Chapter 41
In the evening, several people returned to Tongchuan together,

I found the best hotel in the area and slept comfortably.
After that, Lin En and Lin Liang walked together. Hua Ling often adjusted the prescription according to Miss Lin's physical condition.

A group of people leave Shaanxi, enter Shanxi, and enter Hebei. Everywhere they go, they must first find the best inn to live in.

Miss Lin and the two went out for surveying and mapping, while Lin En brought Hua Ling and Daiyu to eat all the famous local dishes.
He also hired a helper for Miss Lin, who was specially responsible for laying hands and moving equipment.

Although it was well-intentioned, Miss Lin felt that spending money like this was a bit of a waste. She was straight-minded, so she directly persuaded her.

Lynn didn't care,

To say that money should not be buried in the ground is a real waste.

"If I don't spend money, the common people won't get the money. Only if I spend the money can the common people earn money to support their families, and their family's life will improve."

"Only children have money to go to school, and wives can make new clothes, and families will be harmonious! Full of hope!"

"So the more I spend, the more ordinary people will benefit!"

"Spending money is a great deed for the benefit of the country and the people!"


Miss Lin felt that Lin En's words seemed to make sense, but there seemed to be something wrong!
Going out the door in a daze! ...

When the first snow fell this year, a group of carriages came from outside the city of Peiping.

Lynn was riding in the carriage, with a mink fur covering his legs, and flipping over the charcoal basin in front of him.

The silver frost charcoal in the charcoal basin is worthy of its high price. It is smokeless, tasteless and extremely high in heat, which warms the cabin like spring.

Hua Lingzheng has a serious face, staring at the chessboard in front of him like an enemy.

The black and white twins above are like dazzling stars, and there are endless avenues between black and white!

I saw Lynn raised his hand, picked up a black spot, and dropped it gently.


As if the stars fell, setting off an infinite catastrophe!
Hua Ling's heart was shocked, and the look in her eyes disappeared as the sunspot fell, and she muttered in her mouth: "I lost..."

As if the whole person was destroyed from the inside out!
I saw five chess pieces in a row on the chessboard in front of me!

"Yes, you lost. This is already the No.17 game you lost today. According to the agreement, it's time for you to go out and sneak!"

Hua Ling's eyes turned and said, "Brother Lin, we will arrive in Peiping tomorrow. Are we going to live there in the future?"

Lynn said as if she didn't notice that she was changing the subject:
"Well, this is all negotiated with Mr. Lin and his wife. We will buy a yard near your school to live in, and we will live in Beiping in the future."

"Also, go out for a cat walk!"

Hua Ling pouted, opened the curtain and walked out.

Lynn chuckled lightly, it looked like a 15-year-old girl.

At this naive age, you shouldn't be burdened with so many life and death separations.

The centipede inner alchemy is a fetish that it has cultivated for hundreds of years. In addition to strengthening the body, it can also increase the life of the flower spirit by at least 30 to [-] years!

It would allow her to live a normal life.

Brother Partridge Whistle handed her over to him also because he expected her to live a normal life.

That's fine.

The next day, Lynn and his party walked on the market at the gate of the city,
"Candied haws~"

"Fire, the newly baked donkey meat is on fire!"

The people in the market were shouting.

It's just that most of the pedestrians are unkempt, and there are even some people who are naked, with hay stuck in their necks, and staring blankly at the passing crowd, empty and empty.

This era is difficult, and life is also difficult. Even this good place in Gyeonggi is still gloomy.

It wasn't until I actually entered the city that there was a hint of greenery, the streets were flat, there were many shops on both sides, and the pedestrians on the road were neatly dressed.

"Mr. Lin, what kind of school is this Beiman Girls' High School?" Hua Ling asked curiously.

Miss Lin smiled, "Beiman Girls' High School was founded by American missionary Alyssa Baiman. It has been established for decades and has always had a good reputation."

"Let's take a look first, and if we don't like it, we'll look for it."

During the conversation, several people came to a gate in a hutong,

It is a typical Ming Dynasty architecture with high eaves of the gate and red columns and green trees.A three-entry palace-style courtyard.

Entering the door is a huge white marble. If you look carefully, you can see a statue of Guanyin in the middle.

Several courtyards are planted with wisteria, grapes, and green bamboo.The environment is elegant, harmonious, yet solemn.

It is said that it was rebuilt from a palace.

Hua Ling likes the environment here very much, and also met the principal here, a foreign lady in her 50s.

The lady speaks Chinese very well and talked with Hua Ling under the introduction of Mr. Lin.

After that, he held her hand and insisted on inviting her to study, even exempting her from tuition fees. It could be seen that she liked Hua Ling very much.

Hua Ling looked at Lynn as if asking for help,
Lynn's opinion is, "It's up to you! You can try it out for a while, and if you don't like it, let's change it!"

In his words, he did not care whether the principal was present or not, only whether Hua Ling liked it or not.

Hua Ling finally decided to go to school and try it out.

After that, Lynn immediately found a small courtyard in Tongfu Hutong nearby and bought it.

There are three main rooms in the small courtyard, as well as east and west rooms and a large yard.

There is also a persimmon tree planted in the middle of the yard, the leaves have fallen, and the ripe persimmons are hanging red and full of trees!
Lynn picked one, ripped open a small mouth, and sucked in a mouthful of sweetness.


In the next few days, Lin En and Hua Ling were busy repairing their new home in Beijing. Although the house was still new, it had not been inhabited for half a year.

Lin En paid for craftsmen. It is said that his ancestors had repaired the Forbidden City next to it, so the price of their children and grandchildren should not be lower, otherwise they would be ashamed of their ancestors!

The house was handed over to them with just one request, clean and comfortable.

Lin En and Hua Ling are full of furniture selection in Beijing,
Find something delicious!

I actually found the Gong family's shop in Peiping.

Then I wrote a letter and went back, telling my senior sister that she was watching the sky at night, and she felt the mystery of heaven. Under the induction of heaven and man, she had achieved great success. She wanted to go back to announce the good news, but because of the brotherhood, she needed to live in Peiping for some time until the completion of the brotherhood. I will return to Master to do my filial piety!
In the letter, the attitude is sincere and the thinking is correct, but the meaning is only one,
"I have something to do, so I won't go back yet. Maybe when I will go back!"

After seven days, they moved into their new, renovated home.

Lin and Liang came to the door to congratulate the housewarming.

everything is on track,
Hua Ling is very adaptable in school. She has a wealth of experience and is much stronger than her peers in both physical and psychological qualities. She is smart and kind, and is very popular with teachers and classmates.

The weather was getting colder and the New Year was approaching. Lin En was busy with shopping for New Year's goods. He bought a lot of food and drink. Anyway, he didn't have many acquaintances in Beijing, so he planned to spend the New Year at home.

On New Year's Eve, Lin En and Hua Ling set off firecrackers and made dumplings together.

As soon as I picked up the steaming dumplings to eat, I heard a knock on the door,
Lynn was puzzled, not knowing who would come at this time.

When I opened the door, I was instantly shocked!
The person standing outside the door was dressed in a fur coat, covered with blue silk, and combed meticulously!
She is beautiful and graceful, with delicate facial features, but at this moment her pretty face is full of anger!
When I saw Lynn coming out, I reached out to pinch Lynn's ear!

PS: Late update today, I know!I'm too scared to open the comment section, sorry!

It is really sent as soon as the code is finished, without delay for 1 minute!

I know that I should reconsider and post it again, but I am afraid that it will be late today, and I will change it tomorrow!
Apologize again!I'm late!
(End of this chapter)

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