Chapter 62 Across the Ocean
Some things just can't be avoided, especially when everyone thinks it's you.

Finally, after talking with Lin En, Mr. Gong came forward to appease everyone's emotions.

He stated that he could hold on for a few more years, and he would talk about his successor in three years.This "lively" situation just calmed down!
Just after fifteen, Lin En and the others ran back to Peiping.

No matter what, you can't delay the start of school, can you?

After Hua Ling and the eldest started school, Lynn also became clean.

As for the business, since the Shanghai event was over, everything went smoothly!
Now Gongjia and Lynn's stores have gone all the way to the south, and they have opened branches in many places, so there is nothing to worry about.

But when shopkeeper Sun came back, he accidentally brought back two acquaintances.

Lynn was stunned when he watched Partridge Whistle and Red Girl get out of the car.

"Brother Partridge Whistle! What's the matter?"

Lin En looked at the empty sleeves of Partridge Whistle, and felt sad in his heart. If such a heroic figure lost a hand, how could he go to find Zong Chenzhu?
Partridge whistle's face is calm, "I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes!"

"This time it was planted in Heishui City, Xixia. Although I lost a hand, I managed to come back with a life! It's a blessing from God."

Lin En was silent, I don't know how to comfort, the goal that a person has been fighting for in his life is no longer hopeful to achieve, can he really be so open-minded?
"Brother Lin doesn't need to feel sorry for me, this is also a good thing. My family has been looking for Zong Chenzhu for thousands of years. It's time for me to let it go!"

The partridge whistle took the red girl's hand and said:
"The curse of our family, the farther we leave our hometown, the later it will strike."

"Thanks to the red girl not to dislike it, we decided to move to the United States together!"

In addition to blessing, Lynn couldn't think of anything else to say, but fortunately there was "Kowloon Pill".It can still be done to preserve his normal life.

Hua Ling, who came back from school, cried bitterly while pulling the partridge whistle's empty sleeves.

"Senior brother! What's the matter? Why is this happening?"

But the partridge whistle was extremely happy, and the joy of seeing his relatives swept away the depression he had suffered for many days.

The only right hand left, stroking Hua Ling's black and shiny hair,
Seeing Hua Ling grow taller,

Fair skin, no traces of previous wind and rain,
And wear nice clothes to school,
It can be seen that Lynn takes good care of her,

Joy in my heart, I did nothing wrong, Hua Ling should have a better life, and I should really let go!

After the Partridge Whistle stayed in Peiping for a while, he boarded the steamship that went to the other side of the ocean with the Red Girl.

The following year, Hua Ling was praised by the professor of Beiman Girls' High School and recommended her to study in the United States.
"Brother Lin, should I go?"

Lin En saw that she was a little hesitant and asked, "Do you want to study Chinese medicine or Western medicine?"

"I want to study medicine in a different way to lift the curse of the clan. For thousands of years, our clan has sought countless famous doctors, including some famous Chinese doctors who have left their names in history, but they have never been successful. Is there any hope for me to continue studying? ?"

Hua Ling asked Lynn uncertainly, as if she wanted to get an answer from him.

Lin En smiled, "Don't you already have an idea? The curse of your family, since Chinese medicine has not found a way, you might as well try Western medicine. From the current medical point of view, you may be able to find something different from cytology and genetics. in conclusion."

Hua Ling lowered her head and said, "But I don't want to go,"

After speaking, he quietly raised his head, glanced at Lin En and said, "I... I'm afraid!"

Lin En couldn't help laughing, rubbed Hua Ling's head and said: "You are a big girl, and you have traveled all over the world since you were a child. Why are you still like a child going out for the first time?"

Hua Ling anxiously defended: "I'm not afraid of being alone, I'm afraid that after going out for a few years, Brother Lin doesn't even know me when I come back!"

"I'm not at ease if you want to go by yourself! I'll go with you, and I'll come back when you settle down there!"

"Besides, your senior brother is also there, don't be afraid of unfamiliar life!"

Only then did Hua Ling hesitate to nod and agree, still looking depressed.

Lynn was also reluctant to give up. He has other things to do this time, and it is indeed a good thing for Hua Ling to go out now.
The international situation is becoming more and more unstable. Since the Guizi Army has taken control of the Congress, the speed of increasing their troops and preparing for war has greatly accelerated!
In two years, the military has expanded fivefold, and the speed is still accelerating!

All factories are working overtime to manufacture guns, planes, tanks and other war equipment.

At the same time, the Kwantung Army, which originally existed in name only, was also increased from one division to three full divisions, and five divisions were also added in North Korea.
That is to say, the military pressure facing the Northeast alone has multiplied.

Moreover, the number of Guizi's warships is also increasing, and they have begun to provoke constant provocations along the coast.

At this time, it is actually a good choice for Hua Ling to go to study abroad.

Two months later, Lynn disembarked in Los Angeles with Hua Ling and found the partridge whistle and the red girl who had been waiting for a long time.

The two of them looked much better than they did a few months ago.

It seems that after leaving the domestic environment, the two of them did adapt well!

In addition to accompanying Hua Ling this time, Lynn has another important thing to do.
He commissioned Partridge Whistle to buy and lease a large amount of land in the United States, grow food, and acquire some pharmaceutical companies.
"What are you trying to do?" Partridge Whistle was a little puzzled. "You can buy food if you need it. Why buy land?"

"Of course I have to buy it, and I also have to buy the land, so I can't be stuck in the neck by others."

"The same is true for medicines. In addition to some emergency medicines on the battlefield, there are also the acquisition of some pharmaceutical factories, and even investment companies and ocean shipping companies, all of which are needed!"

The partridge whistle took a deep breath, what is this for?And the money needed for these things is not enough to fill a golden mountain!
Lynn also knows that his money is not enough, but these things are too important. It was in his plan from the beginning and he must do it.
As long as these things are done, countless people's lives can be saved from the wars and natural disasters destined in the future!

Otherwise, what would he do with so much money in the country?
These things are cumbersome and can't be done in a short time. Lynn left because he had been in the United States for more than a year.

When parting, the crying pear flower brought rain, grabbing Lynn's clothes and refusing to let go,
The partridge whistle pouted, why didn't I see you cry so hard when I came to the United States?
Lynn could only comfort him: "Didn't a Pan American company open a route two years ago? It's just a little more than a day to fly, which is faster than Fengtian. I can come to see you every Christmas."

At this time, most of the planes were transformed from military planes. They flew far and fast, but the comfort was extremely poor!It can turn people upside down in one day.

Lynn doesn't care about this, it's alright, he's not afraid of air accidents, and it's the most suitable choice to do planes.

As soon as I returned to Peiping, I received a telegram from the old man.

His old man was going to Foshan, Guangdong, to complete the last thing he wanted to accomplish before he retired, which was to integrate the north and the south of the martial arts.

In fact, the situation of Chinese martial arts has always been that the north is strong and the south is weak, and nine out of ten martial arts masters who can be named in the Republic of China are from the north.

In the past few years, he contributed to the spread of the Northern Fist to the South. Although there were some achievements, the Southern martial arts were always dissatisfied.

This time, I hope to select a representative in the south to promote the transmission of southern martial arts from the north, so as to fulfill the long-cherished wish of integrating the north and the south of the martial arts.

At that time, he can retire with peace of mind!

(End of this chapter)

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