Chapter 42
The person outside the door stepped on the snow, and the dark fur had been stained with the white snow.

Seeing Lynn opening the door, she raised her eyebrows and reached out to pinch Lynn's ear with an angry face.

As soon as the person's hand touched Lynn's ear, it was as if he had been electrocuted by a needle, and when his finger hurt, he involuntarily retracted his hand.

"Darkness!" With a pair of big clear eyes, he looked at Lynn in disbelief!

It is the eldest lady of the Gong family, Gong Er!
"You actually practiced dark energy, and you also practiced your face!"

"Of course, I told you that when I watched the sky at night, I found that the opportunity was in the south. You see, it's gone! It's not fooling you, right?"

Lynn looked surprised, but she still held her chest up and looked arrogant!

"But how is this possible? You will only be 12 years old after today, and there has never been a character like you throughout the ages!"

The eldest lady still has an unbelievable expression!

The source of dark energy is the heart, which is the instantaneous eruption of qi and blood. It requires a strong heart and tough blood vessels, so no one can practice it when the body is still young at the age of twelve or thirteen.

Only when one's body is fully developed, the body is trained to be like a wolf like a tiger, the heart function is far beyond superhuman, and the level of being able to pump a large amount of blood in an instant, can the physical strength be able to release a few dark energy.

Even she has practiced hard since she was a child, and she is not lacking in talent and hard work. She is also taught by famous teachers.

The next step is to practice the dark energy to the point where the whole body can erupt like needles, that is the transformation of energy!

But the physical strength required is even greater, which cannot be achieved by hard work and hard work.

If ordinary people want to practice Hua Jin, they need to first practice the kung fu of tiger leopard thunder sound, shake the bone marrow, exchange blood and forge the bones to improve their physique, and have the capital for further practice.

Therefore, every Hua Jin is in the physique, strength, and reaction to crush the dark energy in all aspects, and only Hua Jin is qualified to be called a master!
But Lynn's physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Any physical limitations do not exist for him!
Even those masters of transforming energy, even the advanced Dan Jin, if they want to compare with him in terms of physical fitness, they will probably have to bow their heads!

Of course, as far as kung fu is concerned, Lin En is also at the peak of dark energy now, and he is only one step away from entering Hua Jin and is called a master!
Lin En looked at the shocked expression on the young lady's face and felt relieved. He is not a person who likes to show off in front of others, but the young lady is one of the few people he trusts in this world. It showed in front of her.

Pulled the eldest lady into the door and took her to the main room. Before entering the door, she shouted, "Hua Ling, take another bowl of dumplings, my senior sister is here!"

He opened the door and went in, only to see Hua Ling standing cautiously. Seeing the two of Lin En come in, he hurriedly turned around to get the bowls and chopsticks.

Lin En introduced the two of them to each other. Although the eldest lady had a cold face most of the time, it was rare to hear Hua Ling follow Lin En "born to death" several times.

Hua Ling blushed when she heard Lynn's introduction to "death to death" with her.

She herself didn't do much to help her this trip. The tired Lynn saved her life several times, and when she encountered a bandit, she helped him dig a hole to bury someone who came.

But thinking that Lin En said this to make a good impression in front of his senior sister, he forcibly blushed and did not dare to speak!
After eating the dumplings in a harmonious atmosphere, the three sat around drinking tea and chatting. Hua Ling also brought out some dried fruit snacks.

The eldest lady looked at Lin En and asked: "You are only 12 years old after the new year, how did you trick Hua Ling into calling you big brother? I think she is also fifteen or sixteen years old!"

Lin En ignored Hua Ling's shocked face, and hurriedly said: "How can you say it's a lie, I am like this, tell others that I am 11 years old, they still think I am a liar!"

The eldest miss was right to think about it. She saw that Lynn was already half a head taller than her. She reached out and squeezed him and said, "I don't know what's going on with you. You are so impatient!"

"It's fine now, but according to your age, you still have to grow taller. How tall do you have to be to be considered tall!"

Lynn didn't speak anymore, he didn't know what to do in his heart, who knows what would happen if this physique was added, and if it really grew taller, it would indeed be a big trouble!

The eldest thought for a while and said, "I heard that you can control your body shape when you practice Dan Jin in Kung Fu, but that's an explosion of qi and blood to increase your body shape. If you do it the other way around, I don't know if it will be effective? I'll go back and ask my father. ."

Lin En asked, "How has Master been recently?"

The eldest lady sighed and said: "The young commander insisted on transferring troops into the pass. He has already transferred 30 of the 18 Northeast Army to the pass. What is his attitude? His tendency is gradually becoming clear. Many people persuaded his father to come with him, but his father did not agree."

"How did you find my place?"

The eldest lady glanced at him when she heard the words, "No brains, Fengjun is everywhere here, and there are not a few people who know you. Knowing that you are in Peiping, it is not very easy to find your place of residence!"

"You left a letter and disappeared, and after so long without a word, I thought you were abducted by someone!"

"Now I finally know the letter, but I can't say it back! If I don't come looking for it again, I'm afraid you will never return to the Gong family, right?"

Having said that, Lynn seems to be a swinger brother who is looking for flowers and asking Liu all day long and doesn't know how to go home!
Lynn smiled awkwardly, "Where is it, I just haven't finished things yet, haven't I! When I'm all right, I must go back!"

The eldest lady gave him a look, as if she hadn't heard him speak,

She has an airy personality, as long as people are okay, everything else is easy to say.

Turned around to chat with Hua Ling,

Hua Ling has been listening to the two of them chatting. At the beginning, she was shocked by Lin En's age. After listening to it, she felt that Lin En followed them away as if there was a hidden secret.
Also, I think these two have a great relationship!
Mr. Gong Er is amazing!
Several people drank tea and chatted until the bell rang and the new year came.

The next morning, a few people went out to catch the temple fair!

There were a lot of people at the temple fair, all kinds of people, crowding the streets.

All kinds of juggling, all kinds of snacks, Hua Ling can't eat anymore.

In addition to the Dongyue Temple and Dazhong Temple Fairs on the first day of the new year, there will be Longfu Temple, Earth Temple, Baita Temple, Huguo Temple and other places in the next few days.

No matter how hard life is on weekdays, people are willing to take their family out for a walk, have a look, and buy some snacks for their children.

Take a look at the "Chenghuang Tour" in Daxing City God Temple

Let's take a look at the removal of "ghosts" played by the Great Lama.

It's a pity that the senior sister couldn't stay for a long time. Before the fifteenth, they had to rush back to Fengtian. After the eighth day, a few people took the train back together!
(End of this chapter)

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