Chapter 56
After half a month, things here came to an end, and Lynn decided to go back as soon as possible.

This Shao Yankuan and his tail have not been cleaned up.

If his backer knew what was going on here, he would not know how he would react. He would have to scan it to feel at ease!
After learning that he was going back, Boss Du personally saw him off at the port,

"Master Lin, the journey is smooth. You can rest assured that business in Shanghai will be smooth sailing with me one day!"

Lin En cupped his hands and said, "Boss Xie Du took care of him." The two exchanged a few words, and he left Shopkeeper Sun to continue with the next thing.

With this Boss Du as a person, since the gift has been given, as long as he is still alive, the agreement of this mall project will not change!
Not only the shopping mall, but other businesses of the Gong family will be safe.

As for Sito, he didn't come to see him off at all.

This woman has always been emotionally unstable. She met several times, her attitude was the same every day, and her schizophrenia was the same!
Lynn felt that she might have to get used to her new identity for a while!
He did not return to Peiping, but went directly to Tianjin by sea.

Shao Yankuan's backer, Sun Fang, was not reconciled after defeating Lao Jiang, and defected to the young marshal with the remnants.

Later, when the young marshal changed his flag, he lived in seclusion in Tianjin in order to protect himself.

Lin En is here to meet the commander-in-chief of the five southeastern provinces who used to be all-powerful!
Lin En boarded the ship at Wusongkou in Shanghai, the whistle roared, the ship slowly left Wusongkou, headed to the sea, all the way north.

When he came to the first class cabin that Mr. Sun had reserved for him, the accommodation conditions were very good, not only with a heated swimming pool, but also with luxurious facilities such as a gym, bathroom, and sunbathing deck.

Lynn was the first to ride this coal-burning steamship, and after settling in, he hung out on the boat.

He is tall and burly, and he is full of high spirits, which is very different from the Chinese people of this era. Even on this ship with many foreigners, no one dared to give him a face, not to mention that he still holds the bronze medal of first class, wherever he goes. When encountering a crew member, someone gives way and salutes!

Lin En didn't pay any attention to it, and as a matter of course, those foreigners were even more respectful.

No matter how many years, these foreigners will always be the same.

Walking to a round table, he was attracted by a woman in a wheelchair.

The woman is not beautiful, and there is a hint of heroism between her eyebrows. Lynn always feels as if she has seen it somewhere, but she can't remember it for a while.

She must have been in the cabin for a long time because of her inconvenience, and a woman who looked like a maid behind her pushed her to the deck to breathe, and even this maid felt familiar!
The two of them came to a stop at the side of the ship.

The woman stared at the sea in the distance, not knowing what she was thinking, her face was full of sadness.

It may be that Lynn has been staring at them for a long time, the maid, turned around and glared at him fiercely!
Lynn reacted and touched his cheek embarrassedly, but he still stepped forward and said:

"Don't get me wrong, miss, I'm not a good person!"

The maid opened her eyes and looked at him with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Don't mess around, our wife's husband is the brigade commander of the National Army!"

Lynn reacted as if he had said something wrong~ Busily explained:

"I just saw that the lady looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it. I'm bothering you two."

He really felt that he had seen two people, if one person could be wrong.The probability of those two misunderstandings together is too low!

"We haven't seen you before, if you're chatting up, we're going to call someone!" How could the maid believe that this guy who opened his mouth was not a good person!Looking at him warily.

Lynn was helpless, and he really couldn't remember where he saw it, so he had to leave first.

Until the ship arrived at Tianjin Tanggu Port and disembarked, I couldn't think of it, so I had to give up first.

Take a walk in the largest port city in the north.

At this time, Tianjin was the largest commercial and trade center in the country.

There are many concessions in various countries. These concessions have brought oppression and humiliation to Tianjin, but they have also accelerated the development of Tianjin to a certain extent.

The Japanese Concession and the French Concession are extremely prosperous places.

Tianjin has clean roads, towering buildings, and architectural styles from the Ming Dynasty to modern times, from China to the West.Compatible with unique style!
Tianjin's marijuana flower, pancake fruit Lynn have all tasted, but he did not eat the famous meat buns, too expensive!

Afterwards, he planned to find a place to live. When he came to a hotel, he happened to meet the two women on the boat, but at this time there was a 50-year-old man beside them, who looked like a butler in a long robe and mandarin jacket.

When Lynn saw him, his mind was like a flash of lightning, and he suddenly remembered.

These people were Miss Shi's group who saved his life in the heavy snow outside Fengtian City when he just woke up!

He ran over happily.

"Miss Shi! We really haven't seen you for a long time! Do you still remember me?"

The lady in the wheelchair froze for a moment and did not speak, when the maid next to her shouted in a crisp voice:

"You bad guy, dare to follow, Steward Wang, grab him!"

Butler Wang hurriedly stood in front of Lin En, looked at Lin En nervously, and asked in a trembling voice:
"Who are you? What do you want to do?" No wonder he was nervous, it was just that Lynn was too oppressive!

He was a head taller than him, burly and strong, with broad shoulders and thick blades, standing in front of him like a wall.At this time, his eyes are still excited, and no matter how you look at it, it looks like a pervert!
Lin En restrained himself. His physical quality has far surpassed that of ordinary people. If he does not restrain himself, anyone standing by his side will be like a rabbit facing a tiger, and he will feel uneasy all the time. This is the natural sense of oppression brought about by different levels of life!

"Butler Wang, don't get me wrong, do you still remember me? In the 12th year of the Republic of China, in the heavy snow outside Fengtian City, a few rescued a child!"

Butler Wang was a little unresponsive. Did he really see it before?He has experienced so much in his life, and he is too old to remember.

On the other hand, Miss Shi, who was beside him, suddenly reacted and said, "But that little beggar who fell in the middle of the road?" Her tone was full of surprise.

"Yes, it's me!"

"Miss Shi! A few people saved my life by carrying me from the snow to the ruined temple! I never dared to forget." Lynn was very happy when she saw her thinking of herself,
These people were the first people he saw after waking up in this world, and he also saved himself at that time.

After he was rescued, in which ruined temple did he trigger the mission of Doomsday Gene. It can be said that most of his current strength came from Doomsday.

Moreover, the task has been completed for so many years, and there is still no prompt for the next step. He has long suspected that there is still some hidden task that has not been completed, which has caused him to be unable to open the next world.

To be able to meet this time is really eye-opening!
(End of this chapter)

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