Chapter 57

"I didn't expect that the little beggar who almost froze to death back then has grown so big now! You've changed too much!"

Miss Shi said with emotion, her voice was very light, as if it had no weight,
Lynn smiled and said, "It just looks a little impatient!"

I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart. Although I didn't have much contact with her back then, I could see that she was a kind-hearted and naive lady.

I don't know what I have experienced in these years, but I have become sentimental!

"What's the matter with you, miss? Please speak up, no matter what, as long as I, Lynn, can do it, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Lynn patted his chest and assured,
Miss Shi opened her mouth, but said hesitantly, "It's nothing, just come to Tianjin to cultivate for a while!"

Lynn saw that the young lady didn't say anything, and knew that they probably didn't trust him, and it was human nature.

Seeing the lady in a wheelchair, she asked:
"What's wrong, miss, how did you get into a wheelchair?"

"It's nothing, just have an operation, and it will take a while to recover!" Miss Shi was reluctant to say more.

On the contrary, the little maid next to her said straightly and quickly:
"Miss, this is just a foot repair surgery, in order to be able to take revenge!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Miss Shi and Butler Wang glared at her at the same time!Blame her for talking.

The little girl pouted!Aggrieved: "What's wrong! It was originally, how much suffering the miss has suffered over the years for revenge, but no one is willing to help, and now there are people who are willing to help, why can't you say?"

Miss Shi sighed helplessly and said, "It's not that I don't trust Brother Lin, it's just that the enemy has a lot of power and doesn't want to drag others down. Brother Lin's kindness is my heart!"

How could Lynn care about the strength of the enemy!

After repeated questioning, Miss Shi told the truth,

She was originally the daughter of General Shi of the Feng Dynasty, and when she met Lin En at the beginning of the year, she was going to reunite with her father.

It's just that people have not yet arrived, and they have received bad news.

His father was captured by Sun Fang, and after the head of the owl, his body was violently displayed to the public for three days!When Miss Shi heard the news, it was like the sky was falling.

Since then, he has been bent on revenge, and even married for it, so that his husband could avenge him.

In a fit of rage, Miss Shi decided to take revenge herself. For this purpose, she went to Shanghai to have a small foot liberation operation. She had not recovered yet.

For so many years, he has been determined to take revenge and has been displaced, and now only the old housekeeper and maid are still by his side.

After hearing this, Lin En admired Miss Yu Shi's persistence and lamented the coincidence of fate.

"Miss Shi, please rest assured, this is really God's will. I came to Tianjin this time to find this Sun Fang,"

"What are you doing to him, did he kill your father too?"


Lynn said helplessly:
"No, I should kill his father. After all, breaking people's wealth is like killing his parents!"

Immediately, he killed his money bag in Shanghai, and told a few people the purpose of coming to Tianjin this time.

After several people had the same purpose, they even got closer to each other.

Lynn said:

"That's it, Miss Shi first cultivates her body. She just had surgery and needs to recover."

"In this period of time, let's investigate, where is this Sun Chuanfang hiding!"

After they settled in the hotel, Lynn began to investigate the situation of this Sun Fang.

Such a big warlord, living in seclusion in a metropolis like Tianjin, should be difficult to find.

But he didn't expect him to say it was a seclusion. In fact, the living expenses are still extravagant, there are many servants, and there is even a guard to guard the official residence.

With so many people, there was no difficulty in investigating, and soon a document was placed in front of Miss Shi.

"This murderer is actually afraid of death? A guard is guarding his house. How can we find revenge on him?"

Miss Shi was a little anxious. She finally lost her enemy and found his whereabouts, but to assassinate him under the protection of so many troops is no doubt a dream!

Lin En said casually, "Actually, I'm pretty good, I can take you in, no matter how many people protect him, it's useless!"

"Bragging!" The little maid glanced at him.

Miss Shi comforted him and said, "Don't be impulsive, I'll think of a way, maybe I can find a chance for him to be singled out! If possible, I hope I can take revenge myself."

Lin En thought about it, and it's not impossible. Anyway, it's all about killing. It doesn't make any difference to him. It's okay to satisfy Miss Shi's wish to do it herself.
How can a person not be single?Find a chance!

No one thought that this opportunity would come so quickly!
Just a few days later, Butler Wang brought back good news.

"Miss, I heard it!" Butler Wang said excitedly
"Tell me now!"

Butler Wang stabilized his excitement and said:

"This butcher has now joined the Gushilin. Every Wednesday and Saturday, he must go to the Gushilin to listen to the scriptures."

"At that time, he would leave the guards outside, disguise himself in, and listen to the scriptures with all the believers."

After listening, Miss Shi said:

"This bloody butcher is obviously addicted to murder, but now he wants to take refuge in my Buddha? Will the Buddha want him?"

Lin En said, "What are you converting to? If it's true, why are you still trying to make a fortune and try to make a comeback? This is clearly to hide people's eyes and ears and reduce the vigilance of those who want to!"

"But it is indeed a good opportunity. As long as you bring a gun and sneak into the Buddhist hall in advance, you can start when he listens to the scriptures."

Miss Shi's eyes were slightly red at this time, and there were tears in her eyes!
"Cause and effect reincarnation, Buddha blesses, I finally have the opportunity to take revenge myself!"


A few days later, Miss Shi was able to walk around the ground, and then she couldn't wait to go to Kushilin to "repay her vow".

With Lin En's money, Miss Shi successfully joined the layman under the pseudonym "Dong Hui". She is extremely religious and must come every day!It was soon appreciated by the layman.

She had learned about Sun Fang's appearance and accent through various means before, and she didn't know how many times she had killed him in her heart, but after seeing it, she could still control herself with great perseverance and not act in a hurry.

But when everything is in order and there is no violation,
Miss Shi, the day of revenge has been chosen!

On Wednesday, November [-]th, the anniversary of her father's death.

Early this morning, she knelt before her father's spiritual seat.

Until Butler Wang stepped forward and persuaded:
"Miss, it's almost time!"

Miss Shi looked up at the spirit position,
"Father, wait a moment, my daughter will avenge you today!"

After saying that, "dong dong dong" knocked his head three times and got up to go out!

It was still early when Lin En brought Miss Shi to the Jushi Lin. The two entered the Buddhist hall early and sat cross-legged near the stove.

Numerous laymen came one after another, but only Sun Fang was not seen. Just when Miss Shi gradually became uneasy,
At ten o'clock, Sun Fang is here!
Do it in the center of the hall in front of everyone, with your back to everyone.

At [-]:[-], Master Fuming arrived and led everyone to close their eyes and recite the scriptures.

After 10 minutes, Ms. Shi got up and went to the spectator and said that she was too close to the stove, and the heat was unbearable, and she hoped that she could sit in a few rows in front.

After getting the promise, she walked quickly behind Sun Fang, quietly pulled out the Browning pistol from the placket, and aimed it at the back of Sun Fang's head.
I secretly said in my heart, "Father, please be careful!"

Just as she was about to pull the trigger, suddenly, a hand stretched out beside her and tightly grasped her gun-carrying hand.
At the same time, Sun Fang in the front row slowly turned her head and looked at Miss Shi with a gentle face.
"My niece, I can't wait, do you want to see your father?"

Miss Shi was shocked, but instead of looking at the enemy, she turned to look at the man who grabbed her hand.


"Steward Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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