can't see clearly, but someone rode away!" Fortunately, Miss Lin's eyesight was good, and she could vaguely see someone riding away.

"Is that person Lynn?"

"I don't know, maybe it is"

Hearing this, Mr. Liang said calmly, "That should be Lynn's victory, right? How did he win so many bandits?"

"I don't know, although I have heard of his innate divine power, but this is too exaggerated. Can one person really defeat so many bandits?" Miss Lin's tone was full of doubts!
The two waited anxiously for one night.

It was not until it was getting brighter that a horse galloped on the horizon.

It was only when he got closer that he was sure that Lynn had returned.

The stone in their hearts fell to the ground, and they looked at each other with amazement in their eyes.

One person actually defeated a large number of bandits with his bare hands. If he told his old friends about it, they would probably say that his husband and wife were stunned!
Lynn rode back here in a good mood, with two large boxes behind the horse.

Last night, he found the bandit lair full of anger and rushed in to search for the treasure.

Of course there seemed to be some resistance, but in the end they all quieted down.

It was not until finally that Lynn found the treasure hidden by the bandits, and there was no active person to stop him, and the anger in his heart was quelled!
Lynn also took time to take a bath in the river, washed his clothes, and then came back slowly.

The flower spirit came out in a daze,
"Brother Lin is back!" As he spoke, he skillfully helped Lin En load the box into the car...

"I'm back, I'm back," Lin En nodded, looking back to see that Lin Liang and the two were looking bad.
"What's wrong with the two of you, didn't you rest last night?"

The two were speechless for a while, how thick of nerves would it take to fall asleep in the situation last night?
"Aren't you hurt?" Miss Lin asked worriedly.
"No, those bandits looked at the crowd last night. They fired a few shots and missed me, and they ran away by themselves. It was very boring!" Lynn's face was relaxed, as if what he said was true.

Miss Lin...

The same gunfire fried beans last night!How many shots?

Although I heard that the old man Gong performed the kung fu of dodging bullets in front of Zhang Dashuai, but the old man is a master of martial arts. Could it be that this Lin En's kung fu is already so powerful?

Miss Lin guessed in her heart that maybe this little junior brother of Miss Gong Er is really a master!He looked up at the place where Lynn fought last night, as if he wanted to take a look at the scene.

Seeing her intentions, Lin En quickly changed the subject, "The Temple of the King of Medicine is on the mountain, I'll accompany you up there, it's important!"

It's not that she is afraid of what she will find, but that the battlefield yesterday was very brutal.

Only then did Miss Lin remember that she was here for surveying and mapping, so she hurriedly packed up with Mr. Liang and went up the mountain together.

When they arrived at the Yaowang Temple, Miss Lin and his wife started surveying and mapping.

Hua Ling had been a doctor since elementary school and was proficient in pharmacology. She was very happy to come to the Yaowang Temple today, and dragged Lin En to wander around here.

The Hall of the King of Medicine is 22 meters high, 57 meters long, and 24 meters wide. It faces south from the north, and its foundation is built with huge stones. It feels as stable as Mount Tai.

The statue of Sun Simiao was enshrined in the center of the hall, and Hua Ling came forward and bowed.

Lin En said, "Do you think there are secrets or the like left by Master Yaosheng in the Yaowang Temple?"

Hua Ling rolled his eyes at him, "The secret book "Qian Jin Fang" you mentioned is engraved on the stone tablet outside!"

"What kind of mind is the King of Medicine, I wish the world would be free from disease, how could he hide the secrets?"

Lin En was right after thinking about it, so he put out the thought, and asked himself whether this was called "Saving the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?"

(End of this chapter)

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