Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 63 Howling is like a sword, a drop of rain becomes a soldier!

Chapter 63 Howling is like a sword, a drop of rain becomes a soldier!
It was a little late when Lynn knew the news. The old man has been out for more than ten days.
As soon as he returned to Peiping on the front foot, the young lady on the back foot came to the door with a group of people.

It is said that because the old man found a rich second-generation helper in the south, many people in the samurai club and the palace family were unwilling, so he asked the eldest lady to stop this "farce"

Just when Lynn came back, the eldest lady pulled Lynn and the two got on the southward train together.

This trip is a long way, and it takes about ten days by train.

So Lynn settled for the most comfortable box, away from the front of the car, so that there is less vibration, less noise, and less soot.

In the luxuriously decorated box, Lynn sat down with the eldest lady for tea.

"Why do you think my father went to the south to find someone to help him? How much face is this for them?"

The eldest lady also asked a little puzzled. She originally thought that because of her father's temper, she was going south this time to overwhelm the southern martial arts world and forcibly promote the integration of the north and the south of the martial arts. I didn't expect such news to come back!

The old man actually planned to let Nanquan spread to the north!Does the South have boxing?

Lin En asked the eldest young lady, "Then what do you think Master should do?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows and said domineeringly, "Of course, they were convinced!"

Lynn sighed, looking at the eldest lady like she was looking at a child!

"In 1929, that is, in the 18th year of the Republic of China, Mr. Ren Chao founded the Guangdong-Guangzhou National Art Museum and invited the master to go south. Then there was the matter of five tigers going south of the Yangtze River. What happened?"

The eldest lady frowned and did not speak, and Lynn continued:

"As a result, two months later, the Guangdong-Guangzhou National Art Museum was disbanded, and the northern martial arts masters went south to spread their arts.

In fact, you don't need to think about it to know that it's because the southern martial artists are unwilling!

From their point of view, if you from the north come to me to open a restaurant and accept apprentices, you are here to slap your face and grab a job. How could they be willing?
Therefore, with all kinds of overt and covert targeting and exclusion, strong dragons do not overwhelm the local snakes, plus the situation dictates that "five tigers descending to the south of the Yangtze River" ended without a hitch.

"So, Master has changed his method this time. Instead of using force to force pressure, he must first let go of fame and then implement fusion to reduce resistance, and it is most likely to succeed!"

After Lynn finished speaking, seeing the eldest lady still frowning, without turning around, she shook her head,

He, a senior sister, grew up watching her master compete in martial arts. In her heart, the old man would never lose. It wasn't that she didn't understand, but she didn't want to believe that her undefeated father would lose.

So when this possibility appeared, I hurriedly pulled Lynn over.

"Do you know the person who helped my father?" the eldest asked.

"It seems to be called, Pederi Ye is rich."

"When I meet the old man in Foshan, I will go to meet this person."


It is rainy in Guangzhou this season.

Lynn and the eldest got off the train when it happened to be raining heavily.

Fuxing had already rented a rickshaw and waited outside the station.

The two took a rickshaw to the Gonghe Building, where the old man lived.

Intensive raindrops hit the rickshaw's tarpaulin, crackling.

Lynn closed his eyes, the torrential rain kept falling on the ground, on the eaves, and even on people's bodies.

The vibrations of these images through the beat of rain, if a string of ripples are collected by Lynn, a clear image will be formed in his mind!

"Senior sister, aren't you worried that Master's reputation will be damaged?" Lin En said suddenly to the eldest lady in the same car.

"What's the matter? Do you have a solution?" the eldest asked suspiciously

"We can convince them first, and then let the master help, so who would dare to gossip about the master?"

"Who are you hitting?"

"Don't look for it, they're already here!" Lin En said as soon as he finished speaking.
The rickshaw had stopped, and a large group of people poured out from the alley next to it. They closed the iron gate at the street intersection, and once the big iron chain was worn, it was locked with a click.

"Jingwu will block the road! This road is blocked!"

These four or fifty people, each of them strong and full of energy, stood in front of the iron gate, staring at Lin En and the others with piercing eyes, the hostility was obvious!

"So many bright masters? They are really willing!"

"Senior sister, you sit, it's raining so hard, it's not convenient for you to do it, I'll make the way."

The eldest lady nodded and said, "Go ahead, don't kill people yet!"

Lynn nodded, got up and got off the rickshaw, walking towards the crowd step by step.

Every step you take, your qi and blood will rise by a point, and under the pounding of energy, the joints of your whole body will explode.
At night, it looks like a hill!
Loose clothes also bulge out clear outlines, and through the clothes, you can feel the muscles like cast iron, which must contain amazing explosive power!

Without a word of nonsense, before reaching the crowd, Lynn waved and punched!
This punch is like thunder on a sunny day!Boom!
Huge fists roll up the hurricane,
The air was squeezed into viscous air waves, forming a white air hood in front of Lynn's fist.

The torrential rain was under his boxing, and the raindrops seemed to incarnate into cannonballs, with huge potential energy, slamming into everyone in the way!

The current four or five people seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer, spraying blood and flying upside down!

Behind a few windows in the distance, several people in the house seemed to have been immobilized by someone, their eyes widened and they remained motionless!
The booming sound continued, and three seconds later, the 34 people in front of the iron gate had all fallen to the ground and vomited blood, life or death unknown.

Lynn walked slowly past the fallen people, walked to the iron gate, opened his mouth and spit,
A white line spurted out of his mouth, with a scalp-numbing shriek, passing over the chain.

The iron chain with the thick arm, as if cut by a chainsaw, was divided into two sections, and it fell to the ground!
Lynn stretched out his hand and gently pushed on the iron door, which slowly swayed back to its original position.

He glanced at the distance and returned to the car.

After walking back and forth in the heavy rain, there was not even a drop of rain on Lynn's body!The clothes were all dry.

The eldest lady looked at him like she was looking at some kind of monster, and when he got back into the car, she stretched out her hand and twisted him, and said angrily, "When did you become so strong? Don't tell me!"

"It's been more than a year, and it's not a big deal. It just took a nap. I'm ashamed to say it." Lin En smiled lightly, as if this matter was really not worth mentioning.

The eldest miss knows him so well that she gave him a sideways look

"show off!"

In the rickshaw, Shi Shiran ran farther and farther.

The few people behind the window suddenly woke up. The look of Lynn before walking made them seem like they had fallen into the ice cellar in summer, with goosebumps all over their bodies.
It was not until Lynn walked away that their skin loosened and they were sweating wetly!

He was panting heavily, and after a while, a voice sounded in the room.

"Who's swooning, tempting temptation? Are you still trying?"

"The roar is like a sword, a drop of rain turns into a soldier, this person's kung fu has become a fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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